I must say a lot of what you have had to say greatly concerns me, I mean in regard to your situation.
If you had low testosterone, your doctor should have investigated the cause, he should have asked "why does this man have low testosterone?”
He should have dynamically tested your HPTA Hypothalamic-Pituitary Testicular-Axis and you should have had a scan of the pituitary.
In doing this a cause for the low testosterone could have been found/elucidated.
As it stands I am assuming that a cause of the low testosterone has not been investigated or found?
That is the first part of my concern.
The second is that you were put on androgel without full investigations and then taken off of it.
If you have low testosterone and you are put on any form of TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) it WILL suppress your own testosterone production.
On NO account will it EVER lead to an increase in your bodies own production of testosterone. This does NOT happen and NEVER will happen with ANYONE- EVER!
It is simply NOT how the body/endocrine system works!
For this reason I find it very difficult to believe that your testosterone level would spontaneously increase, certainly Androgel could NOT cause this.
If testosterone was lowered by medication(s) that you have subsequently come off, that could account for a subsequent increase in testosterone, other than that well it could make sense if you were still going through puberty but other than that it is a very unlikely event.
If neither of the above fits the bill and even if the medication possibly fits the bill, I would STRONGLY suggest having this re-tested to ensure no mistake has been made.
Putting a grown man on TRT and then withdrawing it could only have increased your gynecomastia. In fact it is the perfect recipe for increasing gynecomastia in any man.
I say this because when TRT was withdrawn your own bodies (endogenous) production of testosterone would have been heavily suppressed by the external (exogenous) TRT, with GnRH and LH being very low.
However because you were previously on TRT your estradiol would have increased with Androgel. This is detailed by the pharmaceutical company that distributes Androgel in Europe (Schering).
Upon removal of TRT you would have been left for a period of around three weeks with very low testosterone (much lower than prior to TRT) and elevated estradiol.
I would not be surprised if during the first three weeks of coming off TRT if you didn’t suffer from any of the following;
Lowered libido
Erection difficulties
Joint/back pain
Low mood
Poor concentration
If you did not all I can say is you are very fortunate.
The last of my concerns is that your doctor has told you the percentage of gland and the percentage of fat that makes up your gynecomastia.
According to top surgeons the only way they know whether gynecomastia is gland or fat is when they have it in their hand having cut it out. This is because some gland can appear like fat being diffuse and intertwined with fat and some fat can appear as gland.
If you ask Dr Bermant about this he will confirm what I have said.
Given many of the things your doctor has said and done I would seriously doubt there competency and would wonder if they specialize in these issues at all (very doubtful).
I apologize for having to say all of this, I know it is something you that you would rather not have heard. Truth be told I would rather not have had to say it and have=ing done so fear that you may shoot the messenger
But I said it because I would feel worse not telling you the truth about it and you suffering in any way as a result.
I hope you can get in touch with a good endocrinologist who specializes in reproductive endocrinology and they can asses your situation properly.
If you need help obtaining the details of a good doctor I can help you with that if you want.
If you want to be left alone and not discuss this any further I understand.
The best outcome from my perspective would be if you got your health checked out by an expert and you thought I was a pain in the ass because it showed nothing was the matter…….rather that than anything like gynecomastia-recurrence however remote.