Hypo- I never said that you don't get the language. I am just trying to have a conversation. Except you do tend to take things as pesonal attacks.
It was not my intention- my language let me down on this occasion.
I apologise if you feel I am always like this/dogmatic.
I am resolute in certain matters which can be seen as being dogmatic, but I hope to be on the right side of the divide concerning those issues where I have strong principles.
Here though- my language let me down.
My initial response looks defensive and hostile, something I did not wish to convey at all.
Even when, as in this case, the attack was directed elsewhere.
I readily acknowledge as above.
Marlow can very well be compared with Shakespeare. You have to have a wider knowledge of Literature or a major set of footnotes to get the allusions to mythology that he makes very often. I don't think that Marlow's poetry can be compared to Shakespeare. Will's was by far better.
I was just speaking in the broad brush stroke of plays, as in,I don't think Marlow can realistically be compared to Shakespeare when it comes to his actual plays (despite Marlow’s talent and historical importance)
I was just speaking in the broad brush stroke of plays, as in I don't think Marlow can realistically be compared to Shakespear when it comes to his actual plays (despite Marlows talent and hisorical importance)
Oh sorry I have just seen you agreed in this sense.
I can see your point about the language
Shakespeare had a vocab that was phenomenal and beyond that of most academics today
A different world, but certainly his eloquence when it cameto language was phenomenal.
But one point I will make is that Shakespeare was not university educated. He never went past grade school. Everyone who went to school at all had a working knowledge of Greek mythology and complex works like Ovid's Metamorphisis. That just isnt the case today.
Who was Shakespeare?- is a debate that exists.
Some academics think that Shakespeare was Marlow, others think he was Bacon, some of course think he was simply his namesake.
If Shakespeare was indeed who he appeared to be, his education was not that of a university fellow, instead he was a natural genius.
I understood but disliked the Metamorphosis and preferred other greek authors like Homer,
I'm just saying that as a culture we don't seem to care about literature as much and along with several other factors we are a less inteligent society becasue of it.
I agree entirely.