Author Topic: Need some help ->  (Read 1535 times)

Offline helio

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Hi guys, I'm thinking of going in for surgery. My dad wants to know what the operation is called so he can see if our insurance covers it. Can anyone give me some information on the procedure and the chances of insurance covering it? He works at CAT. Also, can I hear from the people that were happy with surgery? Everything in Post-Op looks like people who didn't get what they want and that makes me a little scared.

I don't have really bad gyne but I'd like to be able to wear tshirts that fit me right, go swimming, etc, you know what i mean.

Offline nogyne29

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hey helio,
the procedure is typically called "gynecomastia surgery" or "male breast reduction". In most instances, insurance does not cover the surgery. CAT is a good company so maybe there insurance would cover at least part of the cost. good luck man

Offline Paa_Paw

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We have a few, but only a few, men who are post-operative and happy with the result.

Most of the men who are post operative and happy with the result simply get on with their lives and they are lost to us as a resource.

This would explain why there seems to be such a high number of people here who are not happy with their surgical results.
Grandpa Dan

Offline jc71

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Tell your dad you have gyneitis (gyne-eye-tis).

I think the name of the surgery is Gyneplasty.

I may be wrong.  ;)

Check with your Dr.


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