Author Topic: gland vs. fat  (Read 3291 times)

Offline soccerplaya

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is fat gynecomastia real? I dont think it is because you can actually control it by working out more.

Offline cantchooseaname

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From what I understand, it is not always necessarily fat.  Somtimes it is actual breast tissue in which working out will not help.  Im sure someone else will come by soon and correct me if I am wrong.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 09:07:29 PM by cantchooseaname »

Offline Paa_Paw

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The answer depends on how you define Gynecomastia.

One common definition is: any enlargement, feminization or contouring of the male breast.

Obviously when such a general definition is used you could call any enlargement of the breast Gynecomastia.

Usually, the enlargement is both fatty tissue and glandular tissue. Rarely is it exclusively one or the other.

If a person is generally obese, weight loss might have a significant effect on breast size.  The key word is might.

The breast area seems to be one of the first places many young men deposit fat and one of the last places where they can lose it.  Weight loss even to a dangerous extent sometimes has little or no effect on the breast size.

Likewise, exercise has little effect if any. And the steroids often used by body builders are a common element in many cases of Gynecomastia.

While Gynecomastia is not usually harmful in any physical way, It can be an important symptom of several serious medical problems so it is always wise to ask your Doctor.

The effects of Gynecomastia are upon the self image and attitude of the young man who has the condition. These are not physical problems but Psychological issues. And Yes, The problems can be severe.  They are essentially the same whether the breasts are mostly fatty, mostly glandular, or both. Many people, on these grounds, do not differentiate between the various types.

Surgeries performed to excise glandular tissue only or Liposuction for fat removal only have a relatively high rate of dissatisfaction.  A wiser choice would seem to be trusting the Surgeon to exercise their own judgement as the procedure progresses. Obviously this would be more expensive, But the satisfaction rate is also much higher.

Many young men simply adapt and get on with their lives. In fact, the men of my generation had no choice since the surgery to reduce men's breasts is comparatively new.

Good luck!
Grandpa Dan

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Brilliant post Paw Paw.

Offline soccerplaya

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I think the key factor is if someone is in shape or not.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I think the key factor is if someone is in shape or not.

The development of glandular gynecomastia has virtually nothing to do with weight and pseudogynecomastia can often only be shifted if the individual reduces weight to the point of malnutrition.

This is because some people put weight on in the chest area far more readily than others and there is no way to spot reduce/localize fat loss.

This is why you will see people of all varying shapes and sizes with or without gynecomastia.

Most people who are enormously overweight will always have some degree of pseudogynecomastia.  Reduction of weight in such people can reduce the offending tissue.

But that is where people are grossely overweight.

Apart from athletes and very fit people most people will usually have some reduction in gynecomastia from weight loss. But in that situation "some" is the operative word as such weight loss unless the individual was enormously overweight is highly unlikely to resolve the issue.

Of course another way to put all that is;

Your statement is wrong!!!

But then again we all are at some point or other.  If you read more about the condition though you will see that being in shape by and large is simply not the issue.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2006, 09:03:43 AM by Hypo-is-here »


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