Author Topic: Travelling for Surgery  (Read 1979 times)

Offline man-chest-r

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On another thread, someone asked about Levick technique in London because he didn't want to travel to  Birmingham.

Among the responses were that travel might be the least of his worries. Well, that's a fair point, and when people are going to Poland, London-Birmingham seems trivial.

But I have to say I am glad I had my op done locally. It feels it is taking less of a chunk out of my life. It also reduced stress to know I could pop in a taxi if there were any problems, and also made it easier to get on with my "normal" life - although the real impact on normal life of the work up to the op, the op itself and its after effects are worth a thread of their own too.  So I could at least put in appearances at work, and in my social circle and not suddenly disappear for as long or as often as I might have had to had I gone to Poland, or even Brum - had  I known about either.

Now, of course the challenge is to find the mix of cost, convenience, and a surgeon you are happy with. But in my view it is horses for courses - what do others think?

Offline Done_n_dusted

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I agree with you bud. I come from your neck of the woods and travelled to Birmingham for the Levick treament. It's suprising how much time it takes to travel there and back for the consultation, then the op, then post-op consultation, then any other issues that may arise (eg revision). I've only done the first two so far and will book the post-op consultation some time in the next few weeks, it will mean taking an entire day off work though which really puts me off.

Long term I'm sure it will be worth it, short term it's a bugger.
Levick'd and Happy Nov 2006


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