Author Topic: Help  (Read 1853 times)


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Hi everyone,  firstly I would like to thank everyone who contributes to this board as it is a big help to me.  I have been suffering from gyne for, well as long as I can remember.  Even in high school I wouldn't take my shirt off and I am now 24.  Gyne is really affecting me and I need something done about it, no-one has seen me topless since I was 11!  I have a regular appointment with my GP in June as I am going to America for the summer and need a medical, can I bring up this subject with my regular GP and see what he thinks?  I have tried losing weight and such ( I am 5ft 10 and weigh 14st) but I feel really self confident going to the gym and I never wear a t-shirt on it's own.  I have issues talking to anyone about this as I feel people will make fun, and it has happened in the past, no-one in my family knows I has issues with this (mentally) nor do any of my friends.

Has anyone seen a GP about this in Somerset at all or know if it is possible to do it there? Or I am at uni in Glamorgan (nr Cardiff) so would it be possible to get it done around there somewhere? As I am a student I can't afford to go privately so would have to be NHS.

Thanks in advance


Offline 15ineedhelp

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Its possible to get treatment on the NHS,  but many people prefer going private.
Im on the same position as you, i cant go private im still in school.
last week i went to see my GP. He told me to get the blood tests and come back (He said after the blood test we can look at options like surgery, When you go to your GP tell him how its killing you inside and you just cant live with it anymore.

Btw this is my first post so ill just like to say Hi to everyone.

Offline mustard

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I know how you are feeling dude. Shame there is not a DIY kit available. Will keep in touch, i guess ill be following you step by step, making an appointment with my gp in the morning, if i can face telling her my problem? goodluck man!


Offline Diesel

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Most cities provide treatment from what I've seen, but the quality differs. The surgeon I went to see was really unconvincing, and although I'm no doctor, some of the things he told me really didn't fill me with confidence. Theres other doctors who have gathered credible reputations though, from doing more ops and specialising in the treatment.
Deffinately bring it up with your GP, I felt (I'm sure most people also did) awkward and a bit embarassed about it at first but I've spoken to 2 GP's now and both were really reassuring straight away because they'd dealt with other patients much more frequently than I had thought.

Good luck, keep updating  8)


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