Author Topic: Gynecomastia has ruined my life !!  (Read 7011 times)

Offline fantasy5player

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Ok maybe not ruined my life but I have missed out on so much , I am miserable every day , I constantly think about my condition and it feels me with great pain.

Please I don't know what to do anymore , Ever since I could remember This problem has been haunting me , I don't know what to do anymore.  I have not taken my shirt off in public ever since I was a little kid.  I am so embarassed by this.  Please see my pictures

For 3 years now I have been using electrical tape every day .  I have tape marks , my chest is all red and I'm afraid I'm going to get cancer one of these days from the tape.  This is a risk I'm willing to take because I am so embarassed.

Picture of me from the front

Picture of me from the side

Right side picture of tape burn

Left side of tape burn

What are my help options? I can not afford to see a doctor , I can not afford to have surgery.

Please email me !! Or reply

Offline ruinedlifenew

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Seriously. Your gyno isn't that bad. Mine is worse and all I do is just wear a vest and T-shirt under my officewear. You certainly don't need surgery, IMO.

Disagree.  That's a pretty noticable case.

fantasy5, until you can find another solution (weight loss may help) or are able to afford surgery, check out this thread -->;action=display;num=1137214906

It has to do with the "Underworks Gynecomastia shirts".  They really seem to be a great temporary solution.  Check out the links, reviews and photos.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2006, 03:08:59 PM by ruinedlifenew »

Offline babble

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It's not that disproportionate at all.  The contour of your chest does not look 'feminine' like a lot of cases.  IMO you don't really look any different from alot of guys I know who just have a bit of weight on, and don't actually have gyne.  

That being said...

Ultimately you're the judge of this.  If it is really bothering you, look into optoins.  You won't have to win the Fantasy 5 to get this operation.   I'm canadian, and didn't have to pay for my PS.  That's not very common, and I had to persue that for some time, but there are ways.  There are alot of Canadian PS's who have good rates, you should look into that, and make the time to put the money aside.  It can be done, but it will take dedicatoin.

Good luck my man, I wish you all the best.

Offline ACTIONpack

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If I was you, I would first try to loss some weight. After you loss 10 to 20lbs, you can get a better idea, how bad your gynecomastia. I seen other people gynecomastia and your is not as bad. I think it's more of a overweight problem, but I can be wrong.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Fantasy has come here for support.

PLEASE remember that guys and either help him out or don't post!


It sounds as though you have had a very tough time dealing with the issue.  I certainly don't think using that tape can be helping much either, it must hurt a fair bit and make you even more miserable thinking you have to use it.

ruinedlife was pointing you in the direction of underworks, a company that makes shirts specifically for men with gynecomastia.  Some of their shirts do a very good job of hiding the gynecomastia and I think you would definitely benefit from one.

I think ruinedlife bought a few and rated which ones he thought were most helpful- I am sure he will help you get one that makes life a lot easier.

If you get one that works for you, you could then buy a few of them.

Once that helps you to deal with the day to day you could consider weight loss to see if that makes much of a difference.  It might help a little bit.

If the gynecomastia remains no matter how much weight is lost.  This happened to me and happens to quite a few guys then you can consider what you want to do long term.

You can either;

A) Live with it with the help of the shirts
B) If in the UK try and get surgery on the NHS
C) If in the US or elsewhere try and save money and get surgery

But whatever you do it might be an idea to get an appointment with an endocrinologist, just so he can check you out and make sure you don't have any underlying problem that has caused the gynecomastia (some people have underlying health issues that cause gynecomastia) .  To get such an appoitment you can go and speak with your general doctor and make the request or I could try and get you the details of such a doctor.

I hope that helps.....your first port of call is ruinedlife- he'll help you with which shirt to buy.

Offline kev

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Excellent suggestions Hypo - good luck Fantasy!
Bilateral Excision April 1994; Revision September 1999.

Offline jc71

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Agree with ruinedlife and billyboy - get an underworks vest.  

WARNING: I've found they run very small, so make sure you get one big enough.  You're a pretty big guy.  

Offline fantasy5player

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Thank you for all your suggestions and support.  I have ordered the 993 and even paid for rush delivery. I ordered the 44-48 I hope this is big enough.

I will keep checking this message to see if there are any new ideas.

Thank you  everyone !

Offline ram02

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hey wassap. im 19, new to the forums and have gynecomastia as well. It really eats at you eh. I absolutely hate having it. It has robbed me of my youth, im 19 now, but when i waas younger i wouldnt really play sports or anything because they were noticable in shirts and i was afraid people would notice.

Get the surgery man, but untill then iv read on here that there are special vests you can get to hide them. I made a thread and am looking for them, so if u see my thread and sum1 posts about where to purchase then, i suggest you do the same as me.

tc, peace

Offline Paa_Paw

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Hypo gave the best response and it is worth re-reading.

Please do not use tape. it can leave you with scars that will make things even worse.
Grandpa Dan


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