Author Topic: Please, I could use your input.  (Read 2799 times)

Offline jmlnarik

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Hi, I'm 16 and am very sure I have gyne.  I'm 5'11" and weigh 170 pounds (not really 'skinny', but certainly not battling obesity) and while i'd like to believe that it's all a matter of puberty/hormone imbalances, my chest has been this way for a long time now, probably at least 3 years.  I read that in most cases where gyne resolves itself, it does so over the course of a couple months to a year??  Am I screwed in terms of this ever going away?  I'm sure if I started excercising and lifting more it might cause a slight change, but I know that the gyne would still be there just because of the way my chest is in proportion to the rest of my body.  I also know that surgery is no option because my family does not make very good money (hell, I haven't even *talked* to my mom about this problem, but I don't know how she couldn't have noticed it by now!), so I couldn't even have the doctors get rid of it if I wanted (which I do).

In terms of how it affects me psychologically: it sucks.  I have almost no esteem because of this.  I'm always wearing a jacket or an over-shirt to try and hide my chest.  I usually look slumped over when I walk because I'm always trying to hide it.  All I wish for is to be normal, like all the other guys I see around me (including my friends, none of whom have this problem at all).  I *never* go swimming and *never* take off my shirt in front of anyone, save for the people I live with (my mother and younger brother), and I only take it off to shower.

This has been going on so long that it's starting to wear on my mind.  I've been depressed about this for a long time and it's just getting worse with each passing day.  I don't even know how to bring up the subject with my parent, because I really see no resolution being found (i.e. surgery).  I don't know what to do, but I'm sick of always having to worry about if my chest is covered or not each morning when I walk out the door.  For the past THREE years I've been telling myself that it will go away, but surely enough, it hasn't.  And I'm not sure if it ever will.

Gyne is what keeps me from being myself around others.  It's always the gyne.  Gyne is what keeps me from bothering to try out for sports, gyne is what keeps me staying home on the day all my friends go swimming at the lake, gyne is just a giant ball-and-chain that I am really tired of hauling around...

I just want to be normal.  That's all I want.  And the gyne is the only thing keeping me from that.  What are my options, guys?  I'm sure many of you are in / have been in a similar situation.  Is there anything that can help me?  Because my High School years are being wasted away because of this stupid condition.

Any feedback/comments/questions you have are all very welcome.

Thanks, Josh
« Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 03:11:23 PM by jmlnarik »

Offline Mastagon

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See a doctor about it, get some blood tests done, then possibly see an endocrinologist. There are medications out there that can help, but you should only use them with a physician's supervision.  

Though dieting may help the condition, it can't (usually) get rid of it completely. And as far as lifting weights, this might help as well by filling out the upper chest, it might make the lower half protrude less. Though don't think you can "bench press" the gyno lump/tissue off your chest. You can't just "spot reduce" fat like that.

Offline tnel00son

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hey man, i know what your goign through. it was the same for me. but listen, i would seriously recommend telling this to your parent(s). when i did, it lifted a lot of weight off my shoulders. there have been so many guys on this board that say they are afraid of bringing it up to their parents, but when they finally did, they felt like they should have told them so much sooner. so i would definately recommend letting them know about it for a start. after that, you should see an endocrinologist, who can take tests and look at your hormone levels. they will be able to tell you all you want to know. as far as getting rid of it, the only way is surgery. but if you dont want surgery because of the price, that is understandable but dont be afraid of getting it. i just had mine done 2 weeks ago, its a breeze man. also, if you do decide you want the surgery, and your parents will pay for it, dont put it off, try to get it done as soon as you can. im 18 now, and i got my surgery after i graduated. i feel like i missed out on so much becuase of my gyne, and i believe i could have done alot more and have gotten through highschool alot easier and had better experiences had i not had this burden. however. whatever you decide to do, good luck m8.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 12:31:00 PM by tnel00son »

Offline jmlnarik

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Thank you for the replies everyone.

As it turns out, I talked to my mom about it, and guess what: she won't take me to a doctor. At all.  Not even to get it looked at.  She claims that if I start not eating as much meat and not eating 'foods with estrogen in them' that my chest 'problem' will go away.  Also (you won't even believe this part), to stop drinking anything out of plastic bottles, because she claims that the plastics have traces of estrogen in them, in other words, plastic bottles are a reason my chest is abnormally large.  Can you believe that??! She says that surgery is the root-of-all-evil and that "Western Medicine" is a bunch of lies, and that if I make a couple of subtle diet changes that my chest will shrink back down to normal.  I told her how preposterously incorrect of her it was to think that, but it didn't change her outlook.  

