Author Topic: Where do i turn? :( help please.  (Read 4015 times)

Offline gsrai

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erm..well im pretty sure i have gyne or something other than fat

Although i guess i did put a bit of weight being a kid, iv shifted most of it, and have a decent body build apart from my chest!!! :@

i first thought that by working out, it should turn to muscle  and i'd be normal.
but it didnt, well the muscle is there..just underneath the fat or what ever is it.

I want to go and get this sorted, but age is the problem and i  don't know where to turn.

Im 16 going 17, Do i go and see my GP and get advise etc? or what :(

Its just fustrating, iv had this problem for a few years now and just thought it would go away.
It hasnt and now more and more pressure of being a teen is being put on me, with all the guys tending to wear skintight t-shirts, its depressing as i have to cover up.

please could you advise and tell me the options i have.



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erm..well im pretty sure i have gyne or something other than fat

Have a look here  It will give you an idea of what you are looking for. I would have a good read through these message boards and get yourself clued up and then see your doctor. If the doc spins you a load of crap then you will be prepared with the info off here.

Offline gsrai

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i checked it out, thanks for the reply.
I did that test and im pretty sure i have it :(
Iv read some of the board and on one of them it said you have to be 18 to have the surgery, is this correct?

Also could anyone give me any tips on how to approce my GP and what to acutally say?
beacuse im pretty lost on what to do and where to turn.

thanks for all your help

Offline gsrai

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Hi. two years on from when i orginally posted this almost..

and i still have it, i asked a doc about it about a year or so ago whilst having a check up about somthing else, he just spun off the normal crap about being a teen and hormones and it'll go away etc etc.

well im 18 now, iv been working out alot over the past months, so much so that my weight and muscel tone is fine,
i just seem to have stupid puffy sticking out chest.

Iv relised that when my nipples are erect the nipples are tigher and dont stick out as much and all in all doesnt look THAT bad..

however when there not they stick out like mofos its seriously annoying!

i just want to know how do i take it from here...

il post some pics of my chest later..

Offline kingboob

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Well I think you will have to go back to your GP unless you have plenty of cash (4k) to go private.

Get an appointment with your GP, make sure this is the only issue you are going to discuss and then make it clear how badly this is effecting you, if you are seen by a different doctor then you need to explain what you have done with diet & exercise...... .................................Tell them you were told it would go away due to teen 'hormones' but that it hasn't, and tell them you want to find out about having surgery to correct the issue, if they try and fob you off insist that you at least get to see a consultant to talk about the problem, if that doesn't work try telling them you will be seeking a second opinion......

In my experience it is amazing how quickly some doctors change their mind when you tell them you are going elsewhere to have the diagnosis double checked or get a second opinion with a more senior doctor, it couldn't be that GP's fob you off when they don't know much about the issue or that they are acting as a gateway to services to save the NHS money, could it???

In order to get the treatment on the NHS you are going to need to have fairly noticeable gynaecomastia (at a normal body weight and body mass index [BMI]) and you are going to have to stress to the doctors just what kind of impact this is having on your life:  Depression, anxiety, unable to do sports? gym? swimming? girls?  etc etc, exaggerate if you think you need to!  ;)

Best of luck, you will need it!

« Last Edit: August 01, 2008, 03:02:38 AM by kingboob »

Offline gsrai

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Another 4 years have past since i last posted. Thats 6 years now i have.

Im 22 and my chest is still prominent than ever.

I have been 'clinically depressed' since Jan 2011 and have been taking Anti-depressants for a while now.

Although there has been other factors which have caused me to feel like this, i believe it is the gyno which killed my self confidence and ruined my years since i was 12 years old and continues to do so.

I have fluctuated in weight over the past 3 years, at one point weighing around 9 stone 5'11, i was literally skin and bone and gyno.

Now i have added a extra few pounds, but for the past 2 months have been working out one or twice a day.
Iv gained muscle but my breasts are more exposed and depressing.

I dont know what im expecting writing this, but i hate how this underlying problem has been through and contributed to the mess that i am.

