Thanks a lot for the comments guys, reading all these stories from everyone really makes me feel like their is hope, as for now I'm gonna stick to the healhy eating, and safe & smart full-body excercising. I still have some hope that if I lose the weight again but focus on dropping fat not so much water weight I can get a good result even if it's not "perfect" looking, I wouldn't mind a lil' bit of it left for the moment until I can get some money for surgery if I really need it. When I dropped weight I was actually comfortable in tight shirts and undershirts (not %100 but pretty confident) still never took my shirt off though. So this time I'm gonna drop it again and we'll see. I will keep you guys posted on what's going on, I'll post some more pics in about 2 weeks or so. I've been going at it for about 3 weeks I believe and I'm down 10+lbs so maybe in a couple of weeks I'll be down another 8lbs or so and hopefully by the time I get to be about 200lbs I'll start seeing the difference, I'm hoping that my body will resemble what I used to look like at 185 at about 197 or so if I diet correctly and don't lose all that extra water weight, so by the time I do reach my ideal weight of around 180 I will have a pretty good result and finally see how serious it is. Oh and another thing that I don't know if any of you are familiar with, like I said when I do work out for a few months, my legs will be in very good shape except for my inner thighs, and my arms, shoulders, back, sides look pretty good except for my torso and my chest, what is that all about? I'll try to post a pic later on today of me shirtless but when I had dropped down to 185, you will see that it was less severe, and hopefully you'll be able to see what I was talking about when I said everything looked pretty muscular and ripped except for my core and chest. Anyone else have that problem when they tried to drop weight? And just in case after I drop the weight and I'm not happy with whatever I have, do any of you live in southern CA and recommend a doctor I can go see? Thanks so much for taking your time to reply guys.