Author Topic: Treatment Plan  (Read 2678 times)

Offline risingsun

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Okay, so i get my endcrinologist to do my testestorone and thyroid levls. My throids are exactly on point, right in the middle.

My testosterone levels are about 900. The endo said that 900 is on the high side (his scale was 241-827, but hes heard of other scales that include 198-1000). I have been diagnosed with gynecomastia. I do not have any lumps, nor any hard formations on my breasts. I am as of two weeks ago 18 and in the very late stages of puberty, i just started shaving 4 months ago (when i was 17). Got a little acne and grew about half an inch in the last 8 months. I noticed the gyne about 3 months ago, when i started working out and losing some weight ( i was 202 pounds, 6'0)

i have mild gyne, endo said less than average. Its noticiable when i put on a tight shirt but not generally. Never had much comments on it even when in communal showers. But i do notice it.

Its mainly fat, but i am 6'0 170 pounds so im about 20% bf. I dont really have puffy nipples but they are more than a standard flat chested mans.

I have determined to try nolvadex. Any suggestions or critcizms. My endo had no recomendations on treatment besides the usual surgery, but id rather not do surgery JUST YET.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 09:57:57 AM by risingsun »

Offline risingsun

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IM SCARED IF I GO ON NOLVADEX THE ESTROGEN LIKE SIDE EFFECTS WILL MAKE ME MORE FEMININE. I dont want to have any estrogen side effects. Plus i heard once you get off nolvadex you immediately revert and may get gyne again. Also it probably wont help me since i have high testosterone already.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Naturally high testosterone, mild gynecomastia that you think it is mainly fat that is only noticeable in shirts.  

Added to those facts you state recent changes like starting to shave, so you are clearly still going through puberty.

If there was ever a candidate for gynecomastia spontaneously resolving then you would be it.  Try to loose the excess wieght and see what happens when puberty progresses.  Worst case scenario and it doesn't improve via puberty or weight loss- go with surgery.

Tamoxifen during puberty is better avoided if possible, plus it would not help with pseudogynecomastia as it only acts upon glandular mass.

Time and exercise- surgery latter if required IMHO from what you have said.  But for a more detailed perspective from someone that looks at your situation via examination- your current doctor/endocrinologist and or plastic surgeon.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2006, 09:24:56 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline skyhawk

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I agree with hypo. I think Watchfull waiting is in order right now. Thats what the medical references I have read say, and quote anywhere from 3 months to three years. Then, if its still a problem, you will always have the option of surgery. I'd stay away from those drugs.

Offline risingsun

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okay. Ive decided that Tamoxifen is not the answer.

I am 18 and 1 month old. I dont believe i can still be in puberty? can i ?

I guess itd be best not to do anything, but id hate to be 22 and think i could have saved my life 4 years of discomfort.

Any comments or suggestions????

Offline Paa_Paw

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The range of "Normal" is very wide.

Meaning that it would not be very unusual for you to still be in puberty at your age. It happened to me! and I like to think of myself as normal even if my grandkids tell me I am weird.  

Continue the follow-up with the Doctor.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2006, 07:07:29 PM by Paa_Paw »
Grandpa Dan

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I am 18 and 1 month old. I dont believe i can still be in puberty? can i ?

You previously stated;


i just started shaving 4 months ago (when i was 17). Got a little acne and grew about half an inch in the last 8 months. I noticed the gyne about 3 months ago, when i started working out and losing some weight ( i was 202 pounds, 6'0)


The recent changes you speak of are the changes induced by puberty- we all go through them at different stages/ages.

No question whatsoever that your life is in a state of flux as far as puberty goes.

Given that you have high testosterone and you speak of weight being the issue……try and loose the weight see what tomorrow brings in terms of the next few years.

That is my honest opinion… other opinions here and more professional opinions if you feel the need.


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