Author Topic: Your opinions on Dr Fielding?  (Read 4656 times)

Offline worriedyoungman

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Hi I'm considering getting surgery with doctor fielding but I can't help but wonder if that's such a good idea. From what I read on the forums it seems like Dr Fielding is the type of doctor that (I'm sorry I tried but I don't think there's any nice way to say this) doesn't care much for his patients. I mean, you know how some doctors have a really good rep but really bad attitude but people still go to them because their rep? Is Dr Fielding like that? I mean I hear you don't see him after surgery for 7 days or more and that now he brings in med students to help him with surgery or maybe just observe.

But I guess like most of the people here, I wouldn't mind if he had an attitude or didn't care much, as long as he does a good job, everything will be worth it! But then I read a lot of people here say they had their surgery with him and have creases and concavities on their LHS, so is he really that good? I mean, isn't a concavity really kind of bad if you think about it? You may not have gyne anymore but having a huge crease on your chest isn't quite normal or good looking either. It's definately better then having gyne but it's still an imperfection or a mistake right? And what's worse then gyne is that you can't correct a concavity afterwards. Also, if the doctor is repeatedly making the same mistake, doesn't that mean he's well... crappy?

I'm sorry I don't mean to sound ungreatful or hostile or anything like that, it's just... this is kinda my body and I just want to make the best possible descision. I know it sounds selfish, but it's your body! It may not be your soul but it's still a part of what makes you, you. And you kinda have to live with this for the rest of your life.

I know doctors make mistakes, and it's a risk you have to take. But should I be thinking more about a doctor's rep for his results or a doctor's rep for caring about his patients? If I went to a doctor with a good rep for his results but didn't care for his patients, and had gotten bad results I'de be furious at the Doctor but more furious at myself for going to a doctor like that. On the other hand if I went to a doctor that had a good rep for caring instead of results and had bad results, I'de know that the doctor tried his best and that I tried my best as well by going to someone that cares. I guess I'm just trying to figure out which category Dr Fielding fits in. I keep asking myself "Which is better, a doctor that cares more or a doctor that has a better rep for results?", "Does Dr Fielding care?", "If he doesn't, is he so good that it doesn't matter anyway?", "Is he proffesional and makes sure he does the best he can or atleast makes sure he puts in the same ammount of effort into all his patients' surgery?"

Anyhoo, these are just some of the really stressful things going through my mind. Things I can't help but think about.I know there's no way to really know a doctor unless you're him. But since so many people here have had surgery with him, hopefully you guys can't paint a clearer portrait of him for me. So please let me know what you think of the doc! If I offended anyone with this post in any way I'm sorry, I just had to share what was going through my head before it exploded.  :-\

Offline MRD

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I'm going to tell you about Dr. Fielding from my own experience. I really think he is a very good PS and one of the most popular in Canada when it comes to gynecomastia. Guys from Vancouver and Montreal come here just so they can get it done with him.
As for the 'not caring about his patients' part, i don't think that is true. He is a VERY friendly guy and explained everything to me, answered all questions and made the whole experience easy for me. I am currently 3 weeks post op. The reason why you don't see him until a week after surgery is because there really is no need. For the first week you have a compression vest on with foam pads underneath, and you are advised to not move around too much, and NOT remove the wrap or the pads. So really for 1 week you don't do anything but take it easy. After that 1 week is when you go in to see him, he removes the pads and that is when you discuss your initial result. After that he advises you to wait 3 months before seeing him again, to give yourself time to heal, but if theres any problems you can schedule an appointment also. 

In terms of results, I myself am very satisfied, i actually didn't expect such good results. Yes, i did have a slight concavity on my left side, but its very small and its only noticeable when i flexed my chest muscle. But the good news is that i have noticed an imporvement in the past few days and it seems to be getting better, and im only 3 weeks post-op. Once i start working out again and build up some chest muscle it will probably be gone completely. Here is a link to my before and after pictures, most of the after pics are just over 1 week post-op and some are close to 2 weeks.,9516.0.html

If you have any specific questions please list them and i'll do my best to answer.

Offline brebguy

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dont worry about asking those questions. it is perfectly normal.

i'll try to answer as much as i can.

first off, when it comes to Fielding's attitude with patients, i cant really complain. he sees his patients after 7 days because this is when you can remove the pads that are glued to your chest, which means before that, there is no point cause he wont be able to see your chest.

he usually comes the day after surgery to check up on you, give you the last instructions before you go home and make sure you did not develop hematomas.

as for students, i beleive it is mandatory procedure when you work in a hospital. they are not here to help him but to learn from him. i have to say that i too was concern to see students in the room cause frankly, i went to Fielding because he had a lot of experience. now a newly graduated doctor might perform surgery on me. well i figured it was ok i mean the guy is still there and will say something if the new doctor is doing it wrong. plus, most of the times, interns dont actually perform the surgery but watch and answer the residents questions, like what should we do next or how deep should we cut...

i dont think it is fare to say that he doesnt care. i think he does, but i also think that he is not equipped to give his patients more attention (say like Lista for example). Fielding has 1 staff (Leslie and i dont believe she was medically trained) compared to cosmetic surgery clinics like Listas who have a permanent staff of nurse and medical assistant. of course you will get more attention and service, this is what you are paying for mostly (the difference in price between Fielding (1000-1500$) and Lista (4000-5000) comes from the insurance but also, and i would say mostly, from the fact that he has a staff to pay and facilities to manage where as Fielding operates in hospitals with hospital nurses and so on).

