Author Topic: Probability of re-occurence?  (Read 2576 times)

Offline kennyb

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So what is the probability of re-occurence?

I had bloodwork done, and they said I had pretty low test.  Not super low, but borderline testosterone replacement. 

On the other hand, I work out alot and get compliments on my physique.  So I am able to put on muscle. 

The endo doctor said that "testosterone is a funny thing...maybe you just don't need that much".  That's what he said kind of odd.

Anyway, so I also have slight gyno, from teenage years (I'm 33). 

So if I have gyno surgery, does my low test level mean that it could come back?

It hasn't gotten any 'worse', just been about the same for the past 15 years or so.

Offline kennyb

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Oh, also, I did talk to one PS.  He said the surgery was considered 'curative' and that it couldn't really grow back as the gland etc., had been removed.

But I'm reading on here and other sites that it CAN grow back.  So I am concerned.

Offline Mr_Nip

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...The endo doctor said that "testosterone is a funny thing...maybe you just don't need that much".  That's what he said kind of odd....

I agree that sounds odd.  I hope hypo-is-here picks up on this and gives his opinion on that endo quote.

To answer your question, yes.  Although unlikely, gyne can and does return under the right conditions.  If you have low testosterone it's more likely than if those levels are normal.  Surgeons can remove most of the gland tissue, but rarely will all be removed.  Taking all of it out can cause a concavity that looks very bad, so some is generally left in there.  Even if "all" is removed, it's nearly impossible to truly get ALL of it.  Whatever gland tissue is left can eventually grow if the conditions are there to stimulate gland growth. 

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Offline Hypo-is-here

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Hi kennyb,

If you request a copy of your hormone pathology along with reference ranges I can take a look at it for you.

I have low testosterone am on treatment and help at hypogonadism support groups.

Offline kennyb

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Thanks for reply.

I don't have the tests handy, but as I recall the "free test" was something like 291 which was below normal.  The "bound test" was maybe slightly above the minimum.

The estrogen was normal, not even high normal, just normal, as I recall.

Progesterone was normal.

I also had a bunch of other tests, because the doctor didn't understand why I'd have low test.

I had some kind of test where they inject me with something to see if they can make my testes release test or something like that.  Leutenizing hormone, Leutenizing releasing hormone, something like that.  Anyway the gist of it was that everything worked.  My testes can make test, and my brain can tell my testes to make test.  It's just that the "thermostat" is set kind of low.  Disappointing.

About the time I got gyno, I developed kind of a pea sized nodule on a teste (I know, gross).  So I thought the two were related.  I had it looked at at the time and the doctor said it was "nothing".  Another doctor a few years back said it was "nothing".  Don't know if it means anything or if it is just "nothing".

The endo I saw said I had two choices.  Go on test. replacement or just live with it.  He said since I looked healthy and relatively muscular, it would not be smart to go on test replacement.  I don't think you can have kids or something either. 

So that's that.  That's when he made that kind of curious (he seemed kind of surprised at the whole ting) "testosterone is a funny thing...maybe you just don't need that much."

But now I wonder that if I have this surgery with low test, will it come back.  The doctor implied that it doesn't.  The cells are gone for the most part.  I wonder if that's only if you are very aggressive with the gland. 

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Request a paper copy of your test results inclusive of reference ranges and then I can look at it properly for you.  It doesn't pay to look at these things from a half baked perspective.

You could have high SHBG or high Prolactin causing reduced free testosterone if the estradiol is in fact ok, you may have an indication of testicular or pituitary failure etc.  If I can see the actual results, I can give a proper layman’s opinion as a man who also has low testosterone as to what looks to be the problem.  I could also have other experienced hypogonadal men look at the results on your behalf too. 

That way you would have an independent patients view on what is going on looking at things from your perspective albeit with experience and your professional endocrinologist’s opinion.

Nothing I do will replace that of an endocrinologist or an andrologist, but I can help you generally if you do have hypogonadism in terms of support and information.  Particularly if you are struggling to get answers, I can help you..

If something is apparent I can arm you with the facts so that you can speak to your endocrinologist.  I could write my thoughts in a letter to your endocrinologist, or to you so you can discuss such contents with your endocrinologist.  I could speak to your endocrinologist on your behalf if that helped.  If there is an impasse and you cannot obtain what you see as correct diagnosis or treatment, I could help you obtain a second opinion/ get you contact details for a differing endocrinologist or andrologist etc etc. 

But to help you at all I need you to help me, because without the salient pathology I'm buggered to put it bluntly.



The endo I saw said I had two choices.  Go on test. replacement or just live with it.  He said since I looked healthy and relatively muscular, it would not be smart to go on test replacement.  I don't think you can have kids or something either. 

Simply not true and over simplified.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2007, 03:25:38 PM by Hypo-is-here »


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