Author Topic: New laws coming  (Read 4551 times)

Offline Moobzie

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Evolver's post w/ the religious bra humor is great!

Regarding: "Regarding new laws as per the thread title, I'd be more worried about laws currently protecting LGBTQI+ folk that might be revoked."
I don't know of any such laws that might be revoked - except for some new laws protecting XX humans from XY discrimination and rape, and unfair physical advantages in sports.  Unfair as in allowing cross dressers to compete as females and convicted rapist suddenly claiming to be women and going into women's prisons and raping again, and obvious males in dresses loudly demanding that others refer to them by their preferred pronouns or suffer physical assault.  Even though there are not - statistically - many such incidents, they get a lot of attention / publicity.
These kinds of things are what cause 'backlash'.

Offline Justagirl💃

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 convicted rapist suddenly claiming to be women and going into women's prisons and raping again
Touching on this, in my teens I was sent to a "summer camp" for about 6 months due to truancies and poor grades. One side of the camp was divided off for girls bunkers with the boys on the opposite side. 

It was not a fun place to be as we all found out quickly. 

Showers were mandatory, and they had group shower rooms in each bunker. I was of course forced to shower with the guys. All hell broke loose when I showered because of my boobs, hips, and lack of a penis. They had a staff meeting right away and I was moved out of the boys bunker to the girls bunker, but my bed was placed right next to the bunker supervisor. My showering from that point on was to be done alone after everyone else had showered. This arrangement continued during my stay at camp. 

Arrangements were made to work around an intersex individual, as they should be. 

Now living in Texas, special arrangements are not as easy to find. I attend a medical day-centre that provides care after suffering some strokes. The Texas version of "there are only two genders" constantly thrown in my face. This facility owns 5 all-gender restrooms and 2 gender specific restrooms. 
Up until several months ago I was required to use the men's room even though it was causing a commotion. The agencies resolve were that I cut my hair and go back to bib overalls to hide my F cup breasts. Basically hide myself in the woodwork, and use the bathroom stalls. 

I never asked to use the women's room, but simply asked to use one if the all-gender restrooms that mostly remain locked. They fought me for years on my request. 

I have finally obtained the right to use the all-genders, I don't have to cut my hair, but I must attend the centre in androgynous attire to "avoid confusion" (even dressed androgynous people assume me to be female). 

I am constantly on the verge of being thrown out of the program simply because of the way I was born. There are only "two genders", and my condition is a "deformity and not a variation" according to management.

The two gender mentality just doesn't fit a certain percentage of the population!

New laws are on the horizon here in Texas that will make my bathroom use rather difficult. It would be a misdemeanor to use anything other than the men's room if the all gender is not available. I obviously do not fit in the men's room, and not for any hormone treatments that I have taken or any surgeries. Simply because of the way I was born.

When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline Evolver

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Regarding: "Regarding new laws as per the thread title, I'd be more worried about laws currently protecting LGBTQI+ folk that might be revoked."
I don't know of any such laws that might be revoked
In that case, you'd better get on your bike and educate yourself!  Take your blinkers off, man!

"The Project 2025 manifesto advocates the removal of anti-discrimination policies that protect the LGBTQ+ community. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), this means removing all federal regulations and rules prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Specifically, Project 2025 aims to limit the application of a Supreme Court ruling protecting people from workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and transgender status.

The plan also calls for the reversal of policies allowing transgender people to serve in the military. And it advocates blocking gender-affirming medical care for transgender people in federal health care programs, such as Medicare."

How could Donald Trump target the LGBTQ+ community? Project 2025 is a ready blueprint for discrimination

Offline Evolver

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- except for some new laws protecting XX humans from XY discrimination and rape, and unfair physical advantages in sports.  Unfair as in allowing cross dressers to compete as females and convicted rapist suddenly claiming to be women and going into women's prisons and raping again, and obvious males in dresses loudly demanding that others refer to them by their preferred pronouns or suffer physical assault.  Even though there are not - statistically - many such incidents, they get a lot of attention / publicity.
I'd like to see the data behind such incidents vs. other stuff that is ignored which is actually more harmful.

Offline taxmapper

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If this was 10 years ago, the argument was based on race and the "Hands up dont shoot" argument. 
20 years ago it was global Warming

30 years ago it was the economy

40 years ago it was the Red Scare.  

These things come and go and I believe that a goodly portion of it is mis-direction and smoke and mirrors. 

Unfortunately the political base is typically uninformed and wholly lacking in a thorough education. This cuts on both sides of the isle. 

I am not as concerned over 'loosing right" nor over any "Agenda" prose, but more akin to the illogic of those who subscribe to the notion that it is a problem. 

Were still in a time (and will continue for a long time int he future) where checkmarks and "sides" still run the day. 

We haven't returned to a balance.  

