Author Topic: POLAND My Friend just got back From Surgery  (Read 6804 times)

Offline markashleigh1979

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i was just, but i do think the check-out idea sounds pretty cool....Why can't we get the op at tesco's?
« Last Edit: March 21, 2006, 08:38:30 AM by markashleigh1979 »

Offline ace

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What do they do? Take the waste bin over to the scales after the op, cross reference it on some kind of charge sheet and ring it into the till by dragging your new boobs through the scanner?


LOL !!!
Cheers Phantom, Stonecold and Mark - for your responses. In having a laugh and being critical, we are still educating ourselves and other colelagues.


Offline markashleigh1979

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Have you emailed them yet for clarification ? ::)

Offline bigbob

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That consultation sounds similar to my experiance with them, when I asked for gland removal I kind of felt as though they were ganging up on me all telling me I only needed lipo. Then the female surgeon started talking about Mastectomy which I'm told is nothing like the male gland removal surgery. It was obviously just a language barrier thing but it did make me feel like running for the hills lol.

Other than talking me out of getting the gland removed I cant really fault them. The rooms are like a hotel and the food was pretty good, they even brought me cakes and snacks through out the day. I think you do need to make a big effort to understand the nurses otherwise you might come off as rude.

You do need something to read or watch because your pretty much in isolation for 2 days. Luckly I had my poratble DVD player and I downloaded about 10 new movies to keep me entertained.

Would be a lot better to have someone go with you, I'll be going again in about 2 and half months for a revision if anyone wants to go the same time.

Offline markashleigh1979

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I fly out on the 9th of next month, any takers  ;D.
I thought the service was excellent probably was just a language barrier...

Offline ace

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what I don't understand is that the clinic seems to dissuade every one from getting gland done and go for lipo only; only to then to the gland a couple of months later.
So why not do it in the same visit. It'll save us time and money. Or do they make up for it by the extra stay at the clinic next timef or two days at Eur 200 etc

Offline phantom

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I can't speak for medical ethics in Poland ace, but if that was the case in the UK, there would be a serious case to answer to.  The whole concept of male breast issues is relatively new and by far, much less widespread than say general liposuction on other body parts, usually on females or breast augmentation/mastectomy/reduction.

Even today in the UK (where I believe there is probably the highest standards of medical ethics) there is not much consensus over what is a standard or general protocol for male chest reduction procedures.  My surgeon goes with the school of thought that everything that can be done in one surgery should be done.  And the fact there is no charge for revision, there is no incentive to only carry out part of a procedure.

If it was suspected that private surgeons were only carrying out some of the work in the hope that the patient would need to return and pay for further work, then they'd find themselves in front of the ethics committee faster than you can say 'I need revision'!

I cannot comment on what goes on in Poland, but it's my guess that this clinic specialises in lipo only procedures and whilst the surgeon is capable of also doing excision, it is probably not what he is used to and probably thinks (in his experience) is not indicated to form a natural male chest contour.  This is very subjective.  This surgeon is not wrong, it's his style or method of practice.  However, we very often see less than satisfactory results on guys on this forum that have had lipo only when there has been significant glandular tissue present and have gone back for revision.

Treatment of gynaecomastia is probably one of the fastest growing corrective/cosmetic treatments in the UK at the moment.  Currently there are few experienced surgeons in this procedure and there is certainly no general consensus on 'good practice.'  I'd say it's going to be another five years or so before we see treatment of gynaecomastia being practiced as routinely as other treatments whereby surgeons practice in a more uniformed manor.

Until then, we continue to be the guinea pigs allowing our current surgeons to further improve their techniques for the next generation of guys seeking out this kind of surgery.

Until such times, more than ever, do your homework.  Make sure you agree what your surgeon intends to do with you well in advance.  Agree the full price in advance and agree what happens if expectations are not met and further work is needed.

Offline markashleigh1979

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Stonecold: How is yer mate looking?

Offline orrible

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Markashleigh: sorry aint been around, my friends a fairly big guy yes about 17 stone. However i dont think that was any factor.

Havent seen him to tell you the truth but he said things are coming along ok and the brusings going down.

Offline markashleigh1979

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Excellent, i hope he heals well & quick :) .

Offline markashleigh1979

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Stonecold:Have you convinced your Mate to pose for any topless shots ,yet?...ha ha ha.
Is he happy with result ? How is his healing progressing?

I can't wait to go back, especialy now with the sun starting to show its face  8) .

One more question stonecold ; I know i can't train for four weeks after the op....but what can i do in them four weeks to maintain the mass i have gained I don't want to go back to square you think a diet should be ok ? ...and leg work outs...?

Offline orrible

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Hey Mark

Probably not the best time to type this after ive just got back in from to many vodkas so excuse the typos.

I still havent seen my mate properly, altho i think its still unlikely i can ask him to pose for some snaps without him thinking im some sort of weirdo and  kicking my &ss,
i will ask though when i can promise.

Regarding what you can do when after gland excision, i recommend you just sit it out for 2-3 weeks and heal. Take the time off and enjoy it then hit the gym with avengence. Depending on what your gaols are, i suppose keep a reasonable diet and  maybe try some light cardio.

Hows the body fat loss going? i seem to have platued already at 13.5%. I havent been watching claories but have been strictky into no carbs late at night and pretty much living on a fish diet (no chickens as worried about bird flu). Getting definition but not achieveing goals.

Id say if your trying to bulk then just try and enjoy yourself for the few weeks or if trying to lose body fat reduce your calories accordingly. If you aint working out like normal reduce them by 500 to what you normally consume to keep on track and try to aim for low fat meals and limited carbs 6 hours before bed.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 03:58:11 PM by stonecold »

Offline markashleigh1979

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Stonecold: Cheers for that, i will go on a strict diet ( maybe a few crunches now and then) ...wait 3 wks and then hit the gym like a seasoned pro...proffessional not prostitute  :o .

Have you heard anything of Chestrockwell? I wonder how his healing is going and his t-shirt idea ( with the nipples cut out ) .


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