Author Topic: Coffee  (Read 27527 times)

Offline anon90

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ive been drinking bucket loads of red bull since i was like 12 and thats full of caffine

about the whole height think im only 5 foot 6 and im 18 :(

Offline moobius

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natural caffine (such as that found in tea/coffee) do not create a spike in insulin levels. synthetic caffine (ie red bull and sodas) does cause this spike... think of all the fatties out there who drink nothing but diet soda all day and cant figure out why they aren't losing weight.

reason for this is that coffee and tea contain other chemicals that counter this insulin response to the caffine.

Offline davenport19

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I love coffee! ;D ;D

but they say, that drinking so much coffee is not good to our healthy body? is that true?

Offline Jopet

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Just always put in your minds that "too much is not always good"..
thats it.

Offline GoldenGate

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But after coming back to the coffee. I feel it. I feel it after 1 strong cup. I see it after about 4-5 days.
Could it be coincidence that this happens?
This is very intriguing to me.

Have you seen this thread that I posted?

I definitely notice a LOT of fluctuation... even over a period as short as a couple of days sometimes.  I KNOW it sounds crazy!
If the worst health issue you face is only an aesthetic one - remember it is just that. You can fix it with surgery, or hide it, or deal with it. The bottom line - we are all battling something that shouldn't stop us from missing out on life and living how we want to. Everyone should be so lucky!

Offline Elton

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Hi inquestion,
Coffee has many health benefits also that is why I drink coffee twice in a day.
Coffee is great antioxidant and cut the risk of heart disease, diabetes, dementia, certain types of cancer, Alzheimer disease, cirrhosis and gallstones. Coffee keep you awake and alert and protect from cold, asthma and headache.

Offline Paa_Paw

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You are asking a question of a person who has not been active since January of 2009.

And you resurectd an old thread that should have remained in the archives.

Instead of reviving an old thread such as this it would be better to start a new topic and ask your question there.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Sam66

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Coffee is my favorite thing. I drink at least one cup of coffee in a day. Coffee is good for fat burning. It provides us from many diseases. Coffee is good for fat burning and keeps me active all the day.

Offline moobius

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I love coffe ;D


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