Author Topic: gyno and superdrol  (Read 9009 times)

Offline deecoop

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Hey im 30 years old and tried a supplement called superdrol and now 5 months later gyno and doctors also want me to for cancer too.  Have anybody ever heard anything like before.

Offline Vanatu

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Those pieces of shit...   >:(

The producing companies intentionally mislabeled the ingredients in Superdrol to keep the Government from detecting it was a banned prosteriod [1] This deceptive practice was done to make large profits before the product could be tested and determined it was actually a steroid and banned

It was steroids

Offline flex1appeal

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You really should research supplements before you decide to just take them. You obviously have no idea what superdrol does and the sides it comes with. It affects you much the same way as steroids would. If you didn't take ancillaries like novaldex or arimidex while on and take things like clomid and HcG after completing the superdrol, you can develope hormonal imbalance and thus, create a higher ratio of free floating estrogen in your body while your testosterone levels can lower significantly. PCT is very important while doing superdrol. Do some research. I'd tell you in detail but honestly don't have time right now.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I don't think the onus should be on the public to avoid such health risks, after all not everyone is sufficently capable of ascertaining the risks.  It is the governments responsibility to its citizens to protect them by busting the companies and going after those behind them and hitting them with serious prison sentences.

Superdrol is a methalated steroid which is liver toxic and known to cause liver disease, liver failure and liver tumors in some who take it.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2006, 02:43:56 PM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline flex1appeal

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It is a designer steroid to be exact. It was marketed as a pro hormone. It is a cross between anavar and masteron. Though aromatose is pretty much non existent, it can shut down one's natural testosterone production. And it sounds like that is what it did. And hypo is correct that it is very harsh on the liver because of it being methylated. I'd have the doctor take a look at your liver functionality. Make sure things are operating normally.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2006, 04:19:17 PM by flex1appeal »

Offline deecoop

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 :-[ :'(  This is a nightmare I had know idea they can put somthing so stupid on the market over the counter.  I should get a lawyer

Offline Hypo-is-here

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You're jumping the gun, make an appointment and have your liver, kidney and hormones checked out.  Chances are you will be ok and that the checks are just precautionary.

Offline flex1appeal

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:-[ :'(  This is a nightmare I had know idea they can put somthing so stupid on the market over the counter.  I should get a lawyer

These companies pray on people that have no clue. ALWAYS research what you put in your body. Rule number one. And as far as I know superdrol isn't accessible over the counter. You have to get it from the web (which many websites don't sell it anymore unless they are blackmarket websites) or from the black market sources. The FDA hasn't approved it for sale.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2006, 07:41:11 AM by flex1appeal »

Offline deecoop

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When i brought it 1\6\06 it was over the counter it was something you could have got gmc

Offline flex1appeal

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hmmm, I wouldn't think GNC would be allowed to sell something that wasn't approved by the FDA. Prohormones are illegal now and are banned since january 2005 in the US. So I am not sure how you bought them over the counter.

On January 20, 2005, prohormones in the US were officially banned as a result of the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004. This was an act which was signed into law on October 22, 2004 (to be effective 90 days later) and, with regards to prohormones, trumped the Dietary Supplement Health and Regulation Act (DSHEA) of 1994 which is what allowed their legal manufacturing and distribution. This means that the distribution, sale and even possession of prohormones (andro) is now a punishable crime. They are now controlled substances. So, be careful if you have some.

While this law only affects prohormones, the fact that it has overruled DSHEA in order to create the ban is of serious concern. Bills that would change the status of creatine and other bodybuilding supplements are at the ready.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2006, 08:15:20 AM by flex1appeal »

Offline deecoop

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gmc does sell things that are not appoved (fda) The fda did not even look at this crap until march.  But still its too late now.  I can not change the past now but everybody should know about this.  What if i have cancer im only 30.  Just not right.

Offline flex1appeal

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I modified my origional post to show when prohormones were banned. And by law, GNC is prohibited from selling any supplements which are banned or illegal. You sure it wasn't january of 2005 you bought them? They were legal up until that time.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2006, 08:20:12 AM by flex1appeal »

Offline moobius

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Superdrol is a methalated steroid which is liver toxic and known to cause liver disease, liver failure and liver tumors in some who take it.

i love how you make shit up...  show me where superdrol has caused liver failure and liver tumors.  the recommended dosage for these substances is far below that which would cause liver failure.  it's like saying that drinking water can kill you... yeah, if you drink enough of it, fast enough, you'll die due to loss of electrolytes, but how many people even come close to drinking that much water? not too many

if it was indeed superdrol, then it is methylated masteron which does not aromatize.  there would be no need for anti-e's while using it. however, if one were to discontinue it's use without a proper post cycle, then the hormonal flux that occurs while one's system normalizes could cause gyno.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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i love how you make shit up...  show me where superdrol has caused liver failure and liver tumors.  the recommended dosage for these substances is far below that which would cause liver failure.  it's like saying that drinking water can kill you... yeah, if you drink enough of it, fast enough, you'll die due to loss of electrolytes, but how many people even come close to drinking that much water? not too many

if it was indeed superdrol, then it is methylated masteron which does not aromatize.  there would be no need for anti-e's while using it. however, if one were to discontinue it's use without a proper post cycle, then the hormonal flux that occurs while one's system normalizes could cause gyno.

We have spoken before on the subject of endocrinology and your aggressive pro steroid stance;;action=display;num=1140658867;start=0

During that discussion you came off looking foolish and totally out of your depth.   People should view that discussion if they have any doubt as to who knows what when it comes to endocrinology.

That discussion cost time and effort on my part in order to educate you something I am not prepared to afford you again.  

You will have to be educated about the truth elsewhere or by someone else, so you are welcome to your opinion.


When you dance with a chimney sweep you have to be prepared to get dirty and I am not sullying myself again.  

« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 09:43:44 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline moobius

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hypo... your ignorance is only surpassed by your ego.

the previous thread that you linked is hardly me being "pro steroids" as much as it is me being "pro choice". if one chooses to use steroids, and educates themselves on the safe and proper way to use them, then by all means it is their choice to follow that route.

furthermore, the thread you linked has no bearing whatsoever to the statement i made.  YOUR statement: "Superdrol is a methalated steroid which is liver toxic and known to cause liver disease, liver failure and liver tumors in some who take it. " is complete and utter "hypo talking out of his ass again"

just b/c something is methylated does NOT mean it is liver toxic nor does that necessarily equate to causing liver disease/failure.  apparently you know just enough in this arena that you feel confident in yourself making these sweeping statments, but in actuality all it does is point out how little you truely know on the subject.


BTW, i destroyed you in that previous thread

« Last Edit: October 13, 2006, 02:25:45 PM by moobius »


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