Offline gotgyne

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convicted rapist suddenly claiming to be women and going into women's prisons and raping again
Touching on this, in my teens I was sent to a "summer camp" for about 6 months due to truancies and poor grades. One side of the camp was divided off for girls bunkers with the boys on the opposite side.

It was not a fun place to be as we all found out quickly.

Showers were mandatory, and they had group shower rooms in each bunker. I was of course forced to shower with the guys. All hell broke loose when I showered because of my boobs, hips, and lack of a penis. They had a staff meeting right away and I was moved out of the boys bunker to the girls bunker, but my bed was placed right next to the bunker supervisor. My showering from that point on was to be done alone after everyone else had showered. This arrangement continued during my stay at camp.

Arrangements were made to work around an intersex individual, as they should be.

Now living in Texas, special arrangements are not as easy to find. I attend a medical day-centre that provides care after suffering some strokes. The Texas version of "there are only two genders" constantly thrown in my face. This facility owns 5 all-gender restrooms and 2 gender specific restrooms.
Up until several months ago I was required to use the men's room even though it was causing a commotion. The agencies resolve were that I cut my hair and go back to bib overalls to hide my F cup breasts. Basically hide myself in the woodwork, and use the bathroom stalls.

I never asked to use the women's room, but simply asked to use one if the all-gender restrooms that mostly remain locked. They fought me for years on my request.

I have finally obtained the right to use the all-genders, I don't have to cut my hair, but I must attend the centre in androgynous attire to "avoid confusion" (even dressed androgynous people assume me to be female).

I am constantly on the verge of being thrown out of the program simply because of the way I was born. There are only "two genders", and my condition is a "deformity and not a variation" according to management.

The two gender mentality just doesn't fit a certain percentage of the population!

New laws are on the horizon here in Texas that will make my bathroom use rather difficult. It would be a misdemeanor to use anything other than the men's room if the all gender is not available. I obviously do not fit in the men's room, and not for any hormone treatments that I have taken or any surgeries. Simply because of the way I was born.
But since they already have 5(!) all-gender restrooms they should let you use them. And is their rule to wear androgynous attire not a clear discrimination? What about a lawsuit with the help of LGBT organizations?

If this is not working, there remains always the possibility to move to a blue state.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline Traveler

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Not a fan of the “both sides” argument. As if they’re equally balanced. While very little in life is black and white, the shades of grey are numerous. Being honest about a subject requires self reflection about your own bias and where you get that bias.

Offline Justagirl💃

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convicted rapist suddenly claiming to be women and going into women's prisons and raping again
Touching on this, in my teens I was sent to a "summer camp" for about 6 months due to truancies and poor grades. One side of the camp was divided off for girls bunkers with the boys on the opposite side.

It was not a fun place to be as we all found out quickly.

Showers were mandatory, and they had group shower rooms in each bunker. I was of course forced to shower with the guys. All hell broke loose when I showered because of my boobs, hips, and lack of a penis. They had a staff meeting right away and I was moved out of the boys bunker to the girls bunker, but my bed was placed right next to the bunker supervisor. My showering from that point on was to be done alone after everyone else had showered. This arrangement continued during my stay at camp.

Arrangements were made to work around an intersex individual, as they should be.

Now living in Texas, special arrangements are not as easy to find. I attend a medical day-centre that provides care after suffering some strokes. The Texas version of "there are only two genders" constantly thrown in my face. This facility owns 5 all-gender restrooms and 2 gender specific restrooms.
Up until several months ago I was required to use the men's room even though it was causing a commotion. The agencies resolve were that I cut my hair and go back to bib overalls to hide my F cup breasts. Basically hide myself in the woodwork, and use the bathroom stalls.

I never asked to use the women's room, but simply asked to use one if the all-gender restrooms that mostly remain locked. They fought me for years on my request.

I have finally obtained the right to use the all-genders, I don't have to cut my hair, but I must attend the centre in androgynous attire to "avoid confusion" (even dressed androgynous people assume me to be female).

I am constantly on the verge of being thrown out of the program simply because of the way I was born. There are only "two genders", and my condition is a "deformity and not a variation" according to management.

The two gender mentality just doesn't fit a certain percentage of the population!

New laws are on the horizon here in Texas that will make my bathroom use rather difficult. It would be a misdemeanor to use anything other than the men's room if the all gender is not available. I obviously do not fit in the men's room, and not for any hormone treatments that I have taken or any surgeries. Simply because of the way I was born.
But since they already have 5(!) all-gender restrooms they should let you use them. And is their rule to wear androgynous attire not a clear discrimination? What about a lawsuit with the help of LGBT organizations?

