Author Topic: Do I have it?  (Read 1985 times)

Offline sdsurfer

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I'm 30 years old, 6 ft tall, 195 lbs.  I've been working out hard since March of this year and although I am definitely stronger I still have a bunch of fat on my chest and stomach.  I've always seem to have fat on my chest even when much thinner than I am now.  Does it look like I have gyne from these pics?  Is there a way to tell for sure without going to the doc?

Offline phantom

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Hello sdsufer

I could say you have a mild case, I could say I can't tell.  The point is even you are not sure!  All the plumbing to be a girl is put in place in all boys in foetal development.  Statistics vary, but it is estimated that around 50% of men could be diagnosed with some degree of gynaecomastia.  If this condition was something that needed treating like an ingrowing toenail, then half the male population would be lining up for male chest reduction!

Does what you have bother you to the extent that you think it is having a detrimental effect on your life?  If I say you have gynaecomastia, how or what would you do about it?  If I say  you look all clear to me, would you click off this website and carry on with your life knowing that actually nothing is 'wrong' with you?

The point is, if you are genuinely concerned about your appearance, then go seek professional advice who can either put your mind at rest or give you further information or leads as to where to go next.

Best wishes.

Offline sdsurfer

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I guess based on the feedback here, if it sounded like I have it then I would go see a doctor.  If people were to say that I could burn it ALL off by working and doing cardio then I would continue doing what I'm doing in the gym.  I think I do have it.  I know it's not as bad as some people have had it but it does effect my life in a negative way.

Offline phantom

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"but it does effect my life in a negative way. "

Then that is all that matters, how it affects you.  And if it effects you to an extent that it makes you behave in a way that is detrimental (such as always wearing certain kinds of clothes in order to hide what you perceive to be a problem) then that is, in my book, grounds in which to seek a medical opinion. ;)


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