Author Topic: Quick question about drains  (Read 2460 times)

Offline cantchooseaname

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Quick question!  I have a slight case of puffy nipples and absolutley hate it.  I have no lump so i think it is just tissue or whatnot, but I would probably have the glands removed anyway just to be certain.  Anyway, would drains be necessary for me considering that my case is very slight, or does everyone recieve drains after the surgery?  All help is appreciated.  Thanks.

Offline Allan7865

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I havent went for surgery yet, but I suspect evreyone gets them - even if its just a precaution.

Offline faust

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It varies from surgeon to surgeon and case to case;  I did not have drains for my procedure.  You would have to discuss this with a PS during consultation to get a definitive answer.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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It varies from surgeon to surgeon and case to case;  I did not have drains for my procedure.  You would have to discuss this with a PS during consultation to get a definitive answer.

Ditto...  ;)

BTW 'cantchooseaname', your handle is awesome..... Me likes!  ;D

« Last Edit: January 03, 2006, 09:17:50 AM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Houstonian

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from what i've gathered Bermant (Richmond, VA) usually doesn't use them, and Delgado (San Francisco, CA) uusally does use them

those are 2 of the most respected surgeons so as you can see it varies


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Quick question!  I have a slight case of puffy nipples and absolutley hate it.  I have no lump so i think it is just tissue or whatnot, but I would probably have the glands removed anyway just to be certain.  Anyway, would drains be necessary for me considering that my case is very slight, or does everyone recieve drains after the surgery?  All help is appreciated.  Thanks.

Drains can be an important tool for surgery.  However, I prefer techniquies that maximize comfort and minimize the need for drains.  Drains can mean more discomfort, a separate scar, and can be a source of infection.  It is very uncommon for my male chest sculpture patients to need a drain.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline cantchooseaname

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Thank you everyone for all your replies.  It was all very helpful.

I've taken the first step and gone to see and endo and am waiting for my results.  If he tells me that there is nothing he can do, I am going to take the leap and get surgery (hopefully without the drains ;D)

Offline Preds

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If your PS wants to use them don't sweat it.  It was not that bad just uncomfortable.  When they came out ,,,it was not too bad after pre medicating with Percocet.  lol.  Mine however were inserted through same hole as lipo was done so I was fortunate not to have an extra scar.  Either way, don't let it keep you from getting surgery.  Life is great so far!
Post surgery
Got my shirt off right now!!!!! lol

Offline cantchooseaname

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Thanks Preds.  I honestly feel better after reading your post.  My case is pretty mild so I would have to assume that the drains would probably not be necessary.  My gyno isnt a big deal, however it really bothers me mentally.  So far, I have my mind set to surgery and getting it fixed so maybe I can actually feel comfortable this summer.


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