Author Topic: conquering gyno.  (Read 2091 times)

Offline nitrix17

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do you think it would make any difference if we started a fundraiser or something?  give scientist the money that they need to conquer it with a supplement, or something cheaper than surgeory.

Offline brownman

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theirs no way it'd be cheaper then a surjury that and theyd just withhold the cure and sell us a treatment :P GYNE NEEDLES imagine that once a month or they grow back!

Offline Texan

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Brown's right.

A cure such as that would take money away from them in the long run, so the medical industry wouldnt do it.
Man Boobs Gone In 3 Weeks.
Hopefully It All Works Out.

Offline Yoshi

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I'm not so certain that there can be a quick fix to gynecomastia such as a needle injection and if scientists really are spending millions of dollars researching this, I hope they stop immediately and start using those millions for cancer or AIDS research.

Offline brownman

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rumour has it their is a cure for aids....

i figure give it to bill gates will have a cure

No medical expertise of any country researches an aids cure, they research treatments afterall sick people = $ for life, cured people = $ for one time visit.

Offline IAmNotABody

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The is NO CURE for gyne, not surgery, not layers of clothing, not shame.  The only obstacle is the wish to attack oneself. AND THAT IS ALL.

So we have a perceived shortcoming for which we willingly attack ourselves. THAT is the problem. Our minds are habituated into rendering ourselves weak and frail. The only resolution to gyne or any other source of anguish is to rise to the level of mind--not brain and body--to UNLEARN the lessons of pain we have been dutifully taught.

How many with gyne can say it is not a problem to overcome through force of surgery, but a gift to receive from the Spirit World?

I can.

It has taken me over 5 years of almost daily introspection and confrontation of my inner turmoil to realize the power  of my mind's willingness to condemn me for what I perceive as flaw. Now, my mind still condemns for gyne; BUT the difference is that energy is redirected to respecting myself and empowering instead of disrespecting and disempowering myself. And THAT, my friends, is something not of this world, to stand powerfully in the face of something that formerly would have toppled me into a mire of shame and self-insult.


Take an inventory NOW of how many belittling thoughts occur over a period of 20 minutes. Then consider this is how we have been thinking for a very, very long time. No wonder turmoil sieges our minds and hearts.

I wish you all who still struggle with this 'problem' the absolute best of hope and comfort.

Thanks for reading.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2006, 02:29:47 AM by IAmNotABody »

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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Hahaha, dude, I'm swear I'm not busting on you  ;D I rather enjoyed the perspective. I agree, although probably on somewhat of a less "spiritual" level; in a nutshell, what you just said is what I've also learned the last two years, you gotta be comfortable with yourself, and like yourself. Think about it, if YOU don't even like yourself, how do you expect other people to? Kinda harsh, but that's the way it is. What you said about being kind to yourself is actually self-esteem, or confidence, they're all the same concepts. And basically, it's so simple:  confidence in yourself is the key to life, because IT'S YOUR LIFE. Everyone's got an opinion, but that's OK because it's THEIR lives. Bottom line, if other people don't like you for who you are, especially for something as stupid as a minor physical difference, then f*ck 'em  ;) (I don't mean it in an angry way I mean just forget about 'em) They're probably shallow and insecure about themselves, and taking it out on you; if they're friends or girlfriends, then it's probably time to get some new friends and a hotter girl. There are too many cool people out there to let the lame ones bring you down with 'em, just remember that. Adios amigos, and good point IAmNotABody; you're not religious are you?  ;D


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