when it comes to paying more attention to his rep or to his attitude, i think it should always be a combination of both because even if the surgery went well, if you fail to cath an hematoma or any other problem after surgery, the result wont be good either.
but generally all doctors provide good follow up reviews. i think in Fielding's case, because of the fact that so many of his patients are not in Toronto, most patients only see him once after surgery.

but generally he likes to see them after 7 days and after a few weeks.

so i dont think there is a MOST important aspect to look at between those two. you need to make sure you feel comfortable with the doctor and adress any concern with him. everybody's different.

now, as for the results. i heard as many people who were unsatisfied with Lista and with Fielding (actually, a little less with Fielding). the ones that were not satisfied with Fielding say that they think he could have removed more fat. they also say that they still look a lot better than before surgery but its not perfect (might i remind you that you should never expect perfection after cosmetic surgery but amelioration of your condition). in the case of Lista, i hear a few of them say that they still feel gland (which to me is worse).

in my case, the result is not better than before surgery but it is so identical to what i looked like before that there must be something else, i dont think it was a manipulation problem from Fielding.

it is a stressful situation and a hard decision to take but ask as many question as you want until you are fully satisfied. if you are not comfortable, it is not the time. plus you have to stay realistic about your results and dont expect too look like a Calvin Klein supermodel, cause you will not be satisfied. in my case, i always thought that even after surgery, my "breasts" would show a little bit more than people who dont have gyne but if it could be reduced, i'm sure people would stop teasing me for having bigger breasts than some girls.  :-\

sorry for the long post. hope that helps.

surgery did not work...:-(
Dr. Fielding (TO - Ontario : 416.766.8890) on august 9th, 2006 and revision on september 21st, 2007

Offline supaaman

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Don't worry, you are in good hands.  He was great to deal with and did a good job.  I felt comfortable all the way through the process.  I am 8 mths post-op and about 80% satisfied.  Key is to expect and improvement, but not miracles or complete cure.  I suspect that the whole thing could also be helped by getting in good shape as well (which I have not really done).  But, now I totally feel comfortable in t-shirts (not the case previously).  Only problem is that I do not have 100% symmetry (LHS a little larger).  I live in Vancouver, so it's not easy to go back and get a revision, but I may look into that.  However, i have no visible scars on the skin, nor any scarring inside.  I did have some lumps, etc inside after the procedure (internal scarring) but that slowly disappeared (I did not do very much massage either).  Overall, totally worth it.
JCF  Success Story - Surgery Aug 23, 2006

Offline Give me Life

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As others says, Dr. Fielding is really a nice person and a nice doctor as well. It is totally unfair to say he don't care about his patients. I am from Toronto and had my surgery in Sept 2006 and till the date I have seen him 4 times without any problem. He is really a nice person.

Now regards to result, everuone has different case. Some people has big breast and some has small. For people with small size gets the desire result very soon as they don't have much to remove at first place. Where people with lots of gland and fat (big boobs, like me) have another problem after surgery that is skin problem. He well explained me before surgery that I should except full result after 12 months. And he can't take out everything from cheast else skin and nipple will indent (i think he used"will drop down") and that will look really bad when without shirt. So he leave some fat (no gland) and that takes time to reduce and skin shrink meanwhile to body to get complete flat cheast. But like me other fellow lose patient. Or may be I am somewhat jealouse with other friends who got early satisfied result. But in short, he is really good doctor and will explain you everything in detail. And seeing him, if you are in Toronto or near by than it's not a problem. You can see him n hospital or at his clinic. As I have seen him twice in hospital after my surgery and then in his clinic. So he is really accesible if you really need to see him.

Tell you the truth, if I have to go again for surgery, definetly, I will go with him again.
Surgery done on Sept 6th, 2006 with Dr. Fielding - Toronto. Not 100% cured but will get there for sure !!!

Revision done on December 7th, 2007. Let's hope for best !!!

Dr. Fielding
Suite #401, 2425 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Tel: 416.766.88

Offline Dadadaboom

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In terms of technical competence and getting a good result, I think surgery with Dr. F is as good as it can get. The problem is not with Dr. F, but with the limitations of surgery. Re-growth seems to be a problem for some guys, and swelling takes forever to go away for all guys. His being cheap is just a bonus - i.e. I didn't go to him because he was cheap, I went because he was good. From what I've read, he does a better job than Lista, who is a lot more expensive.

He is very pleasant to be around and has an excellent bed-side manner as they say. Whether this is because he "cares" or because he's just spent a long time polishing his personality is impossible to know - how much does anyone really "care" about anyone else? (I guess this is sort of a philosophical question.) But, what's more important is that he takes pride in his work - so in that sense he "cares", regardless of whether he cares about you as a person or not.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Let's put it this way....

JCF is   DA MAN!

Dr. Fielding is a very nice man. He puts you at ease and does not talk down to you.

From the initial consultation, to post-op follow up, my GRS experience was a good one.

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline worriedyoungman

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Hey guys, thank you all so much for all your help! I am going to make an appointment to see Dr. Fielding as soon as I can. Once again thanks everyone for helpin' me out, I just couldn't stop thinking about all of those things and it was good to get it off my chest. I guess I really needed to ask those questions o put myself at ease. Hopefully things will go well, if not I'll know the Doc tried his best!

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Hey guys, thank you all so much for all your help!

You're welcome dude.... ;)



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