Author Topic: What weight loss has done for me  (Read 18228 times)

Offline regulator98

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hey snugs, just wanted to ask you when you were trying to lose weight, did your breasts decrease at the same rate as your other body parts? because about two months ago i weighed about 159 lbs. i'm 5'4 or 5'5 by the way. asian here. now i weigh at 144 lbs. but everything seemed to get thinner except for my chest. how is that? thank you for your reply. it would be of great help..i'm just nervous the way, anyone who can help can reply not just snugs..thank you everyone..

Offline Allan7865

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IlluminaZero did you score with that chick or what?

Offline snugs

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Thanks for sharing your story dude, it's really an inspiration. I truly sympathise as well: In High School I went from 230 - 170 (I was 6 feet tall then), and a big part of my motivation was this one chick who was way out of my league.  ;)

I feel like I lossed my fire, that passion I had just a few years ago. Reading your story reminded me of my past success and drive... Next time I hit the gym I'll have your story in mind, if nothing else I will use some of your motivational strategies... (The Myspace one, though my pics will not come from Myspace.  :))

I love how honest you were with your motivation, for what motivated me as well was (and is in many ways) my self loathing and pride/vanity. Much of the reason I hate Gynecomastia so much is that it is a condition that I am seemingly powerless to alter through my own exertions.

Perhaps it is not so shameful a thing after all to openly work out for such supposed selfish reasons.

Thanks for sharing your story once again. It really made me reevaluate my present situation, and I am thankful for that.

I'm glad my thread was inspirational to you :)

99.999% of the people that are in the gym are there, at least in part, because they want to look better. Lying to myself about why I'm there isn't going to help, might as well be honest.
hey snugs, just wanted to ask you when you were trying to lose weight, did your breasts decrease at the same rate as your other body parts? because about two months ago i weighed about 159 lbs. i'm 5'4 or 5'5 by the way. asian here. now i weigh at 144 lbs. but everything seemed to get thinner except for my chest. how is that? thank you for your reply. it would be of great help..i'm just nervous the way, anyone who can help can reply not just snugs..thank you everyone..

Didn't realize my thread had been bumped :D

Looking at my monthly progress pics there was fat loss all over from very early on. However, the most noticable progress on my chest happened in the final few months, for sure.

Really everyone will be different. In general the male body will lose stomach and chest fat last, but that's only a very general guideline - again everyone is different.

Offline jaexoe

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Dude snugs, can you share the address of the myspace page  of that myspace girl who you thought was a 10/10 knockout?

Offline ocelot

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^LOL stalking people isn't good, get a random pornstar pic or something (my first post is this? wtf? lol)

Offline Tobester

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  • I Wanna Rock Your Body (To the Break of Dawn)

I'm pretty much in the same boat you were in a year ago and was wondering if you'd be willing to give me some specifics regarding your meal/work-out regimen.

As I type this, I'm currently 5'11 210lbs with very little muscle definition to speak of. I have access to a gym at school during the day and I was wondering what your average workout was like when you started (what routines you did, how many sets would you recommend, etc.) as well as specifics regarding your daily diet. Any information you'd give me would be greatly appreciated as I'm trying to figure out what foods to stay away from. I have plenty of time during the next 8 months and would like to shed these pounds and see where my gyne stands once and for all.


Offline boomheadshot

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I must say man you seem very dedicated. It's good to see that you've worked so hard to loose weight. You look much better from all the exercise! Keep up the good work man!

Offline boomheadshot

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I must say man you seem very dedicated. It's good to see that you've worked so hard to lose weight. You look much better from all the exercise! Keep up the good work man!

Offline boomheadshot

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sorry for the double post

Offline rockin813

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wholly crap man...u look great.

hope ur still reading this post.  im curious what ur diet included...what does ~2000 carlories include?...and ~180 grams of protein.  did  u do the shakes?

i hope to do the same.  i weigh 190 5'10 and 30 yo.  i think my stuff is mostly fat...but i need to burn it to find out!

We're all made up different...but can learn from one another...

Offline Carn

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How did you lose fat on your stomach with just lifting weights and no cardio excercises?

Offline currye8ter

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I'm fairly new to this website and I just want to say that your post is by far the most inspirational. I honestly believe that the transformed 'new you' is good enough to be claimed as a good body, and I would be very much inclined to have a chest as you do now rather than my current status. Honestly I don't think you should consider surgery as what you have achieved now is highly adequate (I'm sure you have done so lighting in the photos to help improve your image however).

I just wanted to say like you I've been hitting the weights pretty hard, and while I have since some improvement on my chest I can see now that weight loss is a strong contributer towards reshaping the chest. Your transformation has inspired me to begin a new diet/excersize regime and I thank you for it. Surgery is my last option and I've always thought weightloss would be wrong I was

Offline xoxoxoxo

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cool results buddy.. i must say that it inspire me.. Thanks for posting :)

Offline Squish33

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Similar story with me man. I lost 66 pounds, and now I am in similar shape to you. But my gyno has only really reduced in the 'fat area'. I still clearly have gyno present WHICH SUCKS. Because I have nice toned arms but my chest won't allow me to wear tank tops or still take off my shirt.

Offline xoxoxoxo

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Similar story with me man. I lost 66 pounds, and now I am in similar shape to you. But my gyno has only really reduced in the 'fat area'. I still clearly have gyno present WHICH SUCKS. Because I have nice toned arms but my chest won't allow me to wear tank tops or still take off my shirt.

we have the same situation. I have a nice arms but my chest sucks. And i couldn't even wear a light shirt.


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