Author Topic: Would this work?  (Read 3664 times)

Offline cantchooseaname

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So the other day I had a mole removed off my back.  The doc gave me a few shots, numbed the area and cut it out.  It only took about 10 min.

Why cant this same thing be done with the glands?  I have a very mild case of puffy nips, but why cant my surgeon just give me a fews shot to numb me up real good and then just cut most of the gland out and stitch me back up?  It seems simple enough.  Can someone please explain this to me?  Thanks.

Offline jk_2k8

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  • Blah!!!
If that happened to me, I'd probably throw up during it all.  :-X
Age: 16
Gyne since: 13
When's surgery: My 18th B-Day

Offline cantchooseaname

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If that happened to me, I'd probably throw up during it all.  :-X

But hey...if it fixes the problem then its all worth it.

So does anyone know if this is possible?

Offline plato

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But hey...if it fixes the problem then its all worth it.

So does anyone know if this is possible?

That is the surgical procedure associated with gyne. People call it a gland excision, and (depending on the surgeon) consts arounf 3-5 thousand. Pretty effective if you get a good doctor, or so I've heard. If the hormonal treatment doesn't work, I'll do it and pay with student loans.

Offline Mastiadont

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I think the problem is relatted to the ramifications on the gland. While the gland have those kind of 'roots' the moles doesn't.

A Doc friend of mine explain me that, anyway she is not not an expert in this matter.

Anyway is a very good question, let's see what experts have to say.

Mastiadont  ;)

Offline flex1appeal

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You're joking right? Removing a mole is no where in the same category as removing a gland.


Offline cantchooseaname

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You're joking right? Removing a mole is no where in the same category as removing a gland.


Could you be a little more helpful and explain why?

I do not need the entire gland removed.  I had lipo only and my lest side went flat and my right side is still slightly puffy.  So I only need a VERY small amount removed just to even them out.

Offline flex1appeal

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Unfortunately I am not a doctor so I wouldn't be of assistance in explaining why. But I'd recommend contacting a PS and ask him. I am sure you could get a consultation for free. In fact, start a thread on this site and direct this question towards dr Bermant who is a highly respected PS and visits this site frequently. I am sure he could answer this in depth for you. Just put in the subject line attn: dr Bermant have a question. Or something to that affect. I am sure he'll respond. He replied to a question I asked him last week.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Usually there are both glandular and fatty tissue. Which is to say that there are fingers of glandular tissue growing through the fat.

The Mole is entirely on the surface.

For Gynecomastia, the surgeon is sculpting the chest. If too much tissue is removed, the breasts will be concave.
Grandpa Dan


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