I'm sure everybody here thinks their life sucks because of gyno. Ive had it since 13 from either being overweight, smoking pot or taking anti-depressants. Maybe a combination of all of these.
I was on the anti depressants because basically i hated myself so much. I was really fat and I hated my friends, my family......I had had gyno, bad acne....life sucked.
I was really overweight (about 300 lbs) even though i always played sports. I just ate a hell of a lot. I always knew i would lose weight, and it took awhile to finally get started but i lost more than 100 lbs and it feels great. I feel so mentally strong like i can do anything i set my mind to.
However i have run into somewhat of a new depression. I look so good with a shirt on now......people want to see me without a shirt on but I just cant do it because of the gyno. At least when i was a fat slob nobody wanted to see me anyway right?
And theres stretch marks all over my body......i just feel like i did all that hard work for nothing because i still cant comfortably take my shirt off. All that work and nothing to show...
Everybody my age has girlfriends, but i cant say 1 word to a girl because i just dont want to get close. Because if i do eventually theyre going to want to see me and i just cant handle it. I feel so isolated......
Maybe the worst thing is that ive been boxing for awhile and want to get into the ring and compete but i cant comfortably do it at this point.
Basically, i need the surgery. But this idiot doctor is trying to tell me i dont need it because he has seen way worse. I know there has been way worse cases. But i cannot live with these big puffy nipples i just cant do it. Im going back to see that doctor soon and I think i have to really open up to him and tell him the truth of how this is killing my life.
I have a question.......anybody that has had surgery.......do you look the way you pictured yourself looking after the surgery? Ive seen some gross post surgery pics. I heard swelling can last up to like 6 months......darn i just dont have this kind of time. Ive only got a short amount of high school time left and i need to get laid before college. Its probbaly going to take forever to get a surgery date booked anyway..........my life is fucked as i know it. Sorry for the rant but i dont have anybody i can talk to about this stuff and i just needed to get this off my chest....ooooh what a pun.