Author Topic: 'diet aid of questionable value'.  (Read 2124 times)

Offline yumyumfood

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What's the deal with 'diet aid of questionable value'?

Offline yumyumfood

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Offline Bradley07

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if you type certain words on this board then they are automatically changed the "s" word gets changed to "excrement" and certain drugs/prescriptions get changed to "diet aid of questionable value". funny thing is that when a person hits "reply" then they can see the word that you actually wrote in the subject field, lol.  it's funny...the 1st time i saw someone ask "what about diet aid of questionable value"?, I thought "why would someone want to take something that's called diet aid of questionable value??? LOL.

anyway, i've never heard of the stuff (what you originally wrote...the Gnxn stuff) but i've never heard of someone using stuff like that and having results. i would say a good 95% of the time surgery is the only way to fix it.

Offline yumyumfood

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Ah, yeah I figured it was something like that.

..and weight-lifting usually just makes things worse, right?

What're the cheapest/most expensive surgery costs you've heard of?

Offline Bradley07

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depends on where you are. of course if you are in a country that has a socialized health care system (generally countries where the citizens pay higher taxes than americans) then you may get the surgery paid for by your health care system. if you are in the USA then the range goes anywhere from $2500-6700.  I would say the average is around $3500. Most of the $6000+ prices are for larger cities like San Francisco, NYC, etc. but in other areas the average is around $3000 or so.

also, weightlifting doesn't necessarily make gynecomastia worse but if you bulk up that area of your chest, then of course that area is going to stand out even more than it did before and, of course, that will draw more attention to that area of your body. make sense? so, the gland might look like it's coming out further than it did before but really the gyno didn't get "worse", it's still the same. it just might appear "worse" to some people.

if your gyno is fat then you can usually help some by losing fat at the gym/exercising. but usually it is a mixture of gland and fat and exercise will not get rid of gland. i have a mild case but i've been exercising a lot and the gyno is still there so it's obviously gland. i hate the idea of paying so much but i've made an appointment for a consult on september 25. it's a lot of money but i don't think you can put a price on the feeling of liberation that will accompany the fact that you no longer have breasts--and that you can take your shirt off, be intimate with someone without being embarrassed, not worry about having to wear 2 or 3 shirts all the time, etc.  

Offline yumyumfood

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How much will your surgery cost and/or where are you located, if you don't mind me asking? Do those estimated costs include everything that goes along with the surgery (ie. anestesia, vest, etc.)? Any recommendations for places in the northeast, by any chance?

Offline Paa_Paw

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With some frequency, Questions and / or Testimonials for the product under discussion have shown up. The wording was remarkably alike and The product really has no statistical evidence to support their claims.

These postings also were all posted by people using Hot-Mail Addresses and usually it was their first post.

The product name was blocked to stop what amounted to free advertising of a worthless product.
Grandpa Dan


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