I think i may go back to my GP and try explain this is one of the major reasons why i am like this

For those who care, here is some photos of my best

Offline LondonGuy

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Man, we all know where you are coming from. Some of us more than others depending on personal circumstances and extent of gyne. Check out my post (below yours) and look at my pre-surgery pics, I think you'll agree that my case was at least as bas as your is now, if not worse.

I've mentally been through the mill becuase of gynecomastia. My confidence had to be completely re-built throughout university (5 years :D ). I am now 24 years old, and 4 weeks post-op, and whilst I go back and forth becuase of the healing process, I am HAPPY. and I am confident that as I heal the full benefits will blossom.

Give us some more details about your life. What is your current situation? Financially and otherwise.

Also, I'm no doctor, but my opinion is that anti-despressants are not for everyone. in fact, they are for very few people. You seem to be depressed at least in part due to your physical condition, not some imbalance. try to find a good GP, preferably a male one. If the first one doesn't work out, see another, and another. Frame your depression (which they already recognise) in terms of the gynecomastia. You have a good chance of getting your case sorted on the NHS, however I do recommend private if you can afford it, even get a loan if necessary. These days it is fairly easy to sort this problem out.

Give us some more context...

Offline thetodd

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forget hitting the gym! The problem with hitting the gym is that in your head you set goals for how you want to look, when these goals aren't reached then you are going to hit a brick wall. The truth is your in good shape, you are at a healthy weight and there is absolutely nothing you can achieve with weight training now.

Go to your GP, and maybe ask for a second opinion if you are not happy. If the NHS wont help out maybe look into funding private surgery. But a word of warning after i had surgery, there definitely were grey days and you would really need to mentally prepare for the operation!

I think you'd be better being treated by the NHS, only because you will get better aftercare with your depression. So when you go to your GP explain how its affecting you now, explain how you've starved yourself and what not. And all he has to do really is refer you to a breast clinic in your local hospital. The surgeons at the clinic are the people who will give you the nod for surgery, all your GP has to do is refer you. Make it clear that this isnt a thing that affects you on a whim it affects you all day everyday.

Good luck, brings me back to where i was a few years ago not nice times
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline siphon

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Been there too man, especially with the fluctuations of weight to try to hide or mask it. Have you thought of a path forward? Thinking of learning to deal with it, or seeking surgery? Londonguy has a good point about framing your depression if surgery is your preference, but I agree that private will, more often than not, give you a better quality result.

Offline covfefe

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GSRai, you are in good shape man, don't be down. I have had really bad lows about the condition as well, REALLY bad, its killed my self confidence, but equally I wasn't in the shape you're in. If you find the right GP then he will refer you, if not consider private surgery, what is £4k for happiness? That's the way I looked at it... Even if you take that out of 10 years, its about £1 a day then, £1 a day for happiness is something worth doing.

You're not alone, and if you ever need anyone to talk to who understands your situation and won't judge you because of it drop me a PM.

Offline darkstar

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I'm so sorry to read this mate. It sounds as though the doctors you visited all those years ago failed you. You have a clear case of gyno, that is treatable. I know it's easy to say this, but try not to beat yourself up about it. You're in decent shape and are healthy. It's not your fault you have gyno, it's nature.

I don't agree with the people who say not to train, lift weights etc. You absolutely should. It won't cure the gyno, but it will make you feel better, and if you manage to have surgery, you'll recover faster and be at a better place once you've healed.

All the best.

Offline grotesk_uk

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Hang in there mate!

I have suffered with this awful condition for 20-odd years now and finally decided to do something about it last year. I went to my GP on false pretences and then just blurted it out. It was one of the toughest things I ever did.

Since then I have had appointments with an endocrinologist, who put me on Tamoxifen for 6 months (to no avail) and finally referred me to an NHS surgeon, who I have a consultation with in 2 hours time! I am very concerned about the quality of work on the NHS. I am also concerned that if I have surgery more members of my family will know about it. Currently I have only told my gf.


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