Author Topic: Get A Second Opinion!!!!  (Read 2681 times)

Offline MDGyne81

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First, I have to say that this is my first time posting on this board, but I have been reading it for years and it has been a great source of information and the people here seem really supportive, so let me tell my story and give a little advice to those people considering surgery. I developed gynecomastia when I was about 12, which was really a product of being an overweight kid, but once I went through puberty the weight came off but the gynecomastia stayed. The doctor said it would most likely go away on its own but it didn't. So fast forward about 10 years and I decided to get surgery, which is when I found this site. It just so happened that one of the physicians that was highly recommended on this site wasn't that far from me, so I set up a consultation(summer of 2003). When I saw the doctor I was shocked at what I heard. He told me that I would not be a good candidate for surgery because my skin had a "chewing gum consistency" and I would have a problem with loose skin. He also told me that I may need a whole body lift some time down the road and that I only had 30% gynecomastia and 70% loose skin. I was totally floored because I had seen much worse cases of gynecomastia with great surgery results. This physician in particular had dealt with some pretty extreme cases, so I thought my mild case would be pretty simple. I also found this diagnosis odd because I am 6' and I only weigh about 180 lbs., so the whole body lift thing just didn't make sense to me at all. So discouraged I put the surgery on hold for a few years, and then I decided to get a second opinion from a local doctor about a month ago. When I went to him he said that I had a pretty mild case and that it would be no problem getting rid of the gynecomastia with liposuction. I had my surgery yesterday and let me tell you I couldn't be happier (liposuction only, $4,800 total price). It's less than 24 hours after surgery and my chest is totally flat, and contrary to what the first doctor said there is absolutely no loose skin, I have virtually no pain (only two pain pills right after surgery), no bruising, and very little swelling. Now I have no doubt about the qualifications of the first doctor I went to see. He does great work and I have heard nothing but overwhelming praise for him on this site, and you see I have not said the doctors name or location out of respect for his practice, but my question is why the dramatic difference in opinion? What did he see that the second physician didn't? If I had listened to the first doctor I would still be wearing multiple t-shirts and avoiding the pool and beach, but because I followed my gut I can get ready for my first summer enjoying the water in 10 years. Now I'm not saying go to a dozen surgeons looking for the one that gives you the answer you want to hear, but no matter how great you think a surgeon is, always get a second opinion. If something doesn't make sense to you, don't feel as if because you are dealing with someone with years of training, they are always correct. Also, don't feel as if you have to travel all the way across the country to find a good doctor. I initially went to another state, but the doctor who ended up preforming the surgery was only 45 minutes away from my home. Every major city has great surgeons, you just have to do your homework to find them. Well thats my little bit of advice. Always get a second opinion and if you have the means, don't wait forever to get the surgery. I'm only 24 and I wish I had gotten the surgery years ago. I'll include before and after pics in the near future.


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