Author Topic: What is behind the condition ?Think about it....  (Read 3209 times)

Offline SoooTiredof-IT-

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       Who really suffers the condition, the person with gynecomastia or the person that makes fun of it? Going through surgery is really going to solve the issue?Should the main focus be the appearance of our bodies or the quality of our souls, is society forcing us to feel a certain way, to accept a certain line of behaviors?Should it be that way?

       A really good question for the readers of this article...... Would you be happy to know thta a person who used to treat you a certain way before  getting rid of the condition now treats you in a nice way? I can say that  for the last 15 years gynecomastia has showed me  who to really consider as a friend. How is possible that at this point in time people can be soo pejudice? do we really want to have people around us that chosse to put  a higher value on our exterior apearance than our interior values , dreams, qualities, ect.....


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I have had it for 30 years, and I'm frankly tired of being the freak of the beach.  I don't care what those people think about me, but looking normal is important to me.

Don't assume that someone chooses surgery to win friends.   During High School I was in a rock band and had the hottest girlfriends and good friends.  During college I became the manager of the college radio station, had many close friends and hot girlfriends who saw my chest a lot and didn't care.  I now have a great job, good friends, and a wife who's hotter than all of my previous girlfriends combined.  She doesn't seem to care about my chest either.  This is all about me liking myself and wanting to look my best.  This is about my self-confidence and being able to finally take my shirt off at the pool without stares and pointing.  It's also about my being to take control of a situation that has had control over me since I was 12.  That's why I'm going for a surgery consultation next month.

That being said, I will agree that if you are having trouble making friends and think that this surgery will fix it, there may be a rude awakening in store.  


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One more thing...  I also agree that people in general have an issue with putting other people down and calling attention to what they would perceive as a weakness.  It seems to be part of our darker nature to make ourselves look or feel better by calling attention to another's weakness(es).   I agree that you don't want to be friends with people who ridicule you, even if they become nice after the surgery.  You're right, SoooTiredof-IT-, it shouldn't be that way...  The sad fact is that we can't change the stupid and hurtful behavior of others.  We either have to deal with it by finding ways of putting up with it, by beating them up (not recommended) ;D , or by having surgery to get rid of the condition.  I'm choosing the latter because I've grown tired of just putting up with it.  I'll be satisfied not seeing quite so vividly who I shouldn't be friends with.  ;)

Offline MonarchX

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Not that good looking people are always healthy, but good looks are usually associated with health.  This is why we love hot sexy babes because its an expression of fertility.  More masculine men with more testasterone are more likely to have healthier babies and etc.  I believe that it is NORMAL to have this type of stereotype on UNconscious level, and yet we should think logically and reason that GYNE doesn't mean unhealthy or bad or stupid person.

For me its about not being able to accomplish anything as far as good body goes.  I want a good body for myself to look good for myself.  It gives me a sense of hard work and accomplishment.  You can't get it...EVER with gyne.  Without it - its ALL in your hands, nutrition, and workout.  

Offline SoooTiredof-IT-

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Any of you think about the possibility of having kids of your own with this type of condition since is hereditary?What would be the best aproach? How would you explain your own that being a male with breast is wrong, and that his only hope is surgery? All I am trying to get in all yuor peoples heads is what is the real root of teh problem. Why do people make fun of it? Why is soo hard to talk about this with your friends? Can I really be happy accepting this condition?

So far I have seen two types of men that get this operation done;
The ones that gynecomastia really didnt affected their ability to have girlfriends ,wifes,  a good job.

And there's is the other type men that gynecomastia just made their lifes a livin hell.I'm talking about the ones that lost all hope , didnt socialize at all and dont have the economic resourses to take action .

Are you letting the condition get the best of you or has it make you stronger?

Am I the only one that thinks that the first thing that goes through a girls brain(if she has one) is that she doesnt want to have babies with this condition?

I dont want to mess with anybodies head I just want to raise some questions that really havent been adressed in this website.

By the way...... english is my second language


Offline MonarchX

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Looks are not as vital to females.  Gyne is a mental thing...many women could care less.  If it brings YOU down, then everyone will notice it and your INconfidence.

I believe during pubery gyne can be taken care of with hard workout, proper nutrition and checking for lumps/doing hormonal blood tests.

But if your son could care less about manly boobs - then just forget about it.

Offline Paa_Paw

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You communicate quite well in English. I can communicate only in English and I consider this a handicap sometimes.

The person who teases will find something else to tease about. Some people seem to have such a low opinion of themselves that the can only feel good about themselves when they are putting someone else down. They are to be pitied.

We are our own worst enemies; many of us, with very slight breast enlargement, become almost obsessive about the condition.
Grandpa Dan

Offline oldgynodude

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I agree with asmallmeasure. I never been teased but then again I have always covered up myself. It's just that I've always wanted to have that 'normal' muscular appearance with ripped abs, etc. My gyno prevented that, in fact I kind of looked like a 'freak,' in shape on the outside, take off the shirt and moobs. It just doesn't look or feel right to me considering how much I work out, it's frustrating. If a person is fat overall, or maybe older looking, then society would tend to think of man boobs as "normal" compared to a younger looking guy that looks to be in shape with clothes on.


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If a person is fat overall, or maybe older looking, then society would tend to think of man boobs as "normal" compared to a younger looking guy that looks to be in shape with clothes on.

You bring up a great point.  I believe the reason people consider overweight and older men's boobs to be more normal and acceptable is because of sumo wrestlers and seniors.  These men don't give a crap about what people think and therefore most go shirtless without any signs of self-consciousness.   People simply see more of them.  More numbers = more normal.  If younger men of more normal weight did the same, we would be considered more more numerous, and therefore more normal as well.  That's just my opinion.


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