Oh, how wonderful it is to have a crazy mother who thinks all doctors are evil.
I guess I'm going to have to fucking WAIT until I'm 18 and/or out on my own to do anything about this problem.  Which, btw, sucks, because I want to take action NOW!

All is lost.

I don't think I've ever felt this hopeless.  The one person that I thought would be supportive of me has turned her back just to let this problem keep getting worse and worse until the only thing that can fix it IS surgery.  What should I do, guys?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 05:50:22 PM by jmlnarik »

Offline Paa_Paw

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You Quoted your mother as saying that Western medicine is all lies, But I found nothing to indicate what your heritage actually is.

Knowing that may help you connect with someone of the same heritage that may be able to convince your mother.

I have no idea how much of her instructions were based upon things she believes to be true and how much was simply grabbing at straws.

Sometimes when a parent is in the corner, they will try almost anything. Perhaps your mom had the feeling of being cornered with no resources to help you.

Perhaps you can find a Doctor that comes from the same general area as that of your mothers family. Again, knowing more in general terms about your family background may help someone here to give better advice as to how to proceed.

As you correctly have observed, you may simply need to wait until you are a legal adult and then act on your own.

To answer part if your initial question, The medical treatments seem to work best if the growth is recent or even ongoing. Since your condition has been stable for 3 years, Surgery or learning to cope may be your only options.
Grandpa Dan

Offline merle

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Where is your father? You might get her to read my book, it might help her understand what is really going on. Since I am not a doctor, that might help.

Demystifying Gynecomastia: Men with Breasts
The first book on Gynecomastia

My newest book: Facing the Truth of Your Life is very relevant to members of this forum. It could save you a lot of unnecessary pain and time.

Book books are available on Amazon. FTTOYL is also available through your local bookstore or on Audible or iTunes.

Offline Mr_Nip

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These guys are giving you good feedback and advice.  I would add that at age 16 the problem MIGHT go away, which would of course be good.  It's a drawback that you can't see a doctor about this, but hopefully if you were to have a fever, infection, broken bone, etc., she would see otherwise.  I personally think it's child abuse to not allow a child to get medical help when needed.  Anyway, surgery usually isn't going to be an option until you're 18 or older anyway.  You don't need your mom's permission at that time.  I don't condone disrespecting parents, but taking action for yourself in this matter is not in itself disrespect.  It's good sense.  Be patient on the surgery and slowly ease your mom into this.  Let her see the video posted at the top of this board's post list.  Tell her there's a book available that talks about where this problem comes from and what options there are out there for dealing with it.  Don't hit her all at once, though.  If you have supportive grandparents, you may want to start confiding in them, as well.  There can be a lot of influence there.  Be patient, my friend, and realize that you're not alone.  

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Offline rockfish42

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I know what your going through. Maybe your mom will let your wear a compression shirt to hide the obvious signs and you can stop wearing a jacket and maybe get into some sports again. When I was in high school I weight 145 lbs at 5 '7. I was a tennis player and totally stopped because of gyne. From that point life when down hill until I got out of high school. I didn't had surgery until I was 38. Even after surgery I still have puffy nipples. I personally don't feel shes that far off base. I notice that when I don't eat red meat and don't drink milk I'm less puffy. Also I don't drink alcohol because it also puffs them up. So get a compression shirt to help you deal until you can afford surgery.

Offline Mr_Nip

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I know what your going through. Maybe your mom will let your wear a compression shirt to hide the obvious signs and you can stop wearing a jacket and maybe get into some sports again. When I was in high school I weight 145 lbs at 5 '7. I was a tennis player and totally stopped because of gyne. From that point life when down hill until I got out of high school. I didn't had surgery until I was 38. Even after surgery I still have puffy nipples. I personally don't feel shes that far off base. I notice that when I don't eat red meat and don't drink milk I'm less puffy. Also I don't drink alcohol because it also puffs them up. So get a compression shirt to help you deal until you can afford surgery.

I agree that staying in sports and at least staying fit and eating right are all good advice.  A compression vest may help.

I don't agree that any of us know what the others are going through.  We don't know the degree of gyne, nor do we know family/life situations.   I personally could eat no red meat and drink only water but still have HUGE areolas and breasts.  Been there.  

Glad it works for you, though.  ;)


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