Author Topic: Puffy Nipples=Gyne  (Read 3702 times)

Offline GyneFree

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Hi all,

I am 3 weeks post op at the moment. I assume I still have some swelling to get over, because my restults are still not where I would like them to be. My PS said that if he were to take any more Gland out it would cause my chest to cave in, he aslo said that I had a realy bad case of gynecomastia espically on  my left chest He removed 9 grams of tissue from my right chest and 45 grams from my left chest. He said that he left enough around the aerola depending on the aerolas size. I had 2 questions,

1)Can all the gyne be removed, and is what my PS saying correct?

2)The other question I have is that are puffy nipples a sign that not enough gland was removed? Thank u for your support. Looking forward to your response.

By the way I dont have puffy nipples anymore after I had the surgery done. Q#2 is a general question which I can determine wheter or not he removed a good amount of Gland. Thanks Again!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2006, 12:11:05 PM by GyneFree »

Offline crow

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Hi all,

I am 3 weeks post op at the moment. I assume I still have some swelling to get over, because my restults are still not where I would like them to be. My PS said that if he were to take any more Gland out it would cause my chest to cave in, he aslo said that I had a realy bad case of gynecomastia espically on  my left chest He removed 9 grams of tissue from my right chest and 45 grams from my left chest. He said that he left enough around the aerola depending on the aerolas size. I had 2 questions,

1)Can all the gyne be removed, and is what my PS saying correct?

2)The other question I have is that are puffy nipples a sign that not enough gland was removed? Thank u for your support. Looking forward to your response.

By the way I dont have puffy nipples anymore after I had the surgery done. Q#2 is a general question which I can determine wheter or not he removed a good amount of Gland. Thanks Again!

Wel u think what your Ps says is correct but all the gland that caused your problem should be gone.............
So why do u have a prob when u say its gone?
This is a great site and all should be proud to take part........

Offline GyneFree

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Well, my problem is that my right chest looks good but my left chest looks uneven compared to my right chest. When I go and feel my left chest to check for Gland I still feel that their is more gland on my left chest then on my right possibly causing the unevenness. This was my main concern when I got the surgery done that both my right and left chest will look normal and not  continue to be asymatrical.

Offline crow

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Well, my problem is that my right chest looks good but my left chest looks uneven compared to my right chest. When I go and feel my left chest to check for Gland I still feel that their is more gland on my left chest then on my right possibly causing the unevenness. This was my main concern when I got the surgery done that both my right and left chest will look normal and not  continue to be asymatrical.

They should be the same if the Ps did the job right but they sane time is the big thing with them.........
« Last Edit: May 10, 2006, 08:53:07 AM by crow »

Offline GyneFree

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Its really starting to bother me. I feel Something like gland on my left chest's side. the side pose looks completely different on both. Mannnn im sooo frustrated :'(. I will see him in a couple of weeks, I guess I will just have to explain my grievances with my PS. Thanks 4 ur post Crow.

Offline crow

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Its really starting to bother me. I feel Something like gland on my left chest's side. the side pose looks completely different on both. Mannnn im sooo frustrated :'(. I will see him in a couple of weeks, I guess I will just have to explain my grievances with my PS. Thanks 4 ur post Crow.


But make sure u tell them how u feel as this should be done right...........

All the best 8)

Offline GyneFree

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well I recently spoke to my PS, and I am getting a revision. Its kind of a better sweet taste. I realy dont want to go throw the hole surgery thing again but I deserve to be happy with my results after the crave expense I paid. Turns out the PS only took from under the nipple and left gland on the corners around the nipple. Mannnnnnnnnnnnnn I wish it was done right the first time.

Offline hernandez13

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How long has it been since you had your 1st surgery?  It has been 1 month for me and I am worried that my left side is not quite right too.  Its hard to believe your doctor would even consider a revision after only 1 month if I am looking at your postings correctly.  Was yours very asymetrical?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2006, 01:30:45 PM by hernandez13 »

Offline crow

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well I recently spoke to my PS, and I am getting a revision. Its kind of a better sweet taste. I realy dont want to go throw the hole surgery thing again but I deserve to be happy with my results after the crave expense I paid. Turns out the PS only took from under the nipple and left gland on the corners around the nipple. Mannnnnnnnnnnnnn I wish it was done right the first time.

Sounds wrong and you should of had it done right ........


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