Author Topic: Gyne or loose skin due to weight loss??  (Read 4226 times)

Offline Grimbold

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Alright, so here's the deal.  Three years ago, I was 20 years old and 330 lbs.  I had huge breasts.  Now, I'm 23 and 180 lbs. in the pics below.  Obviously, I still look like crap.  But when I went to my doctor, he said that a lot of what looks like fat around the chest and stomach is really just excess skin that has not tightened up.  When I asked him if I had gyne, he said definitely not, just loose skin.  Does anyone else agree with that assessment?  I'm not really sure what to think.

I'm going to continue to work my way down to 160 lbs., but that's as low as I'm willing to go.  But even now at 180, I don't look like a normal 180 pounder.  I imagine I will need surgery at some point, but right now I'm trying to figure out what kind I should be researching.

Thanks for the help.

Offline nycteen

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I think I have the same boxers as you. Are those Banana Republic?

Offline Bakajin

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Your doctor is most likely correct.   He would be in the best position to judge due to the physical examination but your pictures alone seem to indicate that you have a lot of loose skin.  Loose skin is a common side effect for people who have lost extreme amounts of weight.   50 pounds would count as a big weight loss let alone the 150 you've lost so far.

despite your appearance there is a good chance that you are already not particularly overweight, if at all.  if you your skin was 'tighter' you would probably look completely normal.  some people's skin does tighten back up naturally given enough time, especially if the skin wasn't stretched much.  However most serious cases require surgery.  The operations you might like to look into are; "male mastopexy" (breast lift) and the "tummy tuck".  Lots of good information about this topic can be found on Doctor Bermant's website at;

a consulation with an experienced plastic surgeon is probably the best course of action to decide whether surgery, and what type of operation would be best for you.


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Alright, so here's the deal.  Three years ago, I was 20 years old and 330 lbs.  I had huge breasts.  Now, I'm 23 and 180 lbs. in the pics below.  Obviously, I still look like crap.  But when I went to my doctor, he said that a lot of what looks like fat around the chest and stomach is really just excess skin that has not tightened up.  When I asked him if I had gyne, he said definitely not, just loose skin.  Does anyone else agree with that assessment?  I'm not really sure what to think.

I'm going to continue to work my way down to 160 lbs., but that's as low as I'm willing to go.  But even now at 180, I don't look like a normal 180 pounder.  I imagine I will need surgery at some point, but right now I'm trying to figure out what kind I should be researching.

Thanks for the help.

Congratulations on your weight loss.  Hanging male breasts shown in this view look feminine and I have seen many patients unhappy with their drooping chest tissues.

In every patient I have treated for male breast ptosis, there has been glandular tissue as a component of the problem.  Gynecomastia is defined as female like breasts in men.  Even by the strictest definition that some use, if there is gland, it is gynecomastia.  I prefer the definition that the shape of the tissue looks like a breast, it is gynecomastia.

After massive weight loss, excess skin can be a problem.  The extra skin can be around the stomach, thights, buttocks, chest, arms, and face. Body building can fill loose tissues with muscles to a degree for the chest, but not well in the stomach.  Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty and Body Lift Sculpture can help with the stomach and extending around the back. For men this can result in Male Chest Ptosis or drooping boobs.  The areola and nipples can be well below the pectoral muscles giving a strange look to the male chest, especially when flexed.  Loose skin can be difficult to show in photographs.  That why I evolved the bending over view to demonstrate problems that loose skin can cause.  Male Mastopexy Breast Lift can help but there is a trade off for the loose skin.  

Skin reduction scars can be a significant compromise best explored during a consultation.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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