Author Topic: U think u got Big breasts? I'm a 36C/D Cup  (Read 20811 times)

Offline rocketrob

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Different..... Ummm give your head a shake Masterlessman..... the dude or girls is on this site to show off the fact that he is a trans-testicle, cross dresser... whatever, either way this is not the site for him/her to be on... did u see the pics??????

Garbage at best!


Offline Worrier

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Worrier and Gruff:

I'd like to point out that I too am a 'fag' - your choice of word, not mine.  As it happens my sexuality is purely incidental to my being a part of this forum.

Whilst I can share in your distaste to ANY kind of sexual deviousness within this forum, I'd ask you to refrain from using derogatory terms of abuse that do in fact apply to myself as a gay man.

Let's not forget that this is a support forum for what can be a severely debilitating condition - often caused by name calling.  As you may be very aware, that are many guys that look to this forum for information and support, many of which are young, vulnerable and possibly have sexual issues to deal with on top of their gynaecomastia.  I'm sure that if I were ten or fifteen years younger and found this site, your choice of terminology would serve to do more harm than good.

Using such terminology in my opinion makes you no better than the kind of people that would point and taunt guys with breasts.  Please try to keep your prejudices off the public areas of the forum.

Phantom, Iam not prejudiced against  Gay men and to say Iam from a few internet posts I feel is out of order, we all come from different walks of life and what way of speaking which is unacceptable in your walk of life may be acceptable in mine

. You say you find the term faggot offensive fair enough , but some gay men may not. I used to know a Gay bloke who called himself a fag all the time. You will say that is his choice but at the end of the day if a gay bloke can call himself one why can't we? If I had used the term 'bloody gays or poofters'  in an earlier post would that have been acceptable to you? No I don't think so. What terms a Gay man finds acceptable seems to be quite individual.
       I admit it is awkward for you as a gay man to read some of this but it does not apply to you .Have you posted pics of your arse or worn womens clothing to get attention? No , Have you chatted up other men in posts? no. Have you posted porno pics ? no.

I fail to see what being Gay is to do with having gyno. I will not use the term faggot again as it offends you but a minority of people who puport to be Gay are winding things up on here .Is it asking too much for them to keep their urges off here?.I know for a fact not all gay people believe it is acceptable to act like this .I don't have a problem with Gay men as long as they leave my arse alone  ;)
« Last Edit: June 28, 2006, 12:31:37 AM by Worrier »

Offline phantom

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Hello Worrier

Thank you for your reply.  I just want to clarify a couple of points.

First of all, it would take a hell of a lot more than a bit of text on the internet to offend me.  Using derogatory words like f*g,  poof or whatever say more about the person that resorts to using them, by far.

However, different words mean different things to different people and this is even more the case where we are dealing with people from all over the world.

Just because one person does not find a word offensive, does not mean others won't.  We are all intelligent enough to know what words mean and that their intended meaning is to be derogatory.

Even if someone on here is using the forum for sexual gratification, hurtling abuse and judgments against them at best will only become inflammatory.  Would you not agree that the best course of action is to ignore them and report them?

I know reporting is very subjective and some will want to see that 'justice is done' harshly and swiftly, whereas others don't see that anything needs to be done at all.  It's all very, very subjective.

Given that, we have to accept that this is an international public platform and no level of scrutiny or security will ever eliminate those that wish to use the site for reasons other than its intended purpose.  That does not make for comfortable reading, but that is the truth of the matter.

The best, in my opinion, that we can hope for is that the vast majority of this forum continue to talk about the real point of this forum and ignore those that do otherwise.    Engaging with such people actually validates their existence.

I hope that makes sense.



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