Author Topic: I guess I'm in the club.  (Read 4628 times)

Offline Diesel

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I've just found this forum, and I'm sorry to swarm you with (probably) yet another newbie story  ::)

I think I must have gyne. Im pretty athletic, but have always had a rack on my chest. I used to think I was just a bit fat, but I'm 19 now and am in the best shape Ive ever been physically, so I realised it can't be fat.
I did my googling and found this board. I've been to my local doctor, she said there was breast tissue.

Anyway, I've taken the liberty to show you my body and thar she blows! :

I like to think I have a decent enough frame (except for being a tad pale ;D) all except the peckers  :-\

Im sure I dont need to explain how it feels, Im just tired of the double takes people seem to need to do when I go for a swim or to a beach etc.

Heres another thing, I look basically normal when I'm cold. When I go swimming I take a cold shower beforehand and when "shrivelled" I look flat and normal (anyone?  ???)

My main concern is you all seem to be American...(I think?) and I live in the UK, so I dont have the option of visiting the famous Dr.Delgado etc. Although I do get any ops for free  :D *bows to NHS*. So hopefully any of you have any knowledge of the goings on across the pond?

Your opinions on what I have / need will be very much appreciated.

P.s - I'm gonna stick around, so I hope to trade advice as well as I can  :)

Offline Mr_Nip

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Welcome to our club.  You've come to the right place.  We're actually not all in the U.S. - Stick around and you'll find that we have members from all over the world including the U.K.  I'm sure you will find the information and support you need here.   :)

I come from nowhere
And you should go there.
Just try it for a while.
The people from nowhere always smile.  -  Frank Zappa

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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My main concern is you all seem to be American...(I think?) and I live in the UK, so I dont have the option of visiting the famous Dr.Delgado etc. Although I do get any ops for free  :D *bows to NHS*. So hopefully any of you have any knowledge of the goings on across the pond?

Check out the 'UK' board dude. There are many guys discussing the goings on across the pond.

BTW.... welcome to the boards!

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Diesel

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Haha...I guess I AM in a rush for answers. Didnt even scroll down the forum.

Taxi!  :D

Offline ddaavviiddd

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Welcome to the board,  do u think Tiger Woods will win a 3rd british open ?

Offline Diesel

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Yep, he did last in 2006  :)

For a 4th though, yeah - he's on great form here. Why do you ask?

Offline ddaavviiddd

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Did anyone watch the buick open  last week,  there was a golfer named jeff quinny and he had some serious gyno also another golfer named colin montgromery had it also

Offline ddaavviiddd

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I think there is a doctor named  Leverick from the UK that gets allot of positive feedback in this forum

Offline Diesel

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Oh I didnt know theyd had that done. Both known, Monty very well known. Strange, because Im a very active golfer  :)

And yeah, his name keeps popping up in the UK board.

Am I a full on member of the gyno club by looking at my pictures then in your opinion(s)?

Offline ddaavviiddd

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Desiel,  welcome to the club that no one wants to be a member    Good luck and make a good choice  in your decision of your PS.   Just don't go to any PS because he or she is close to u or they r cheap.   Go with experience and go with a PS that gets allot of positive feedback in this forum

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Hi Diesel,

I’ve looked at your pics and in my humble opinion you have a mild case of gyne.  If you decide to go down the route of surgery and you choose a good surgeon then I see no reason why you shouldn’t get a flat chest.  Remember though that the surgery itself is the quick and, I think, the easy bit.  The healing part is often the slow and frustrating part for many.

As regards which surgeons to check out in the UK and their aftercare etc, I think such questions might be better raised in the UK forum.  There is always a lot of interaction on the UK board and excellent support from those who use it.

If I was to proffer any advice on surgery I would say .... read as much as you can about different surgeons on here first.  Visit several and see what they have to say and how you feel about them.  Finally don’t be afraid to ask questions of fellow sufferers and those who have been through surgery themselves; there is a tremendous amount of support on here and an excellent camaraderie.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline ddaavviiddd

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It looks like a lil bit more than a mild case to me.  I think gyno is worse when the person is thin because then  your chest really stands out.   I understand bro,  do your research and  i am sure u will make the right decision

Offline Diesel

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Thanks for the replies. On the plus side, of all the stories I've seen that are most like mine, the results have been stunning. Hope I'm the same, but I guess were all different   :-\

Offline Diesel

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Well I've just got back from seeing a surgeon about 2 hours ago.....

He basically said I had a normal amount of breast tissue and look the way I do because my breast bone is caved in slightly, nothing they can do about that. He said he would operate on me, but kept stressing that it could cave inwards afterwards. He prescribed me Tamoxifen tablets which I'm going to try for 2 months...and then going back to see whats happened and going to happen.

Just a bit disappointing really, he said he was being blunt and down to earth with me and was said "if I saw you on the beach, I really wouldnt look twice". That sounds nice, but I know it's not the case.

*sigh*  :(

Offline Diesel

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Well I've been exercising and taking tamoxifen for about 3 weeks now. I have to admit there is slight improvement, not enough though so far.

1 - Has anyone been told their breastbone caves in and THATS the problem?
2 - Has anyone been satisfied with the results after taking a tamoxifen course?


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