Author Topic: Surgery soon: my questions about gland excision  (Read 2556 times)

Offline toxicity

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Hey All,

I am a 24 year old male, 6'1", 190lbs in Canada. I am getting surgery for my gyno in 1-2 months after I have lived with this problem my entire life.

Apparently I will be getting a glandular excision only, although I am skeptical about this. So I have a couple questions about this procedure.

1. It is my understanding that the gland may or not be mixed with fat. If a doctor is using a scalpel or whatever, and not lipo - how will he remove the gland?

2. How big can the gland *get to be*? I am really concerned, after reading these boards, that a gland excision may not be *enough*. I have pretty large, puffy nipples, and the chest follows to this with a cone like shape. How can a cone shape like this be imposed by a small gland behind my nipples?

3. I want to keep this procedure incogneto, aka secret. I am just worried that a lengthy recovery time and changed lifestyle may give it away. (I am a student who will be doing some teaching at University). What is the recovery time and pain and all that like for a strictly gland excision surgery, versus a combined lipo+excision operation? Will I be in a better boat for these considerations with a pure gland excision?

4. Will I be required to wear a compression vest for a gland excision? I was thinking this may be too prominant, so I was thinking of rigging up something with duct tape and gauze to be more secretive.

I have been waiting for this surgery for a long time, and the date is still up in the air (late august - late september). I need this surgery to move on with my life, but I find the closer I get to it, the more I worry about it. Even now I am having dreams (and nightmares) about it on a continual basis. The timing of the surgery is really bugging me because it will be so random. I am working a deskjob till the end of August, and then I return to study. However, I do have a seminar weekend on August 19-21, and type of retreat September 3-4. I am worried about having the surgery precede these two dates, I will have to miss them - which will have MAJOR career implications for me. Yet if I miss the date, I may have to wait another 6 months ;-(. Right now I am just sitting with my fingers crossed that the surgery isnt close to these dates.

Oh well,

Offline oldgynodude

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Usually gland is removed by incisions in the nipple/areola area, in the 'bottom half" of areola. This is the standard way of removing gland, as the scarring when healed is less conspicuous than other methods.

I'm not sure of healing time with gland only, but I assume it's similar to lipo plus gland. From what I read having lipo seems to have more pain in the recovery process. I had lipo and gland excision, and over a month later I still have residual soreness and tightness in the lipo areas. I took a week off from work doing absolutely nothing but sit around the house. I think that first week is critical for proper healing, to let the skin adhere to the muscle.

Even with gland only you'll still be told to wear compression vest I'm sure. It's no big deal, I wore an undershirt over my vest, and outside of the house I wore a polo shirt or other over that. It's not that bad or noticeable. You should be able to do your retreat and stuff with no problems, maybe soreness and tightness.

Offline samgyne28

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Hi.  You 2 guys getting excision only.  How much does it cost.  I'm trying to save up for the surgery but can't afford it right now.  Since i only have gland, I won't need lipo.  This should make operation cheaper?

Offline SC GameCOCKS

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Hi.  You 2 guys getting excision only.  How much does it cost.  I'm trying to save up for the surgery but can't afford it right now.  Since i only have gland, I won't need lipo.  This should make operation cheaper?

doubtful it will be cheaper. tho possibly some PS might give a small discount.
8 years of suffering Mild gyne...
2 surgeries & $6,000 later....
         STILL PUFFY   :/

Offline Grrrrr

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I've had 2 surgeries.

The first one was gland excision only.

The second was excision plus lipo.

Gland excision only causes less trauma to the chest area. Therefore a quicker recovery time. However, it's a lot less effective than when you add lipo into the equation. The benefit of lipo, is a skilled PS can take some fat away from the area where the gland was removed to smooth out the contour. Hence you don't get so much of a 'crater' effect. I'd totally reccomend a little lipo, even if your really lean. Would you like a second surgery at a later date to correct the first one?

Or do you want it spot on first time round?

Anyway if your young and fit I find these 'healing times' quoted are generally a little exaggerated. Post op gyne pain is pretty similar to an all out chest workout and the pain you get subsequently. The only difference being the soreness lasts longer, and it's sore to the touch rather than muscular pain. And I choose that would soreness carefully, because it's soreness rather than pain.

Sure some fat guys on here, especially the older ones who end up getting 2 + litres of sat sucked from their body (chest often gut as well) are understandably in a fair bit of pain usually for quite a while. Milder gyne ops are a totally different story.

After my first gland excision only op I actually took two weeks off from work. Did I need too? Heck no, but it was available on full pay so I took it! Second op, gland excision plus lipo, yes a little extra soreness, but because I didn't have the option of getting time off work paid I just returned to my job the next day.

Pre-order a thin compression vest (make sure it dosen't have great big shoulder straps as some can). And I guarantee under a shirt no-one in the world would be able to tell the difference between it and a wife beater.


Offline oldgynodude

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I've had 2 surgeries.

The first one was gland excision only.

The second was excision plus lipo.

Gland excision only causes less trauma to the chest area. Therefore a quicker recovery time. However, it's a lot less effective than when you add lipo into the equation. The benefit of lipo, is a skilled PS can take some fat away from the area where the gland was removed to smooth out the contour. Hence you don't get so much of a 'crater' effect. I'd totally reccomend a little lipo, even if your really lean. Would you like a second surgery at a later date to correct the first one?

Or do you want it spot on first time round?

Anyway if your young and fit I find these 'healing times' quoted are generally a little exaggerated. Post op gyne pain is pretty similar to an all out chest workout and the pain you get subsequently. The only difference being the soreness lasts longer, and it's sore to the touch rather than muscular pain. And I choose that would soreness carefully, because it's soreness rather than pain.

Sure some fat guys on here, especially the older ones who end up getting 2 + litres of sat sucked from their body (chest often gut as well) are understandably in a fair bit of pain usually for quite a while. Milder gyne ops are a totally different story.

After my first gland excision only op I actually took two weeks off from work. Did I need too? Heck no, but it was available on full pay so I took it! Second op, gland excision plus lipo, yes a little extra soreness, but because I didn't have the option of getting time off work paid I just returned to my job the next day.

Pre-order a thin compression vest (make sure it dosen't have great big shoulder straps as some can). And I guarantee under a shirt no-one in the world would be able to tell the difference between it and a wife beater.


Yes, definitely don't get the ones with shoulder straps. I had those and it caused a lot of pain where it bit into and rubbed against my underarm area.

Offline monnom

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i just had the gland removed with dr kreidstein it cost me everything included $1000 canadian.

I was awake for the surgery which was pretty narsty.  the gland was pretty big looked like bacon fat, between the two nips there was probably close to 5 grams of gland.

It swelled pretty badly the for the first week, i kept a compression strap around my chest to keep blood from poofing the nips back out.

i am almost 2 weeks post surgery and everything looks good, the left side is swollen cause theres quagulated (jelly like) blood in the area, so hes waiting for it to liquify and itll be drained.

I am still wearing the compression strap and everything looks great, the right side is now fully healed and i couldnt be more satisfied.

i barely have any fat, but i dont that doesnt affect the gyne gland, some people have more of it or less of it, others in different places, mine was only behind the nips.

hoped this helped
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