My 12 year old son's surgery went well, so I thought I would write about how it went.
We arrived at the hospital about 7:45, we had to be there by 8:00 and check in. At 8:00 we finished the registration process and then we were lead up the second floor where the surgery would take place. Again we checked in and my son was placed in a waiting room, where he changed his clothes and was able to relax on a gurney and watch tv. My son was in a super good mood, joking around and being his usual self. He didn't seem nervous at all and said he wasn't nervous.
The PS arrived at 10:15 and went over everything and I excused myself so he could mark my son's chest. After the PS left, I went back in and waited for the anesthesiologist, who arrived about 10:30. My son seemed to be a human pin cushion, but he took it well, didn't wince once, and they were finally able to insert an IV in his other arm. That took about 15 minutes, because they had problems locating a vein. Fortunately, they were very gentle and told him he was a real trooper. He said it didn't even hurt.
At 10:50 they rolled him down the hallway and my mom and I waited in the waiting area for him. About 1:20 we were informed that he was almost in recovery, but that it would probably be at least an hour before we could see him. We were told to wait in the "privacy" area and the doctor came in and said everything went well. He said he removed about 350 cc of fatty tissue, and glands about the size of walnuts in the shell, which were being sent to pathology.
The PS said that my son was wrapped in an ACE bandage that could be removed in 48 hours and at which time he could shower. The stitches will dissolve, NO drain tubes were installed, and that he should wear some type of compression garment 24/7 for at least three weeks, and then another 3 weeks as needed (for a total of 6 weeks). Pre-op visit to be scheduled 2 to 3 weeks out in the doctor's office.
Since my son was still in Phase 1 recovery, I was not allowed to see him, so my mom and I went to get lunch. We got back about an hour later and he was still in Phase 1 recovery so we had to wait approx. 30 more minutes before they moved him to Phase 2 recovery.
He was still groggy when we arrived, but awake and coherent. He seemed to be doing well, but still had the droopy eyes. The nurse said he was a little nauseous, but after spitting up some mucus, he was fine.
It was another 45 minutes or so, before they released him. The pharmacist came in while we were waiting and gave him a prescription of Hydrocodone (for pain) and some other drug for nausea. I helped my son get dressed, but actually he was doing very well on his own, and probably could have done fine without my help. He was able to urinate at the hospital before we left.
I drove my car around and met him and the nurse in a wheelchair at the front curb and we were on our way home. He ate some Ritz crackers and still seemed a little groggy, but otherwise was doing fine.
The PS suggested wearing a compression shirt over his ACE wrap, so I finally got him to put one on, without much trouble when we got home about 4:00. I gave him some Sprite and he is still eating crackers. I just gave him one Hydrocodone at 5:00, before any pain starts to kick in, because he said he was starting to get a little sore. I won't ask him again, unless he asks for something for pain.
He is sitting up and watching movies and is back to his normal self.
So far everything has gone well.
The pain med took affect about 45 minutes after taking a pill at 5:00, and he is now sleeping on his back.