Author Topic: Had surgery yesterday  (Read 6179 times)

Offline benm024

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Hi all,

You may remember me posting awhile back and saying I went in for my consultation.  Well, yesterday I had ultrasonic liposuction of the breast area.  Heres the rundown for ya:

I arrived at the hospital at 6:00am yesterday and a blood sample was taken and all my vitals were measured.  They then put me into a room and stuck me with an IV.  The first nurse missed the vain and it hurt so bad I almost passed out.  The good news here folks is that was the worst pain of the day.  Nurse number two came in and got the IV started in a matter of seconds.  Around 7:45 I was carted into the emergency room.  I was thinking they were going to make me count backwards from 10 and fall asleep.  The next thing I remember is waking up in recovery with a compression garment wrapped around my chest.  The doctor talked to my wife but I never saw him again that day.  Turns out he had an emergency he had to get to right away.

Anyway he told my wife everything went great and I have to wear this garmet for an entire week and not to remove it or get it wet in a shower.  I was up and out of there by 11:45am.

They gave me some pain pills to take which I have been but the pain is really not that bad.  Id say a 3 out of 10 with 10 being the worst pain ive had in my life.  I cant really tell swelling because of the garmet but my armpit area on my right side is really swelled up.  I hope that is normal and will go away because it looks pretty deformed right now.

Besides the weird swelling the the left of my right armpit everything looks pretty good so far.  The worst part of this is having to sleep on my back as I usually sleep on my stomach.

I hope this helps some of you.  The overall experience is great and I hope I can return to work on Monday.  If the pain subsides a little bit more I should be able to as I sit at a desk most of the day.  So if any of you have any questions or have insight into my mysterious swelling feel free to post here.  I will be checking back up and giving updates periodically.


Offline puck

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Hi mate
We are all thinking of you. Take care keep us  informed.
Best regards Puck.

Offline puck

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Hi mate
We are all thinking of you. Take care keep us  informed.
Best regards Puck.

Offline Arjun

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What kind of surgery was it? Lipo and breast tissue removal? Well whatever it may be I am very happy for you and do keep us posted and let us know how the new look is going :)
Arjun - Bilaterial Excision and Liposuction Surgery (May 22/02)
"Remember after surgery - The hard part is over - Be patient - It only gets better"

Offline benm024

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It was just lipo, no tissue removal per his advice.  He told me it was my choice but said I had very little actual breast tissue and if it was him he would just get the lipo.

I took a peek down my compression garmet for the first time a few hours ago and everything looks great.  If this all turns out looking great its going to be worth every penny.  (Which was just  under $4000 total cost... surgen, hospital, anathesioligist)

Also, its starting to itch alot, I guess that means its healing but it sure is uncomfortable.  The incisions are about 2 inches below my areola's.  He said that would be more practical and produce better results if he went at it at that angle instead of under the armpits or right on the nipple.  He's the chief surgon so im just gonna have  to trust that was the best decision.  Anyway he said the scarring would be unnoticable when everything heals.

Oh well, hang in there all, Ill keep ya updated.

Offline benm024

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10 Days Post Op...

Everythings looking great.  Went in last friday for checkup and doc says everything doing well and I could expect for them to even get a little bit smaller.  They are already great as far as im concerned.  I was a little worried about 5 days ago as my left breast seemed bigger than my right one.  I thought the doc messed up.  A few days later I found it was just swelling.  It soon went down and they are the same size.

I have not seen the incision area yet as there is tape over where the sutures are.  He says the sutures will disolve on their own and to just keep the tape on until it falls off by itself.

Heres another weird thing I dont know if any of you post op people have noticed.  Now that all the fats gone my breasts are rock hard, like its solid muscle underneath.  Its pretty cool actually because now if I get back on my workout program again I will have a rockhard stomach AND chest area.

Anyway, he told me to come see him again in four weeks and I should wear this stupid compression garmet until then.  I hate that thing but I may as well get my moneys worth :)


Offline NJ

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Hey Ben,
Congrats on getting the surgery mate, hope it all turns out great.
I was wondering where did you get the surgery? ( Ie. what country, state ).
My situation is similar to yours in that I have little fibroglandular tissue ( breast tissue ) and essentially all fatty tissue. However, I was told that ultrasonic liposuction was reserved for circumstances that required the removal of both glandular and fatty tissue?

Anyway, good luck mate, keep us posted.

Offline benm024

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Hey there NJ,

I had my surgury in St. Louis, Missouri. USA.  I was told that I recieved ultrasonic Lypo and I know they did lypo only.

Anyway, if you are in a situation similar to mine you might consider just having lypo.  It should be less expensive and less chance for scarring.  Now, a good doctor should be able to do tissue removal with minimal or no scarring if you heal well, and everybodys body reacts differently to surgery.  If your docs are recommending tissue removal I would definitly do that.  In my case just lypo was recommended due to the very low amounts of actual tissue.

Things are going great with me.  The chest area is still tender 11 days post op but Im told thats to be expected.

Anyway, Ill try to answer any questions any of you have.


Offline ukboy

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hi Ben

You say one of your breasts were bigger than the other and thought they had messed up. I had mine on Friday mate and thats what I'm thinking!

One side is still really big!

I am worried that all this pain and time off has been a waste of time!

Offline benm024

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Relax UKBoy

It took well over a week for my left side to shrink to the size of my right side.  I was extreamly worried about this also but everything turned out great.  My advice would be to just put that compression garmet on tight and dont remove it.  Dont even bother looking at yourself for a few days to give your body some time to heal.  Your going to be fine bud.

Offline ukboy

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i hope so

I've got a redress appointment on friday

I'll see what they say then

Offline ukboy

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My left breast is still massive :(((

Looks about the same size as it was before!

I think someone has messed up here.

I am so depressed. I've got a redress appointment tommorow and i'll hopefully get to speak to someone.

I cant believe that all this has happened and I will have to have it done again!

How can an operation this simple not go right????

Offline aux513s

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Any update ukboy? Did your left breast shrink or stay the same?

Offline hope1

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Remember it takes 3-12 months to to heal completely and to see final results !

Offline doddy

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Well, it's been 3 years now.


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