Author Topic: rip off?  (Read 1621 times)

Offline goaliesuperstar

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Ok guys, I have a minor case of gyne along with puffy nipples. I am 18 and have had this since I was 12, my doctor told me it will never go away, so I immediately took action. I originally wanted to take an appointment with an endo, but I needed a referral, so I got an appointment with a plastic surgeon for the gyne procedure.

The price he gave me was 3100 CDN (all included) and he said that lipo would probably be enough, if not, he would perform the excision. He also charged me for 2 hours at the private clinic. The Quebec government does not cover this procedure, but I wonder if 1400 for only the lipo and the possibility of an excision is really worth it for such a minor case? (Not that i want an excision!)

In addition, he said that he only performed this surgery once before on someone else who had a much more severe case and that the man was happy without showing any before or after pictures. But he is an expert on breast removal and reduction surgeries for women (his office was in a woman's health center!)

Has anyone been charged for lipo and the POSSIBILITY of an excision?

Anyways he gave me a referral to an endo, hopefully I will just get a prescription for raloxifene or novaldex and not need to get surgery at all.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2005, 05:37:59 PM by goaliesuperstar »

Offline Paa_Paw

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Perhaps the Endo can give you a referral to another Surgeon for a second opinion.  It would be wise in any case to see if you can find someone with more experience in the type of surgery that you want.  One happy customer is not what anyone would call an extensive successful history.

Good Luck!
Grandpa Dan

Offline phantom

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If you want bananas, then a monkey will be happy to sell you some.  If you want cheese, go see a mouse.  If you want some kind of chest reduction... you get the picture!

Any kind of corrective or cosmetic surgery is a big decision.  You need to find out as much about gynaecomastia and you own personal situation before you make any big decisions.

Before deciding to have surgery myself I went to see three different surgeons to get different opinions.  I also got an opinion from my personal trainer and my family doctor and an endocrinologist.  The last three guys ARE NOT plastic surgeons and so were able to give me objective opinions (they are not monkeys and have no interest in bananas!).  They all agreed that there was a case to answer to for gynaecomastia.  It was only after that that I sought the opinions of the plastic surgeons (the monkeys that sell bananas!)

The first surgeon I saw had done a few male chest reductions, but specialised in female breast augmentation and reduction - had no before and after pictures for me.  The second, who seemed more qualified just did not feel right -I don't know why but I listened to my gut instincts.

Tomorrow I am going to see another PS that has a large caseload of male chest reduction and has been highly recommended in the UK for this kind of surgery.

Each time I had to pay for the consultation.  But as I have said, this is a huge decision and I have to make sure it's the right guy that's going to do the job for me.

Hope that helps.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Phantom, I like your response.

The ultimate responsibility for a successful outcome lies not with the surgeon, but with the patient.  

Do your homework well.  Be as informed as you can be. get several opinions. It is not likely that any surgeon will guarantee the outcome of surgery because there are simply too many variables.

Your expectations regarding the surgical outcome must be entirely realistic......  Only then you can safely expect some degree of success.

Good Luck.


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