Author Topic: waste...  (Read 2403 times)

Offline thatguy

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i had surgery 4 weeks ago and the board had me optomistic about my results saying it takes about 6 months to heal...for about 2 days after the surgery i was as flat as could be but than my chest puffed out again.i had my post op visit today and my surgeon said that it looks great and there was no fluid...i asked him if it was still swollen and he said a little but not much and that its better than before  surgery...How can my chest be that flat 4 weeks ago and puffy as hell now??? i haven't been excersizing but i know i didn't put on that much fat!! what makes my chest still be puffy if the gland was removed and he did lipo??? This just doesn't make sense to me

Offline rocketrob

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welcome to my world..... same circumstance my friend

Offline jimyd77

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Hey guys...I understand completely where you're coming from, because right after surgery I was flat as a board too, but then swelling and scar tissue set in and they "puffed out" PS has told me not to worry about...that my body is going to be doing alot of weird things as it heals itself fully over the next 6 months.  He recommended exercise, eating right, vitamins, and proper rest to make sure that it gets all it needs.  Over time, the swelling and scar tissue will subside and I will return to the "flatness" that I experienced right after the surgery.

So I guess my point is to just take a deep breath, relax, and give it time.  If at the end of the 6 months you're still not liking what you're seeing, worry about what to do then you know?

Good luck!

Offline thatguy

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thanks..have you seen any improvements?? he told me not to wear the vest also.  my chest still hurts when i press on it leading me to believe it hasn't healed yet...time will tell but im pissed..if its not swollen, does anyone know what it could be..can tissue grow back in 4 weeks?

Offline mtl99

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Dude I'm at the 2 month point and I still have some swelling...don't worry about it, your body is still healing. I can tell you that I have improved from the 1 month point, and I expect the 3 month point to be another equivalent amount of improvement. The surgeon literally cut you open and removed tissue and fat from your insides...your body needs time to recuperate, so relax and don't worry :)

Keep eating well, exercise, and take care of yourself (don't party too hard and quit smoking if you do).

Offline gyneman

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I feel your pain!! My PS told me to give it 6mths...I did, gave it 8mths, still puffed out!! The PS tells me nothing he can do, I have to deal with this condition. I saw another PS and he tells me since the first surgery, which was excision and lipo, the PS did remove all tissue and fat but left me with an empty space. He says skin needs to be excised. Now I am scheduled for another surgery on 2/15/07. Between these 2 surgeries I will be paying $10,000..This is ridiculous, I remember a while back my girlfriend got Boobs for $8000, Geez!!! I pay $10,000 and still cant get rid of them. I am ready to throw in the towel on this gyne $#!T >:(

Offline jimyd77

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Damn gyneman, I'm really sorry to hear that...that's absolutely terrible.  I'm sure you've already done your research, but  I've read on these boards some accounts of guys in similar situations...who then used lifting weights to build up chest muscle and "fill in" that extra space caused by the excision...any chance that might work for you?  Seems like it could be a cheaper alternative to surgery.  Nevertheless, is there any fault on the part of the PS who originally did your surgery...did he make you wear a compression vest?

Offline gyneman

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Thanks Jimyd77!! They removed alot of tissue. Im 33 years old, and have had the condition since around 12 yrs old. My new PS said the connective tissues in the skin are stretched so either I get the skin excised or fill in with muscle. I would be huge if I filled that loose skin in with muscle , there is allot of space here ;D....It would take years to fill in this space. My original PS says nothing is wrong, he just isn't experienced. What can I really do to the original PS?

Offline jimyd77

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do you know where he lives  ;D

just kidding (obviously)....anyway, i'm really sorry that you had such a bad experience.  good luck with everything.


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