Author Topic: Avoid flour and sugar  (Read 12649 times)

Offline skyhawk

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I have tried many approaches to weight loss, and I have found the diet that personaly works best for me. I stumbled upon this on the net and thought I would give it an honest try. Summed up in just a few words. "Avoid flour and sugar." That seemed too simple but I gave it a try anyway. I have been about 80% compliant, yet my pants are starting to fall down my hips and I am always pulling them back up. This is just after a few weeks and I didn't expect to see this happen so soon. I haven't been hungry at all, just when selecting foods I remember.... "Avoid flour and sugar."

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Makes sense to me!  ;)

It's amazing how many food products have sugar that you wouldn't expect them to. Ya gotta read the labels.  ;)

« Last Edit: January 08, 2007, 02:06:26 AM by Grandpa Bambu »
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Offline rocketrob

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When u avoid carbs and sugars........ your body goes in to a state of Ketosis, this means that the body has no readily available energy (which normally comes from carbs and sugars)  so to create an energy source, the body will break down stored fat cells (lipids) and use that as an energy source...

PAY ATTENTION: the body also will break down protein from muscle for energy   THUS......... make sure your muscle is protected by having a HIGHHHHHHHHH protein diet!!! so the body is more concentrated on breaking down the stored fat!

Anyone who follows this simple rule will lose TONS of weight if needed...

remember: stay away from the following....... ALL OF IT contains too much carbs and sugars


All commercial cold cereals
All Bread – except Ezekiel and Manna – today many whole wheat choices are not healthy due to the heat used in the processing of the grain and the pesticides sprayed on the grain in the field and in the storage facility
Any item made with tap water – fruit juice, coffee, soups, alcohols, pop, diet pop – these are also bad items for many other reasons
All commercial fruit juice
The highest glycemic fruit and therefore the worst fruit are over ripened bananas, cantaloupes, honeydew melon, watermelon and pineapple
All crackers, all cakes, all cookies
All pop, all chips, all chocolate, all sweets and all desserts
All fast food and most restaurant food unless it is meat, whole grains, clean water and vegetables – insure
your restaurant selections follow successful food combination principles – the majority of restaurant
food will not only be non organic but it will also be of the lowest conventional quality
The majority of commercial soups – try and find a soup that is not made with tap water, refined flour or sweetened with glucose/fructose - read your ingredients
Large amounts of corn, peas, carrots and large potatoes
All white rice, rice cakes and other processed rice products – Rice Krispies, Special K, puffed rice etc
Low fat milk products are highly unnatural and all they would also be pasteurized
Even regular milk is no where near healthy because it is pasteurized – if you are going to consume milk products we recommend a very limited quantity and we encourage the recording of any side effects
Ice cream and frozen yogurt
Organic ice cream, organic cookies, organic crackers etc - just because sugar is organic does not make it any safer for you
White commercial non-organic pasta
Alcohol - of any kind - red wine has some good properties but in very limited quantity
Frozen foods and pre made ready to eat meals - often found in the freezer section
Any products made from sugar - any word ending in “ose” - watch your labels as it is added to everything
from fruit juice to pop and from soup to toothpaste
Any products made with refined white flour, enriched flour, or flour in general - bagel, muffins, toast, pancakes, donuts, crackers, cakes, cookies, soups etc
Soy milk and other soy based products


Offline Calg-puffed

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In order to induce your body into a state of ketosis you're going to have to take in less than 30g of carbs per day... or about 1/10th of the recommended daily intake.  Not only can you not eat all items mentioned above, but you also need to avoid any type of starch (corn, peas, potatoes), sweet vegetables (red, yellow and orange peppers), milk, yogurt, fruit or anything with more than a few grams of carbs in it.  You still get carbs from eating things like broccoli, spinach (green carbs), etc., so that your entire vascular system doesn't collapse.

It's a very difficult diet to do, and is essentially phase 1 of the south beach and atkins diet.  You should never stay in ketosis for more than 2 weeks, at which point you need to start introducing some carbs in moderated amounts (1 serving of grains per day, 1 serving of fruit per day, 1 serving of dairy per day).

