Author Topic: just had my consult booked two weeks after..  (Read 3021 times)

Offline parminder

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Hey everyone, I was a lurker, but decided to join now,  - after reading some of the stories they produced a tear to my eye as I knew exactly what most people on here were goin through - people on here also gave me the courage to buck up and book myself an appointment with my GP - and two weeks later (next thursday) I have my consultation with a breast surgeon through the NHS. My question was to those who have had experiences with the NHS - if they give you a consult asap, is it likely that you will get surgery as quick?

thanks guys

Offline jon333

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hey good luck with nhs ... they will only do op if psychological   problems.. NHS told me to go private WE DONT DO THIS ON NHS......l

Offline Worrier

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Hmm it depends on your health authority. It really is a postcode lottery on how easy and how long it takes to get it done.

It also depends how their plastic surgery budget is doing. Remember although your surgeon may agree to do it , whether you get funding is decided by the health authority.

However the fact you have consult so quick looks good. I had to wait about four months. Good luck.  

Offline jon333

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i had my consultant  after a few weeks but go nowere, they were worried about small lumps on there  so after scan they said i had gynecomastia.. then that was it NO  more help on NHS
thats why im off abroad

Offline parminder

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yeah cheers guys.. I went to the consult on tuesday, had to go to the breast clinic section of the hospital, where they made me fill out some form which was related to lumps found in womens breasts.. there were all women there an i was gettin odd looks.. when i was finally seen, there was a general surgeon and two nurses there - they dont really give you any privacy when undressing, and even though the private consultations i had had with private plastic surgeons told me both i had unlilateral glandular problems, the doc told me they could do liposuction - anyway to cut a long story short, the NHS is crap- not very compassionate even though i told them that it was causing me psychological damage for years on end - plus i think that if you go to the NHS youll just end up feeling even more shitter - cos of the wait an they will probably not even do what you want - the consult was literally over in 5 minutes, and i went away feeling i got nowhere.. but on the plus side i have a very good surgeon who has agreed to remove the whole gland including the receptors so i can never get it again.. he will also lipo some of the small amounts f fat i have there.. all for £4300.. so my advice guys just get a loan, try and borrow the money off a relative do whatever it takes to go private - they will listen to you and you can persuade them to remove the whole gland so there is nowt left behind your nipple. trust me the amount of times ive read on the internet ofguys gyno coming back is astounding.. you only need to have this op once in your life, an for those that r considering having it im sure u woudnt want it to come back again - so you may be left with an indented nipples but who cares? its better than having bitches breasts.. plus a month down the gym and some bench presses and your nips will get pushed out again as long as u work the pecs properly.

Offline orrible

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its weird my mate who ended up going to poland got rejected by the health authority after his gp recommended he have surgey on the NHS. Yet i know of a steroid user who developed it and got approved for the nhs in the same area.

Offline Worrier

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The NHS is a lottery.In the end I was quite impressed with the service I got. Considering it's free. Sure there was a wait and I thought the surgein was wrong to tell me to lose weight first and then said mine might reduce naturally due to me being off the medication that caused it. I just wanted my moobs gone.

But iin the end she was right , and had I gone to a private plastic surgeon would they have been so cautious? I might have had surgery when I did not need it. I saw her a few weeks ago and she says I don't need it now . And I can see my chest has changed, losing five and a half stone mainly from my stomach and chest may have had something to do with it :P.I think I will always be a bit self concious now because of the experience I had. But she was dead nice .Don't have any loose skin it looks like I never put on weight in the first place.

In conclusion I wouldn't write the NHS off all the time.It does seem to depend what area you are in. And I can only talk about my experience but my plastic surgeon and GP did care  about how it was affecting me  mentally and I was in fact offered an op at short notice which I turned down due to me knowing I was still a little tubby and didn't want to take the place of someone who actually needed it.So maybe the NHS is finally moving with the times who knows?  
« Last Edit: July 23, 2006, 10:59:27 AM by Worrier »

Offline jon333

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i tryed to get op done on NHS no go :-[ .. they would not listern to me about problem, the surgens told go private .
my doctor told me he would try all thing but the end was no go by NHS

try this web


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