Author Topic: Surgeons in Edmonton, ALB? recommendations...  (Read 4269 times)

Offline iginla23

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can anyone recommend who to get surgery done by in edmonton, or calgary? thanks a lot

Offline iginla23

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Offline Grandpa Bambu

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You might want to consider flying to Toronto for surgery with Dr. Fielding. His lipo fee is approx $1500 right now. Health Care pays the rest of surgical cost.

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline crank

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Well, I can tell you I had a bad experience with Dr.Giuffre when i had the gyno removed in '97. I had to have one side re-done because of his unwillingness to put in a drain. I had gyno quite bad and the pooling of the blood into the cavity left once the tissue was removed was substantial. He didn't see the need to put in a drain and I ended up with a massive clump of scar tissue under one nipple. After 6 months of physio (ultra-sound and manual manipulation) solved nothing other than emptying my bank account, I had it re-done again by him (he paid or else I would not have went back to him...) and again he didn't put in a drain. I went to my regular Dr. about a week later and he drained about 1-200ml of blood from the cavity. He said it would continue to fill up with blood for some time, so I bought myself a box of syringes and for the next few months I DAILY jammed a needle right under my nipple and drained the blood out...pulling maybe 50cc a day...anyways it worked and my chest looked okay...but I have always had a tiny bit of scar tissue and numbness on that side. I'm looking at getting it touched up and can tell you that I would fly 1/2 way around the world to get the right Dr. to do it....I'm considering the guy in Virginia...Dr.Berman.
But I heard from a Dr. friend that some Dr.s have put it thru on Alberta Health care...don't know if it's true, but worth investiging...

Offline alenelynch

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Dr. Graham welcomes you to his plastic and reconstructive surgery practice in Calgary, Alberta. Dr. Graham provides high quality surgical care using his skills from training and practicing in both Canada and the United States. He provides you with a relaxing and comfortable experience, with compassionate, patient centered care.


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