I'm 31, pretty fit, Just over 11st and 5' 9" but yet had 400 cc out of one side and 300 cc out of the other side which I imagine is quite a bit put in that context
I first went to see someone about this five years ago but they didn't reassure me enough to make me want to go through with it. I then went to see a diff surgeon about two and a half years ago and again I wasn't convinced
Last year I then found this site, went to see Mr L and decided to take the plunge as he spoke a lot more frankly about the subject, and seemed a LOT more specialised in this field than the guys I spoke to before
You'll find that many on here seem to debate their degrees of satisfaction with his work, and as has been discussed, at the heart of this is probably what their expectations and hopes were in the first place. Any revision surgery that might be required is included in the intial fee so I guess thats some kind of safety net
I don't recall seeing anyone say they wished they'd never gone with him at all though, which must say something
I can't comment on the other surgeons though. The polish ones seem of interest though if cash is very tight (see threads from Mark Ashleigh)
I'm not even two weeks post-op yet but already much happier with shape etc but early days I guess so need to just see what happens
To be honest, the hard parts are making the decision to go for it ,and then waiting to have it done. Post-op brings a little discomfort but nothing you can't handle
I've had worse hangovers