Author Topic: whey protein  (Read 5719 times)

Offline tonysoprano

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I am wanting to put on a bunch of muscle this year.
I am gonna start lifting weights and eating heaps of protein. but Im also pescatarian(vege that eats fish only), so I am looking at taking whey protein shakes or supplements daily ...

Is this a good move for building muscle?

and are there any contra-indications relating to gyne developing from whey protein?

... and the saga continues

Offline Bakajin

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whey protein has no connection to gyno at all.  there is some suggestion that soy based protein supplements can cause an increase in estrogen levels but this has yet to be proven conclusively and has no relation to other protein types.  Some people believe that cows milk (which is often mixed with the shakes) can lead to gyno.  However  I think this is simply due to milk being high in calories and people who are drinking a large amount (as I used to) just getting fat from it (eg breasts from fat not from gland).

if you are just beginning weight training then its unlikely you'll need too much extra protein anyway.  When you are a beginner its better to focus on and get used to your training first before worrying about small details like supplements.  too many people try to do everything at once and end up burning themselves out and quiting within a couple of months.  It is possible to get sufficient protein from just regular stuff like tuna, samon, eggs and milk.  I'm not a particularly small or weak guy (bw 200#, bench 350, deadlift 500) and the only time I ever really use protein supplements myself is when i'm either cutting weight for grappling compeitions (and thus can't eat enough meat) or when I'm in a dedicated heavy lifting phase.

Offline tonysoprano

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THANKS for the aDvice man..
I'll hold off on the whey till Ive started to build some muscle

Offline Houstonian

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naw man, use the whey.

you should always get protein in your system within a hour of your workouts, this helps rebuild your muscles after tearing them up with the weights. whey is one of the best post-workout sources of protein there is, its quick and easy and it gets to your muscles rapidly.

Offline KryptoKnight

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Solid foods are always much better than protein powders.  Try getting two sources of fish into your diet.  Maybe tuna and salmon or some other good fish.

Offline bignipCT

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ON is the way ta go trust me

Offline colinosmar

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Solid food is great, but trying to get 1 gram per pound of lean body mass of protein through solid food and keep your calories down while maintaining a balanced diet can get difficult. Whey supplements are a great solution to this problem as they have a great calorie to protein ratio.  Whey powder is derived from the process of making milk or cheese, cant remember which, so it is a real food not something made in a pharmacy.  Do not be afriad of whey, and use it as much as you want, however when buying it make sure you check out the nutritional information.  Because say you want to lose bodyfat, and accidently get Mammoth protein, at roughly 1000 calories per serving, itll make fat loss a much more extigent task then it need be.  However you can find plenty of whey protein out there around 125 calories per 23 grams of protein, which is fine.  


Offline Netking03

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remember....protein is your friend. dont be afraid to take in as much as you can. when  you want a snack in between meals, eat a protein bar, there not cheap, but anymore what is. i eat 3-5 meals a day, no sugar, some carbs, and supplement myself with whey. i drink GNC whey protein at 25 g per serving (8 ounce) and i when i drink it, i drink 16 ounces, with 2% milk which gives me about 65 grams per serving. i drink it before i leave for work, after lunch, and after i get done my workout at night. i am 5'9" 225 and take in between 220 to as many as 350 g per day....and it truely does help. just remember, protein isn't sterroids, your not going to become charles atlas overnight. just keep taking the whey, working out, and it will come.

Offline Bakajin

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the level of protein needed for ideal weight gain had been debated for quite a while.  However the need for extreme levels of protein (eg 1 gram per pound of BW) is yet to be proven.  For basic health 0.8 grams per KILO of BW is recommended However higher level of protein have proven to help muscle gains.  Various studies have shown the gains tend to peak at around 1.2 - 1.6 grams per KILO of bodyweight for most people.  higher protein intake levels (such as the 1.0 - 1.5 grams per pound of BW as repeated in many bodybuilding magazines) has yet to be proven as having any extra benefit.  a lot of confusing has arisen because the studies use kilograms but people fail to translate the ratios to pounds.

of course taking 1 gram per pound won't hurt you.  everyones ideal protein intake differs slightly and consuming a higher level will guarantee you are getting enough.  However people shouldn't feel they are missing out by not going overboard with supplements.  Since my post above (in Jan) I've added about 10-15 pounds of muscle (and i'm lifting a lot more) yet my daily intake is still only around 100-150 grams a day.

One final thing to note is your body can only process a certain amount of protein at one time.  I don't have the figures on me but its somewhere around 30-40 grams for most people in one sitting, the rest is wasted.  Therefore a lot of guys may actually be intaking a lot less protein than they think.

Offline Nukem18

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I bodybuild myself, Its going to be a bit different in the foods you eat since you eat fish only... But find a good multivitamin and YES take whey protein take 1 to 2 grams per a pound of lean body mass (DRINK LOTS OF WATER), Creatine is what you don't need to take until you build up muscle, It just fills your muscles with water so if you don't have any you wont look bulk :)  Start on a good workout cycle to just dont go crazy this is a good program here: Might want to check into it. Good luck and stay dedicated :)
« Last Edit: March 05, 2006, 11:26:57 PM by Nukem18 »


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