Author Topic: Go to UNDERWORKS.COM  (Read 3339 times)

Offline Gynecomastia1617

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Hey every one!, I just HAD to share with everyone that the 997 chest binder shirt, on WORKS. It's made for us! Underarmour used to piss me off, because it itched, and it was too tight, It also didn't look much better, but this completely works and it feels comfortable. It compresses every bulge on my chest. Its awesome, its like I cant even feel the pressure at all. In plus, I look alot sexier with it on. The girls look down at my chest now, and they keep the same smile on as when they looked at my face. Im definetely gonna order some more soon. I think most of the shirts on that website work very well. SERIOUSLY, order one. It has already changed my life, and ive only had it for 2 weeks. Oh, and by the way if you want to order one, just let me say that I'm kinda big(not fat just big body), and I ordered a medium one, and it still works well. In regular shirts I wear atleast a large, but in underarmour I wore a small, and it didnt work anywhere near as well as these do. What im trying to say is that if you usually where a large like me, order a medium. I dont really know how well the large one would work, but I dont want anyone to be disapointed, if a large didnt work. Good Luck Everyone!!, post something for me! ;D

Offline usernameX

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With time, youll begin hating the vest ;)
Had surgery with Dr. J.C. Fielding on August 2nd.

Offline Gynecomastia1617

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Its not a vest man, its just a compression shirt. It works just as well, i'd imagine

Offline Allan7865

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I wore my shirt like three times maybe, uncomfortable as hell. A whole section of paranoia enters the scene as well: Will they see my shirt? Will they all the sudden question why my chest is flat?

Offline Gynecomastia1617

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I have the one that looks alot like a tank top, so if they see anything it'll just be the outline of a tank top under my shirt, and I see new people everyday. The people ive known already know about my problem, and they support me by telling me how much better I look with it on. Im not uncomfortable in it one bit.

Offline rocketrob

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I have 3 of them from a previous member that used to visit this site... his wife makes them... I received alot of flack for bringing the shirts to peoples attention. But they are the most comfortable shirt to wear, also great when you are heading out... I have had 2 surgeries and have a 3rd scheduled for October.. in the meantime, the shirts are great



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