Author Topic: Where do you get this?  (Read 2221 times)

Offline deskjet444

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Where do you buy andractim? do u need a prescription and if so are there ways around it? i saw a link on google about the non prescription stuff sometimes being fake

Offline deskjet444

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why isnt anyone replying to this thread?

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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I second that man, you should really do your research and think about what you're getting into. I did intense research for about a month before I decided to order it. I ordered from All Saints and am very happy with the results that I've had over the last month. But you HAVE to keep in mind, it's a gamble. It's about $200 for 2 tubes and the PSA kit, and Andractim has been shown to provide some results for 3 out of 4 men, but only complete results for 1 out of 4. You should see an endocrinologist first to test your hormone levels. If they're imbalanced, there's a chance the gyne could come back even if you saw results. Good luck! - J.

Offline Paa_Paw

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It is a prescription drug.

It is a trans-dermal drug and fully capable of altering your hormonal balance.

It should be used only with competent Medical oversight.

People often get around the prescription controls by ordering Medications from states or countries with less stringent controls. This is unwise and it is actually possible to make your condition worse.

There are no over the counter medications which are both safe and effective.

Do it right and see your Doctor.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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It is a prescription drug.

It is a trans-dermal drug and fully capable of altering your hormonal balance.

It should be used only with competent Medical oversight.

People often get around the prescription controls by ordering Medications from states or countries with less stringent controls. This is unwise and it is actually possible to make your condition worse.

There are no over the counter medications which are both safe and effective.

Do it right and see your Doctor.

Paa_Paw, I completely and totally respect your opinion, and am very grateful that I've been born into a generation that has treatments available to our condition. I am in no way trying to undermine your input in this situation, these are merely opinions and our ultimate goal here is to help others like ourselves. However, I believe that if researched fully and properly used with meticulous care and understanding, Andractim can do what the research suggests: partially resolve the gland in 3 out of 4 cases and fully in 1 out of 4 cases. I FULLY agree that it SHOULD be used under the supervision of a medical expert, but as far as I know, that's only possible in the UK. If you're looking to COMPLETELY resolve your chest problem and get the nipple to lie PERFECTLY flat against your chest, then yes, you should get the surgery. However, I've been extremely happy with the results Andractim has given me thus far. There is NO promise that it will work for you, or that the tissue lost won't come back, I just thought I would offer some positive input on the subject. Take care bro, -J.

Offline Testing_Andractim

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I highly agree with what Sir_puffs said, this gel can work for some people.  I have seen stories where it didn't work at all, or even seemed to make the gland get bigger.  But talk to you doctor before you buy something this expensive ($200 USD).


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