Ketogenic diets are highly debated among the fitness community, but I've personally tried it and it has definitely worked.  When you throw your body into ketosis, you essentially re-teach it how to grab that energy from fat (something it's not used to doing), so that it occurs more easily for when you do start re-introducing good carbs.

Before you start a ketogenic diet, I'd highly recommend reading south beach diet book.  There's more to it than just "cutting out carbs."

Offline PeterBateman

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I'll help you all out - eat sensibly, avoid the obvious - chips, pop, cookies etc except on occasion, work out with weights, and then do cardio AFTER, and above all else - with each meal you eat, drink one cup (250 ml) of Tropicana ruby red grapefruit juice.

in Mens Health a few months ago they talked about this, and said that this is the only proven dietary 'fad' that works, i think they said cuz of the acidity.

ive eaten well, lots of fruit, whole grain breads, cut out sugar in tea/coffee etc, and drink lots of water.  ive lost roughly 8 lbs, and kept it off, and i havent been running due to a knee surgery a few weeks ago.

it works, and is easy especially if you love the taste of ruby red, like i do.

Offline rocketrob

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To all who care......... I do this "ketosis: diet in my weight loss clinic which is also part of my fitness club, so I see first hand how amazingly fast it works. You should not be in Ketosis for more than 2 weeks? Hogwash, I have people in Ketosis for 3-6 months and are thriving!!! working out 3 days a week and feeling fantastic!

Cutting carbs and sugars is a hard way to do it.... but works well and is safe...

Let me ask anyone this.... How did MAN live 500 years ago????  Did we have coke, chips, burger king, crackers, boxed cereal, pasterized milk, sweets, ect......... NO

So people back then were in ketosis on a regular bases (stressing again... its safe)

We have just grown accustom to sugar and carbs so much that it becomes a necessity .... like a drug...

I can go on forever BUT,,,,, I want to stress that my Ketosis "diet" comes in 3 phases and by the 3rd phase.... good carbs are re-introduced into the diet.

Yes... if you eat sensible you can drop weight.... but when people need help on that issue, I want to be able to give them a good direction.

Take care all

P.S   I have been on my own diet for 4 days and I am down 13 pounds!!

           GO BEARS!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2007, 12:09:04 AM by rocketrob »

Offline eckoston

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13 pounds in 4 days? damn, how unhealty is that.

Offline rocketrob

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well I am here, training and feeling fantastic.... you?    I was 258 and want to get down to 230...... another week and a half should do it

Offline theambushparty

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heres a diet.

dont eat crap, and exercise.

it works, i promise

Offline rocketrob

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Whatever works well for you is great

keep on losing the weight, exercise and stay healthy!

Offline gyneman

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Yes, you do lose weight fast; however, you lose muscle as well. No carbs= burned muscle & fat...Not a sensible diet, once you begin eating carbs , you blow up like a baloon. Don't even think about eating pizza, you'll gain like 3 lbs from eating a couple pieces... ;D...Trust me, I know.

Offline rocketrob

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you lose muscle ONLY if you dont provide yourself a lot of protein... LOTS!!

Trust me, i KNOW..... the key is to keep your protein super high and you will not lose muscle

Offline tonysoprano

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I'll help you all out - eat sensibly, avoid the obvious - chips, pop, cookies etc except on occasion, work out with weights, and then do cardio AFTER, and above all else - with each meal you eat, drink one cup (250 ml) of Tropicana ruby red grapefruit juice.

in Mens Health a few months ago they talked about this, and said that this is the only proven dietary 'fad' that works, i think they said cuz of the acidity.

ive eaten well, lots of fruit, whole grain breads, cut out sugar in tea/coffee etc, and drink lots of water.  ive lost roughly 8 lbs, and kept it off, and i havent been running due to a knee surgery a few weeks ago.

it works, and is easy especially if you love the taste of ruby red, like i do.

Grapefruit Juice?

Ask hypo what grapefruit juice is famous for doing ?
... and the saga continues

Offline inquestion

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What is it famous for doing?

Offline dontknow_ok

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