Author Topic: 18 year old w/ pics, what do you guys think?  (Read 4564 times)

Offline GyneIsACurse

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Hey Guys, I just found this website, and i'm ecstatic to find other people out there like myself who have to deal with, or have dealt with it!  I was VERY skinny and thin until the 5th grade, all of a sudden i put on weight and got pudgey, especially in the chest area.  Ever since then I've had this embarrassing large chest.  I am 5'11 and weigh 150lbs. I am actually very 'normal' all over, except for my chest.  I ran cross country(quite well btw, not just those typical slow runners) for 5 years, so I know that this is here to stay.  Even when i would run cross country my coach complained that i didnt swing my arms enough(because I figured the less movement the better ;))  at any rate, Im now a sophmore in college and its still a problem.  I have been so embarrased about it for ever, even during sex i'm always thinking about it.  I miss out on all the fun college stuff because of it too, not to say that i didn't put on a beer belly, ;-), but im not worried bout my belly at all, as that is mostly water weight that i could lose if i started running again.  I am, however, good at trying to hide it...most people dont think anything of it, until the shirt comes off.  One of my team-mates said i was fat when he saw my boobs and i will never forget that.  Anyways, sorry if i'm writing a lot, but its good to finally vent this out, as i havent really talked about it for the last 10 years!!  

so i uploaded a few pix i took today to this website, and you can just view my whole 'gallery' there. lol

i appreciate any comments/suggestions/yadda yadda yadda! thanks guys!!!
Woot WOot!

Offline tfox

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I have the EXACT same build man, I know what you mean. Im 18, 6'2" & 159, use to be SUPER skinny, got a little chubby, lost it all, and now have these almost "puffy" nipples. Its not fat around it, JUST the nipples.

Anyone have any ideas? I have been viewing the site for a while, and saw this guy who happened to have the exact type as me.


I've tried working it out... No dice, it just means you have Muscle + the nipples still... Right now Im on the thinning out idea.

Cut to the point where it has to go away.

Offline GyneIsACurse

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haha thanks...although its on my mind quite a lot now, i'm really interested in going to a few consultations, as I live in the DC metro area we're lucky to have a few popular docs here.  

i'm fairly sure its not just normal fat, otherwise it would have gone away when i started weight lifting and saw results everywhere else......

-slightly confused 18 yr old

Offline Allan7865

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Minor case, and the rest of your body looks good. I personally wouldent bother with a surgery if I were you. The outcome wont be enough to justify getting it.

Offline GyneIsACurse

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Hmm, i suppose im just more worried about it.  Ever since the 5th grade its been a huge huge problem for me, and still is.  I remember emotionally breaking down  because of it, and the whole self hate thing.  I dont want to have to 'hide' it anymore, i want to get rid of it and show of my teenage body....another thing that makes me want to get a surgery is that these are supposed to be my prime years of life, and how can i enjoy them when i have an unsightly chest....thanks for your input

Offline tfox

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Exactly man, we should be doing whatever we want, and not worrying about "how does this t-shirt fit" on me.

I know its not a huge case, but its been enough to annoy me and make me self concious since around 6th grade.

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
Dude you look fine. Just go the gym pack on some muscle, your nipples will settle down. Turn this into an
advantage, huge pecs with awesome nipples, you'll drive the girls or guys crazy. You're a cool dude you can
do this. Trust me. Going to the gym can only help. So do this.


Hi mate looking at your reply you are so full of sh1t you should be called "intestines".
what a complete and utter waste of my time reading your stupid lame replys.
Not everyone wants to spend ages in the gymn to end up looking like an ape and end up getting bigger moobs.
As soon as you stop training youll have bigger saggier and puffier moobs than ever.
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity


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