Author Topic: Going to the Beach With Gyno?  (Read 10959 times)

Offline Zdew

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Well I am 14 almost 15 and have had gyno for about a year and a half and it has really been bothering me. Nobody really says anything about it to me or made fun of me because I am pretty popular in school but I still worry about it all the time, especially when I had to swim in P.E. :( I am getting to go on a dream trip to Mexico which my family has been planning for 2 years. I would be really excited but I really don't want to go because of the Gyno and don't know what to do. My stepsisters have made comments like "You really need to go workout because your getting man boobs" which made me feel horrible because I have been working out a lot but I know that it won't help the gyno but the comment made me feel like all my hard work it took for me to go every other day to work out was for nothing. :( One of my step-sisters even saw a thing in a news paper about boys getting man boobs from some shampoo oil and made fun of me like I was taking that. :'( So I am going to go on this trip at spring break and I am dreading it! I know when I have to take my shirt off my step sisters will be laughing at me and giving me looks. They think it is an issue of working out but they don't know there is no way to get rid of it though. I am pretty short about 5' 3" and 105 pounds and no more than 10% body fat with a kinda visible six pack from working out which looks wierd with man boobs. I noticed the gyno is starting to go away a little on the left side which I am praying every hour that my gyno will be gone by spring break but I know it won't so what should I do I am really worrying about this. Does gyno typically go away in a year and a half or is it usually longer?

Offline Zdew

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Offline Diesel

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That guy is similar to me. so is your story about working out. I work out quite a lot, have good abs, arms, shoulders...and puffy nips lol.

When you say "go away" do you mean post-op? Everybody is different. Ive seen pics of people looking great a month or 2 after the op, others around a year. It's trial and error.

Offline Zdew

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I mean go away naturally, I am only 14 so I figure it is probably just due to puberty.

Offline Diesel

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Well it might do I guess. Like I say, it's trial and error and nothing will give you better answers than an analysis from your doctor.

Offline Zdew

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Ya my nipples are a tiny bit puffier than the ones in the pictures and I know what you mean about kids thinking it. I see kids looking at my man boobs but they don't ever say anything but I know they are thinking it. I just think it might be going away because my nipple on my left side is going down a little but my right side is still the same. :( I want to tell my dad but i don't know what to say. I should have said something when I first got it but he knows I have it but assumes it isn't bothering me.

Offline jimyd77

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First, with regard to your gyno, it is possible that it's a result of the whole annoying puberty thing.  It could go definitely get better/go away as you grow older (that's why I think most PS will recommend waiting until your see how your body finally "settles.")  That said, I totally understand what you're going through man, and I know it's not easy.  Before I got my gyno taken care of I dreaded swimming...even though I absolutely love it.  Have you talked to your parents at all?  Would they be supportive of you at least talking to a PS about it?  Dunno.

Second, with regard to your's what you do.  When you guys are in Mexico, go out to a pet store and buy a big bag of crickets (any pet store that sells snakes or lizards will sell 'em...for food, but you're going to use them for a different reason).  Then, during the day, and  that's important...DURING TH DAY...take the bag of crickets and go to the hotel room where your stepsisters' are staying.  Slide the open part of the bag under the crack of the door and jostle the bag so all the crickets climb out, under the door, and into the room.  Then, that night, laugh your ass off as the deafening sound of cricket chirping keeps your sisters up all night  :D  And sure, the hotel cleaning staff will get most of them out the next day...but not all of them!  Every night for the rest of the vacation your steps will have to deal with cricket chirping.  They'll be so tired during the day that they won't make it out to the pool/beach, they'll be sleeping....thus no laughing and finger-pointing. 

And you didn't hear it from me ;-)

Offline headheldhigh01

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your stepsisters sound like a barrel of laughs, if i wasn't worried about the hotel charging me extra i'd be on jimyd's idea pronto.  i'd just avoid them or tell their parent to kick their butts.  they are however wrong about exercise helping it.

spring break's coming up soon, but since you're still in the early stage, you could talk to an endocrinologist about working at it from the hormone/cause side, you've got at least a good shot at it. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Zdew

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Well I don't think I am in the early stage because I have had it for a while and no I haven't mentioned it to my parents yet. I have a whole weekend coming up to mention it to my dad but I don't know what to say. Would the endocrinologist be able to presicribe me anything to help get rid of it?

Offline headheldhigh01

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year and a half might still be worth a try if it's not too far advanced.  he'd probably do a range of tests and look into how to bring ratios into balance, which is usually what starts gyne going.  hypo's area of expertise more than mine, however. 

Offline jimyd77

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I obviously have no idea what your relationship with you Dad is like, but perhaps if you started by telling him that you've got something going on that's making you really uncomfortable and you're not sure what to do about it...tell him you want some advice because you're not sure what to do.  Also, I would recommend going in prepared...mention that you've been doing some research on gyno and explain to him all you've found out.  Who knows, he may already know all about it.  A few times when I was telling friends what I was about to do (the surgery) they would say "oh yeah, I had a cousin who had that" or "yeah, I've heard of that." 

I don't know...again, like I said, I'm not sure what your relationship with your father is like, but if you're close, I would think he'd want to help you sort through this right?

Offline Zdew

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Well my relationship with my dad is very good but it still feels odd to me asking him about it. I can't do the "I just noticed something wierd is going on" kind of thing because I have had it for a while. I think I will talk about how excited I am about going to the beach and then act like I remembered something sad and tell him. :P But the problem I really have is going to Mexico with gyne in  a little over a month because there is nothing i can do about it maybe the endo could get my hormones leveled out or something. If the endo managed to would it be possible to burn the extra fat off from lifting wieghts or not?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2007, 06:28:18 PM by Z470 »

Offline Zdew

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Heh I just tried mentioning it to my step-mom which I am pretty close to but she didn't get the hint. :'( I starting talking about when I go to Mexico and I said "Heh I forgot" and she said "forgot what" And I just hinted the word man boobs and she was like are you talking about seeing man boobs on the beach from old men. I was so embarred about it I just said Yes I am talkng about old man boobs when I really wasn't. I walked out of the room and almost started to cry becasue I was so mad about her not getting the hint and being so embarresed. I have had it for a while so they think I am not talking about mine because I am used to them and am not worried about it. I just want to kill myself because I feel so bad and insecure about something as stupid as gyne. I want to try to tell my dad but I don't know what to say now that my step mom didn't get it I dont think he will either. :'( And the clock is ticking when I have to go to mexico and take off my shirt then everyone will see me.

Offline headheldhigh01

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try again.  if she paid any attention, she's got to have figured it out by now.  it would be really strange for you to care that much about seeing mb's on a bunch of old guys on the beach. 

I just want to kill myself because I feel so bad and insecure about something as stupid as gyne.
don't sweat it.  gyne is nasty for what it puts men through.  you just got handed a tough row to hoe. 

Offline Zdew

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Well I didn't really act like I cared, she said "you don't want to see the man boobs on your step dad?" And I just laughed and said ya like I was talking about that.

I think I might have a better chance with my dad because he might of had it as a kid and could relate and know what I was talking about. It is just astounding to me how oblivious parents can be to these things.

If I didn't have my step sisters I wouldnt care that much but I know they will laugh and act grossed out when I take off my shirt.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2007, 02:44:53 AM by Z470 »


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