Author Topic: New User NHS Question  (Read 3000 times)

Offline ruggedtoast

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Hello, Ive been lurkin around here for a while now - still pinning some hopes on losing weight as my problem seems to  
be fat deposits... , not that they re shifting but, well you know.

Any way what I wanted to ask is:

"Does anybody, even one single person have an NHS success story here?"

Ive been looking through these pages and find a lot of posts saying the NHS wouldnt help, the NHS helped and did more harm than good or that they are waiting to see a surgeon but nobody recommending NHS surgery.

I only ask because there is absolutely no chance that I will be able to afford the surgery  privately in anything  but the most distant future.

Having botched surgery would be a nightmare.

Offline AJP

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Hi mate.

I'm sure I've seen a post somewhere from someone who was happy with their NHS job.

I'm one of the guys who recommended against the NHS.

Put it this way, even if you did find a couple of good NHS stories, would that be enough for you? Knowing that the vast majority of NHS ops are not that good?

Try and raise the cash to go private.

Good luck.
Another happy Levick Lad.

Offline crusade

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sup ruggedtoast,

I had NHS surgery, and its only been like 3 weeks or so , and I think I can say that I am not too impressed with the results. I know its early days, but Im nearly positive not enough was taken out. Things are a lil better though, so i dont know whats gonna happen. at the moment im doin as much cardio, and taking flaxseed oil to see if that makes things better.

Id suggets that if u cant get the money get the NHS surgery, but be prepared to try alternative methoed as well to suplement it. like alot of exercise, or one of those gels that people put on their cheasts. or maybe even flaxseed oil too. they all make contribute to a change, but at the same time try and save , or take out a loan because private surgery MAY be the only way out.

Good luck with ur desision



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