Author Topic: having nightmares about surgery scars!  (Read 4959 times)

Offline simon1321

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I have booked an appointment to have surgery on my left nipple, and am sort of in a dilemma... because i have to pay for the procedure by the 26th of this month (which is next monday), but I am really afraid and starting to worry if there will be a noticeable scar after the surgery. Last night i couldnt sleep, and I had a nightmare, that I ended up with this really ugly scar afterwards

As you can see from the image attached, one of my nipples is slightly puffier than the other (it is only the nipple that is different, not the pec size or anything else, just the nipple). They are both identical in diamater, size etc..., it is just the fact that one is puffier than the other (it sticks out about 1cm, as opposed to the other one). Usually if i put cold water on it, or the weather is cold, the puffiness goes down and they are identical. I know my case is not as bad as others on this forum, but it is really annoying to me having one nipple looking bigger than the other.

The surgery is only for the one nipple, and my doctor said he will make a small circular incision and scrap the fatty tissue out. It would be really gratefull if anybody who has had this operation performed, could tell me how bad the resulting scar is (even if you could send me a picture that would be great). Obviously, everybody scars differently, so if anybody has had this procedure and ended up with a bad scar, please, please, please, let me know... I will cancel the procedure, if i hear from real people that they have ended up with horrible looking scars, because it just isn't worth it. I would be very grateful if some people could get back to me before the 26th....

Cheers, and thanks alot guys
« Last Edit: March 21, 2007, 06:00:00 AM by simon1321 »

Offline gyneman

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Hey Bro!! I had donut procedure which reduces the areola size as well as removing excess skin from the chest region. Yes, I do have scar and at this time they do look really bad. They are a deep red color which circles my areola and to boot the scars are widening. Firstly, I am only 5 weeks post-op..The Plasic surgeon says it takes a good year for the scarring to fade. If the scarring is bad at this time, he suggested scar revision or tattoeing (spelling) which can help blend skin tone. Yes, everyone scars differently, and it's a gamble. In my opinion, the scars are worth it for me because I had excess skin that looked worse. I'm just going to grow my chest hair out so no one will notice. I will try and get some pictures up from my post-op. Good luck with your decision!! ;D

Offline simon1321

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yea man if u can show me some pictures of the aerola scar, it would be great


Offline EricL

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hey there.. i just want to say you arent alone.. im the exact same case as you, except im getting it done on my right nipple... I was worrying about this alll day.. but then i realized that its only gona be on one of the nipples...i think if i had scars on both nipples people would be really really suspicious what the hell u did.. but one of them, its easy to come up with some bullsh*t excuse if u want to hide the fact u had gyno.... anyways good luck mate, i hope u do go ahead for the surgery because i intend to... worst comes to worst.. you will have a scar, but a flat chest.. and maybe a cool new tattoo covering it? but think how nice its gona be having flat nipples! i cant wait!

Offline simon1321

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hey man, I actually cancelled the procedure. I was too scared about the scars, but let me know how ur's goes?
If ur's goes good, I will definetly get mine done ;)

Offline gyneman

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Simon1321, why did you cancel your operation. Scars depend on the skill of your surgeon and how you heal. Are you guys going to the same PS?? You cant judge how your outcome will be from the outcome of someone elses surgery.

Offline simon1321

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i just got scarred from your post saying that you got scars, that look quite noticeable...
did u manage to get any pics of the scarring?

Offline kyleh7616

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how much does the surgery cost, and does insurance cover it, im 17 and have had it since i was about 14

Offline gabbyhey

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Jeez, I don't see anything wrong with your first picture to begin with.  Seriously.  What's the big deal?  Maybe I'm not seeing it at a good angle, but I don't see anything wrong.  I wish I had a chest that looked like that, and I'm post op.

Offline jonny_g

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I really don't think you need surgery, I can barely see anything  :)

Offline simon1321

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(in reply to the 17year old)
If i went ahead with the procedure the cost was $900. Unfortunatley, no insurance doesn't pay for it, but medicare give you back around 30% of the procedure costs... hope this helps answer your question


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