If this is not working, there remains always the possibility to move to a blue state.
My intention is to move to rural Oregon, and that should resolve most of my problems I experience in Texas and upcoming new laws. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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My intention is to move to rural Oregon, and that should resolve most of my problems I experience in Texas and upcoming new laws.
You just want to make sure there is a Torrid shop nearby.  I'm not sure you'll find that in rural Oregon.  And don't forget, when you head East of the Cascade Mountains you're going to find a great many people who think folks in Idaho and Texas have the right idea...  There is a secession movement in Eastern Oregon with folks trying to become part of Idaho.  Best to stay on the West side of the mountains...  Take exquisite care of yourself Birdie.

Offline Moobzie

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From Evolver / 12-00:
"I'd like to see the data behind such incidents vs. other stuff that is ignored which is actually more harmful."
From Evolver / 12-09:
"In that case, you'd better get on your bike and educate yourself!  Take your blinkers off, man!"
There are several such cases of male rape convicts being placed in female prisons in the UK recently.
The internet has plenty of videos of C-D screeching bullies demanding people refer to them by their 'chosen' pronouns.
Search: 'Riley Gaines' (her championship swimming record stolen by Mr. Lia Thomas), and female soccer players physically injured by males pretending to be female, olympian female boxers eliminated from competing for their gold medals by men pretending to be female.
And the armed forces are for preventing war, and for winning wars that politicians didn't prevent.  Transsexual 'treatment' is not only not necessary for that, it actually detracts from the military's mission.

Offline Evolver

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You are perfectly entitled to your opinions Moobzie and I will defend your right to express them until the day I die. It's just a shame that they are rarely based on fact!

Yes, you will always be able to find evidence of wrongdoers who happen to be transgender. I'm broad minded - I don't deny that they exist. And yes, those stories do attract attention - especially from transphobes. I'm still waiting for actual data that proves that the incidence of a transgender person meting out severe violence against a cisgender person is more prevalent than a transgender person being met with severe violence by a cisgender person. Good luck with that.

An example of where you are wrong is your claim about "olympian female boxers eliminated from competing for their gold medals by men pretending to be female." You were referring to Imane Khelif from Algeria, no doubt, who went on to win gold. Sorry/not sorry to tell you, but Khelif was actually born female. The whole circus about her gender eligibility has been debunked over and over, but never let the truth get in the way of a good story, particularly one that suits your narrative, eh?

I laughed hard at your latest swing at Lia Thomas. If she has an unfair advantage due to her transition, why doesn't she win every competition that she competes in? We have previously discussed her. Her most newsworthy win, a certain 500m event in 2022 in a Covid depleted field, was 15 seconds slower than before she began to transition. And I did look up the Riley Gaines/Lia Thomas event as you suggested and discovered that they tied for 5th. Thomas swam 1.5 seconds slower than her PB for that event and 2 seconds behind the winner. Gaines later said that she is fully supportive of Thomas' transition.
Riley Gaines: "I Left There With No Trophy" After Tie With Lia Thomas

Back to what I said previously, which you ignored. And back to the topic of this thread. You said that you weren't aware of any moves to remove protections for LGBTQIA+ folk in real life and I provided evidence that there is. I would like to get your feedback on that.

Offline Traveler

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Good job there Evolver! I’ve been hinting at Moob that maybe he should check himself, but the self righteous rarely look in the mirror. There are FAR more instances of misconduct by the clergy and law enforcement and far more attacks, even death, of the LGBTQ+ community. 

Offline Parity

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  I have found that the talk of what may be is often different from what is and what will be.  I tend to not get worked up on the what if rather deal with the here and now.  I'm a champion for the rights of all people to be who they are.  Who they feel they are.  Who am I to judge?  That said, I will be a voice in my way for the rights of everyone. I'm not going to take a political or religious sides  Those that know me know both and know my heart.  I will never push that on anyone.  My desire is for others to see me and say,  what makes him different.  I like him and what he stands for.  He sees me. 

  I will adjust and deal with what ever changes come and let my opinions come through in polite conversations without judgement.
That's all anyone can do. 

 Just a simple man being me.


Offline Moobzie

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Sad to see typical 'liberal' style here - ad hominem rather than focussing on facts.
Fact: nothing I've posted here denigrates any classes of people.
Fact: the Algerian boxer has a Y chromosome and thus physical advantages over non-Y persons
Fact: teachers are far and away the largest number of sexual predators / molesters
Fact: Lia Thomas is male.  Calling him a "she" doesn't change that fact.
Fact: more and more real females are objecting to and standing against males pretending to be females in   sports (checkout the current lawsuit against SJSU)
Fact: alphabetarians are just as capable of committing crimes as sexually normal humans are.
Fact: individuals, corporations, and governments have been demanding that everyone refer to the alphabet people by whatever those people say, and punishing us who refuse to give up our right to speak truthfully

Offline Traveler

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Thank you for making my point.
You should look up “Per Capita.”
Why do you use the word “liberal” like it’s derogatory? 
If you designate sex by being born with a penis or vagina, why do you care about any other factor?
There are other places to air your political crap. Keep it off this site


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