Author Topic: Please take a look, what is this?  (Read 6630 times)

Offline Mr_Nip

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I realize i dont not have a bad case, I have already stated that, And i have never said that I suffer from having this, I just stated that it is somthing that I would rather not have and that everyday I see them it "annoys" me, not I am looking for options to have it fixed, and i was hoping it could be done without surgury.

I know what you're saying.  Your original questions weren't even answered.  :-[

If it's gland causing the puffiness then surgery would be the way to remove it.   Gynecomastia is excess gland behind the nipple possibly accompanied by excess fat cells which give the appearance of women's breasts.  This should answer your question about lifting:

Sorry your question turned into this gyne-or-not debate. :)

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Offline sickofit

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How do you tell the difference between gland/fat or do i need a consultation for that? if its fat and I loose it thorught excersice will it appear normal?

Offline Mr_Nip

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How do you tell the difference between gland/fat or do i need a consultation for that? if its fat and I loose it thorught excersice will it appear normal?

As Dr. Bermant posted in another thread recently, it's difficult for anyone to tell whether it's mostly fat or mostly gland until you're in the operating room.  

There's not any way to control what areas will lose fat, so if you get lucky the fat may come off in the right places.  Then again, that may make a developed gland more noticeable or you may lose fat everywhere except the chest.  

If it's gland then building muscle behind it by working out can make your condition actually appear worse.  

Really, I think you should go ahead and do some research into plastic surgeons in your area and get a consultation appointment.  A lot of P.S.'s will give you a free consultation.  Mine did.  That will give you an idea whether or not surgery is a valid option for you.

Offline sickofit

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thanks for you help man, i tihk the only thing about surgury would be that I would feel kinda weird getting it at 18? and staying out of the gym for 4 weeks would be tough, i can barelly go without it for the weekend, but i think i will do some searching for a Dr. around here jsut to see my options.  Also does I saw some people talking about insurance covering this, is that true?

Offline sickofit

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also does this procedure leave scarring, and can the glands return once removed?

Offline sickofit

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Offline nonini

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also does this procedure leave scarring, and can the glands return once removed?

Yes it leaves scars since they cut around your nipple, how visible they are depends on a lot of things, generaly it doesnt come back, but there are always exceptions

Offline Mr_Nip

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Yes it leaves scars since they cut around your nipple, how visible they are depends on a lot of things, generaly it doesnt come back, but there are always exceptions

What he said.

Wasn't ignoring you.  I just got back from my first day back to work.  :)

Offline sickofit

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thanks for you help everyone, and for anyone who has had this surgury done, are you happy you did it? were there an complications for you? and what was your total price after everything was said and done? Thanks again.


Offline abbsynth

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Matt / sickofit

I just registered with the express intent of telling you what a silly boy you are..! 18 is an age when its easy to become obsessed with small details and worry ourselves into a stupour over them...

But what you've got here I think is an entire site of guys who actually have male breasts (including me) looking at your adonis-like torso and non-existent 'breasts' and being very envious (including me).

So now stop wasting your time on here and go and pull some girls, who will soon pursuade you I'm right. Either that - or go and visit your GP. The medical profession is surrounded by illness and misery and I'm sure he could do with a really good laugh :-)


Offline nogyne29

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my case was very similar to yours. i had a muscular chest but my puffy nipples ruined my perception of myself. they annoned me and ruined my overall phys-
ique in my mind. the fatty tissue was impossible to lose no matter how much i exercised. i would suggest getting surgery, but don't rush into it. also, try to get glandular plus lipo. i had lipo only, so i may need another surgery to get the gland removed. i look pretty good two weeks out of surgery. i hope the gland and fat won't come back, at least not as bad. i would really hate to go thru surgery again.

Offline headheldhigh01

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don't let anyone tell you this is just in your head.  mr_nip had it right.  gyne comes in lots of forms, and bad puffies like you have are one of them.  
« Last Edit: September 14, 2006, 05:47:54 PM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline supaaman

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18 might be a bit young to make a surgery/no surgery decision.  I had a similar case to you when I was your age and it looked fine, although it did kind of bug me and I wasn't real comfortable taking off my shirt.  I knew I looked better than 90% of the pop., but the nips just bothered me.  As I rolled into my 30's and had more family/work commitments, the gym was less and less of an option - you just don't have time.  As you age, it's tougher and tougher to keep the great physique.  By my mid 30's it looked terrible, and I had the surgery recently at 37.  Pretty happy with the result, but I kinda wish i had done it at 25 or so because I would have had all that time of it not bugging me + I would bet that the result would be better on a younger body (more resilient).  I wouldn't be in a hurry if I were you, but see where your at in a couple of years.  If you really want to deal with it surgically then - do it at that time.

It's gland that causes you to have a disportionate amount of fat around your chest.  You can only get rid of that fat by getting down to an unreasonable BF% (like less than 5%).  But it you keep your regimen, your still going to look good.
JCF  Success Story - Surgery Aug 23, 2006

Offline SFguy

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in answer to a previous question, surgery costs around $6,500 in the bay area of california. might be cheaper elsewhere.


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