Author Topic: Question about Purse String for Dr. B  (Read 5143 times)

Offline tittyman1111

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Dr. B,
I had areola reduction surgery 2 months ago.
Looked great with sutures in, then he took them out and they got puffy again. He wants to do a revision with no reduction, just putting a purse string suture in. I figure this will be great because it will tighten it back to how it was when i had my sutures in.

However, he said the only risk was that sometimes purse strings can loosen over time. I asked if he could fix it if it happened, and he said "i dont want to make this an on going maintenence procedure". So I have some concerns...

1. what are the chances the purse string will loosen? (lifting weights is my life, and i am very active)

2. What can be done if it loosens?

3. Is this technique usually very successful?

Thanks Dr. B or anyone else.

Offline gyneman

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Tittyman, when you say that your areola are puffy. How puffy are they because you can never achieve totally flat areola. Are you sure your expectations are realistic? The more you go under the knife, the more of a chance something will get F'ed up!!

Offline tittyman1111

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hi Gyne,
they arnt exactly puffy anymore...they are more "saggy" is thta makes sense...they protrude a lil more than i would like...but also when i lean over they sag off the chest it looks gross.

My doc is really cautious and hesitant about alot of stuff, but he is the one who recommended the revision (free of charge) he can obviously see the problem and its not just "in my head".

I have healed up really well from my last 3 surgerys...u can barely tell unless u look real hard. I am just no satisfied with the results.


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Dr. B,
I had areola reduction surgery 2 months ago.
Looked great with sutures in, then he took them out and they got puffy again. He wants to do a revision with no reduction, just putting a purse string suture in. I figure this will be great because it will tighten it back to how it was when i had my sutures in.

However, he said the only risk was that sometimes purse strings can loosen over time. I asked if he could fix it if it happened, and he said "i dont want to make this an on going maintenence procedure". So I have some concerns...

1. what are the chances the purse string will loosen? (lifting weights is my life, and i am very active)

2. What can be done if it loosens?

3. Is this technique usually very successful?

Thanks Dr. B or anyone else.

Areola Reduction Surgery can have many risks and problems better discussed during a consultation after an evaluation.  There are many techniques to tighten the skin and remove areola, each has their own compromises.  Depending on sutures to hold tissues at a smaller size is a real risk as seen in the example below where I revised a mess from Australia surgeon's use of dissolvable sutures.  Permanent sutures can break, stretch, and get infected.  Such risks are better explored during a consultation after an evaluation.

Warning Graphing During Gynecomastia Areola Reduction Surgery Pictures

You can see actual pictures during a  Revision Donut Mastopexy Areola Reduction Surgery here

Photographs during surgery to reduce big areola continue here. and there are more Pictures during surgery to reduce male areola here.

Just sculpting under the areola can result in smaller diameters, but it is in the projection or "puffiness" of the areola that sculpture behind excels.  Check out the many before after pictures of this

Nipple Areola Reduction Gallery
Male Nipple Areola Reduction Gallery
Nipple Areola Reduced Gallery.  These results are typical for my sculpture of my patients.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline gyneman

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It seems as if you have some loose skin. I just had an areola reduction 6 weeks ago which removed excess skin as well as reduction of areola diameter. The first week everything was tight, now when I lean over, just like you, loose skin is back. I don't know what to do. I'm sick of going under the knife. I am still a little bit puffy still too. I'm just going to deal with it. I'm sick of this gyne running my life. Good luck to you bro!!

Offline tittyman1111

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Dr. B, could you answer my three questions for me?

Did he only take off areola, or did ur PS also take away chest skin from around the areola as well? mine was only aerola skin.

Offline gyneman

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Tittyman, he made my areola diameter smaller as well as removing loose skin. He told me we could do a free nipple graft, which removes the areola but he said it looks horrible and the scars are very noticeable. Plus there is more of a chance losing the nipple with a free nipple graft. My PS told me the scars are hideous on a free nipple graft.

Offline tittyman1111

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results? stayed tight? my doc told me he is going to do it to me, but he said it could loosen over time...i dont know why it would if he did it correctly. Let me know...


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