Author Topic: Coupla issues...  (Read 2090 times)


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 Hello fellas,

I got a couple of questions, as I'm currently thinking about getting the surgery done in around a year's time:

1. I'm a fan of the way Levick does the procedure mainly becuase of the minimal and hidden scarring (the nipple being left untouched). I'm a bit worried though that, given the big bucks these surgeons tend to be on, he might retire before i get around to saving for the surgery!! without being rude, i wondered how old mr levick is, and if anyone knows when he's likely to stop taking patients?!?

2. This has been dealt with before, but i felt inadequately - - - what is the scope for playing contact sport after the op with mr lev? im a keen rugby man and also do some judo on the side...was anyone else in a similar position? how long did it take for your chest to feel totally normal again, at least enough to take some hard knocks?

'Preciate your time guys,

Offline orrible

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  • Previously stonecold... 9.11.05 Surgery Levick
1) Aint to sure but reckon he will be performing the procedure for a good while yet.

2) "what is the scope for playing contact sport after the op with mr lev?"

I dont think Mr Levick plays rugby or practises Judo!! Only kidding  ;D

You will probably have to give it a good few months. I dont play any sport like that, but am around three months and if i did reckon i could continue now. Maybe get the op in the off season?

Offline webster

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IMO Mr Levick has a couple of years in him yet....
but you could always phone to ask him if he has enough ££'s in the bank to quit!
Most people with money who could stop work don't, because for almost anybody who you are is what you do and there is nothing more boring than being a 'used to be....'   I think that applies double a surgeon with a rep.

How long after op for contact sports? Depends on how extensive the surgery but for judo I'd say 6 months +/-.
Rugby a bit less depending on ur position..
Hope that is of some help.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2006, 09:18:35 AM by webster »

Offline geg100

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i can answr the contact sports question.
i do boxing,muay thai,bjj,valetudo and submission wrestling.i trained back in to it at exactly 9 nov 05 had operation jan 05 started training again-obviously taking care but found after bout a week didnt really need to.


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