Author Topic: haha, everyone here is fat  (Read 15317 times)

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Some people who are obsessed with physical perfection or working out will say that people carrying what is defined as normal weight are fat.  So definition of what is and what isn't fat comes into it.

I don't know if it can be said that the vast majority of people here are overweight, I get your point about some people being overweight, but I think that is FAR too strong a comment if the definition is taken to be a medical one.

I think what we see in many cases of gynecomastia is a disproportionate amount of weight on the chest, usually a combination of fat and galnd that makes the people concerned look much fatter than they actually are.

When you look at the general public there are an awful lot of men who are significantly overweight yet they have far less gynecomastia than much lighter counter-parts that frequent this site.

So I would say it is often proportion of chest in comparison to the rest of the body which is the issue.

I am sure other people will feel differently.

Offline SC GameCOCKS

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Im very cut and muscular....less than 10% body fat prolly.
8 years of suffering Mild gyne...
2 surgeries & $6,000 later....
         STILL PUFFY   :/

Offline remyrem6

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good job man. Thats my goal :P

Offline manic91m9

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ok so i have to have a b cup to get surgery?
who are you to dictate what is changewothy
if it bothers you and you can change it why not?
i have very mild case of puffy nips and it has always bothered me before i knew wat it was. i dont let it change my life in any way i think but i still dont feel as comfortable as i would without them.. its all about priorities. i have a brand new car which i would rather have than the surgery but ill still get the surgery before a supercharger. its not the end of the world but if i want to get surgery so 4 days a week in the gym gives me the body it should then who are you to judge me.

I think only a small percentage of men suffer from 'true' gynecomastia. These men can be really skinny yet have full breasts, just like a woman's. I'm sure we've all seen the photos. Yet, there is a clear link between being overweight and having large breasts. This doesn't mean that these men have 'true' gynecomastia no matter how much they are inclined to believe it. Fat women tend to have extra-large breasts too. The problem is, not all of us are blessed with genes that ensure a super-flat chest. We come in all shapes and sizes - some that make even a little fat on your chest (which is perfectly natural) - look a bit odd. Coupled with body dismorphic disorder, it's no surprise a lot of men start thinking they suffer from gynecomastia.

Sites like this, though well-intentioned, don't do very much to 'help' men with their supposed problem but rather just provide details on how to quickly deal with it, particularly through surgery which should only be presented as an option to the first group of men I mentioned - those with 'true' gynecomastia. What we are often doing here is analogous to a site where women with small breasts complain that they are too flat and most of them are rushing to have implants. Other women who stumble on the site will eventually start believing that their breasts are too small and want enlargements via surgery too. This is why I'm always hesitant to recommend surgery to every man who comes here thinking he has gyno. I think it's more important that we emphasize a process where a man can determine if he really has 'true' gyno and reassure those who don't that they don't really have a problem even though their chests may not be perfectly flat.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I think only a small percentage of men suffer from 'true' gynecomastia

You also think that you can control your body’s physiology with "mind control", that you can reduce your own gynecomastia with the power of thought.

Naturally you have no evidence for either statement, because both statements are figments of your imagination.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2006, 02:58:21 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I am NOT and have NOT made ANY statement regarding the percentage of gynecomastia sufferers that have glandular tissue or true gynecomastia, YOU are!

You have NOT presented and evidence for "YOUR" statement.

The onus is FIRMLY on YOU to provide that evidence, it does NOT revert to me, because I ask for this evidence.

Do you understand that basic premise?

I hope so...

Now provide the evidence to back up YOUR assertion or shut up and stop trying to make assertions that have NO basis in fact.

Ok  ;)

Can I hear tumbleweed blowing by or is there another pointless reply on the way?

Do me a favour and either provide the evidence or don't bother replying, can you do that, just for once?  ;D

« Last Edit: May 13, 2006, 04:34:07 AM by Hypo-is-here »


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If you have TRUE gm you know it and can feel it. Dumb fat doesn't have the same level (if indeed any) sensation.

True gm comes through the door ahead of your beer belly.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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You were asking me to provide proof that you were wrong and yet you have an issue with me asking for you to prove that your thoughts are right ;D ;D ;D

I called you on such pathetic illogical reasoning by stating I didn't need prove anything as I was not the one making statements.

You knew the game was up in that regard so now you then try to semantically duck out of the point by suggesting it is just something you think subjectively that therefore doesn't require prove, evidence, logic or reasoning.

But if this was so exactly why were you trying to state I had to provide evidence? Hey ;)

You're very funny ;D

You try and dodge this way and that with your subversive bullshit, but you’re not remotely clever enough.

NOTHING and I mean NOTHING indicates that anyone should state what you did regarding the make-up of gynecomastia in men, exactly the same goes for mind control as a means for resolving gynecomastia.

But I don’t suppose anything like logic or reality matters to you does it ;)


What can you argue now ;)

Go on re-quote something out of context in some idiotic attempt to justify yourself, or perhaps re-quote something out of context to spin the issue away from the direct points raised ;D ;D

Go for it so everyone can see how twisted and pointless you are.....yet again.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2006, 08:17:21 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Well done you have just done exactly what I said you would.

You have provided ZERO evidence for your assertion and you have simply re-quoted me and added semantic twaddle.  

Half of it is illogical reasoning which I could pull apart in two seconds flat (if I did you would only re-quote the next post- pointless) and the rest is out of context meandering rubbish.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2006, 09:01:54 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline flex1appeal

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I personally am not fat by any means. I am a bodybuilder and have always been able to see my abs. Gyne looks alot worse on a lean guy IMO. I think it is more socially accepted seeing it on a heavier more obese person. Is this fair for people to think this way? Not at all but that is the insensitivity we deal with from the majority of our population. I had just as much embarrassment for my gyne as anyone here did no matter how fat or skinny you may be. It is all the same for all of us.

Offline cookie

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  • Anger due to gyne.  Seriously.
I'm 16, over 6'1", 145 lbs.  I am by no means fat.  I have gyne.

Offline tnel00son

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i had it, (surgery 1 week ago), but even back when i did have it, i was in the gym all the time anyway. im 6'2" 225lbs, only 12% bf, im not fat at all
« Last Edit: August 21, 2006, 05:53:23 PM by tnel00son »


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